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  • What type of music do you like, and I’ll try to match you with a few Genesis songs that may appeal to you. They have an eclectic catalog so to recommend some generic song will probably not work.

    Rock.  Don't like a lot of keyboard or organ and don't like songs that meander.  

    Not meandering cuts down their catalog quite a bit but they did tighten up their arrangements after the 70s. Even though there are some keys in it, I might recommend Los Endos from Trick of the Tail.

    In Peter's heyday, they rocked hardest on the double-album The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. Of those songs, you might start with Fly on a Windshield (

    I started a thread in this vein.

    Thanks for the appreciation for my post in the Raider thread -- definitely appreciated, and only looking to add as much value as you have to Raider-related threads, if that's even possible!

    Thanks again,


    You have quickly become one of the better Raider posters.  Love your realistic insight.  Things are looking up for us this season.  Should be a great season.

    Stompin' Tom Connors
    Stompin' Tom Connors
    Thanks! Always have seen you as one of the great stalwarts of any Raiders thread -- go Raiders!

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