DA, DA, DA, DA, DA, DA......CHARGE !!!!!!! WE ARE THE PITTSBURGH STEELERS !!I don't think I've heard a Steelers song I've liked since the Polka.
The techno remix done on the X is flippin incredible! “Ready Steady Go”DA, DA, DA, DA, DA, DA......CHARGE !!!!!!! WE ARE THE PITTSBURGH STEELERS !!I don't think I've heard a Steelers song I've liked since the Polka.
Catchy tune....I dig it.Maybe my expectations were very low, but that was better than I expected it to be.
GO STEELERS!!!(click link)
That's really bad.
:understatement: :XThat's really bad.
I thought the "rap" part of rap song would cover that.Ick.
Plus, can we get a warning for the language? It's not good...at all.
Heh...you can have rap without the language.Remember that awful kid who did the Indy one earlier? At least it was clean.I thought the "rap" part of rap video would cover that.Ick.
Plus, can we get a warning for the language? It's not good...at all.
Reggie Wayne is not just homiez with any foul-mouthed kid. <_<Heh...you can have rap without the language.Remember that awful kid who did the Indy one earlier? At least it was clean.I thought the "rap" part of rap video would cover that.Ick.
Plus, can we get a warning for the language? It's not good...at all.
That one is superb
Right click on the link. Then choose either "save target as" or "save link as" depending on the browser you are using. That should work.EDIT: This works for mp3 files. I'm not sure about the videos.is there a way to save "One for the thumb" to my computer?