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FBG Standard Scoring Team Defense (1 Viewer)


I've been googling and searching through the forums for about an hour, with no luck. Would some kind soul post the FBG Standard Scoring for Team Defense? TIA. :thumbup:

6 pts for all defensive/special teams TDs

2 pts for all fumble recoveries

2 pts per interceptions

2 pts per safety

1 point per sack

(5000 - yards allowed over entire season)/20

(300 - points allowed over entire season)/3

Ok, so how would they figure this out on a per game basis? Divide the points again and yardage figures by 17?

Ok, so how would they figure this out on a per game basis? Divide the points again and yardage figures by 17?
Each team plays 16 games in a year even though there are 17 weeks.
:wall: Thanks for the reminder. I'm failing at not seeming like an FF newb.


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