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Jerry Sandusky accused of child molestation (2 Viewers)

Pretty clear that for Paterno it was football above everything...including the destruction of the lives of children.I guess all that talk about honor was just that...all talk.
Time to step down from the bully pulpit imo.Preferential treatment exists at every major program, bar none. If you want to clean house across every institution, go for it, but this particular issue is not a "Penn State" issue.
John 8

1 Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.

2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.

3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

And no, I wasn't implying that "the rest of you" do not know, I was stating that the person who tried to misuse the verses about judging and casting stones doesn't know. Because if they knew, they wouldn't try to apply those verses inappropriately. I have no idea what the rest of you know or don't know.
Why are you referring to me as "they" when you've been told I am a she? You are right that I am not interested in a bible study, but I'm not quoting a verse when I say that you have been judging and casting stones. I'm not trying to pick on you, but you speak of Paterno not talking the talk, but do you practice what you preach? Do you lead by example when you are not in the church? I get a sense that you are enjoying the implosion of Paterno. Have you said a prayer for him?
And no, I wasn't implying that "the rest of you" do not know, I was stating that the person who tried to misuse the verses about judging and casting stones doesn't know. Because if they knew, they wouldn't try to apply those verses inappropriately. I have no idea what the rest of you know or don't know.
Why are you referring to me as "they" when you've been told I am a she? You are right that I am not interested in a bible study, but I'm not quoting a verse when I say that you have been judging and casting stones. I'm not trying to pick on you, but you speak of Paterno not talking the talk, but do you practice what you preach? Do you lead by example when you are not in the church? I get a sense that you are enjoying the implosion of Paterno. Have you said a prayer for him?
I've been very clear in this thread about the reasons that I am so passionate about this particular subject. I take no joy in any of this, including the consequences that come as a result of what has happened. But the consequences are needed. God is a God of love, but He is also a God of justice. When we commit horrible acts, there is a price to be paid. Forgiveness can and will be granted, but that does not absolve you of all payment of the penalties that are deserved.And yes, I have prayed for Paterno...and Sandusky...and everyone else involved. They all need one thing. The same thing we all need...salvation by grace through faith in Christ.
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Pretty clear that for Paterno it was football above everything...including the destruction of the lives of children.I guess all that talk about honor was just that...all talk.
Aren't you a preacher by profession? I'm curious because I've seen you continously judge and cast stones.
I could explain what Jesus meant (and more importantly, what He didn't mean) when He used both of those of those phrases (if He even used the second phrase), but I'm not sure you'd really be interested.
and you know the answer to this better than simey because you asked Him yourself or because your dogma dictates that you judge and be condescending?
Who said I knew the answer? I said I wasn't sure that he'd really be interested. So I didn't explain. If he wants to know my answer he's free to ask. :shrug:
Crosseyed, you didn't say "what I believe Jesus meant" you said "what Jesus meant" as if there is no question that your interpretation is correct...
Exclusive: Jerry Sandusky case sees two new child abuse investigations where alleged victims are under 18Published: Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 2:09 PM Updated: Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 3:27 PM By SARA GANIM, The Patriot-News ANDY COLWELL, For The Patriot-NewsTwo cases of child abuse alleged against Jerry Sandusky have been opened by Children and Youth Services in Pennsylvania.The cases were reported less than 60 days ago, and so they are still in the initial stages of the investigation.If they are found to be credible, these would be the first known cases to be reported since Sandusky’s arrest that involve current children. All of the other publicly known cases of alleged victims coming forward have been adults.In Pennsylvania, when an adult comes forward and alleges abuse -- even if it happened when that person was a child -- it’s solely a police matter. CYS only participates in the investigation if the victim is still under 18.This new information could give credence to a growing debate over whether Sandusky should have been arrested more quickly. When a 15-year-old Clinton County boy first alleged crimes against the former football legend and charity founder, police opted to open a grand jury investigation instead of making an immediate arrest.It was a surprise move to the family of the boy, now known as Victim One.And, it became a point of wonder for others in law enforcement when The Patriot-News first reported earlier this month that, for the first 15 months of the investigation against Sandusky, there was only one state trooper assigned to the case.It wasn’t until the fall of 2010 that agents from the state Attorney General’s office got involved, and then when then-Attorney General Tom Corbett was elected Governor and took office in January 2011, he appointed state police commissioner Frank Noonan, who increased the number of investigators to eight.That was when things really started to take off. It wasn’t until January 2011 that Joe Paterno, fomer athletic director Tim Curley and vice president Gary Schultz testified. It wasn’t until April that officials from The Second Mile testified.None of the other seven cases of alleged abuse, outlined in the grand jury presentment, were known until more investigators joined the team.The 1998 police report -- which never led to charges when investigated by missing district attorney Ray Gricar -- wasn’t found until late 2010. That file was found around the same time that assistant coach Mike McQueary was contacted for the first time by police.McQueary testified before the grand jury that he’d witnessed abuse in 2002 and reported it to Schultz and Curley, but nothing ever came of that investigation.As a result of his testimony, Curley and Schultz were charged with perjury and failure to report a crime.But none of the cover-up investigation began until 2011. And it wasn’t until after The Patriot-News broke the story of the investigation in March of this year, that officials from the Clinton County school district where Sandusky had allegedly spent time with Victim One were subpoenaed.Gricar’s former staff members were not interviewed until after March 2011.And Jerry Sandusky’s home was not searched until this summer — two and half years after the investigation began.In response to questions about the length of the investigation, Corbett said yesterday:“The one thing you do not want to do as a prosecutor is go on one case. ... You want to show a continued course of action.”If a first set of charges are filed early and “you were to lose that one case, it would be much more difficult to bring charges in other cases because it would be seen by you, by the public, as vindictive,” he added.Corbett noted that decisions on filing charges or working to build a stronger case are made with the team of investigators. He did not address why only one investigator was assigned to the case until late 2010. His spokesman, Kevin Harley, has said that information is not accurate. However, The Patriot-News confirmed it with several sources close to the investigation.“These are professional prosecutors who are ... making tactical decisions which you all are questioning. And you have the right to question that,” Corbett said. “But these are people who have experience in these fields, and they made decisions that I agreed with when I was there, and that current Attorney General Linda Kelly has agreed with thereafter.”
And no, I wasn't implying that "the rest of you" do not know, I was stating that the person who tried to misuse the verses about judging and casting stones doesn't know. Because if they knew, they wouldn't try to apply those verses inappropriately. I have no idea what the rest of you know or don't know.
Why are you referring to me as "they" when you've been told I am a she? You are right that I am not interested in a bible study, but I'm not quoting a verse when I say that you have been judging and casting stones. I'm not trying to pick on you, but you speak of Paterno not talking the talk, but do you practice what you preach? Do you lead by example when you are not in the church? I get a sense that you are enjoying the implosion of Paterno. Have you said a prayer for him?
I've been very clear in this thread about the reasons that I am so passionate about this particular subject. I take no joy in any of this, including the consequences that come as a result of what has happened. But the consequences are needed. God is a God of love, but He is also a God of justice. When we commit horrible acts, there is a price to be paid. Forgiveness can and will be granted, but that does not absolve you of all payment of the penalties that are deserved.And yes, I have prayed for Paterno...and Sandusky...and everyone else involved. They all need one thing. The same thing we all need...salvation by grace through faith in Christ.
I don't need that. I need for Sandusky to meet an electric chair.

Paterno Fought Penn State Official Over Punishment of Players


In an Aug. 12, 2005, email to Pennsylvania State University President Graham Spanier and others, Vicky Triponey, the university's standards and conduct officer, complained that Mr. Paterno believed she should have "no interest, (or business) holding our football players accountable to our community standards. The Coach is insistent he knows best how to discipline his players…and their status as a student when they commit violations of our standards should NOT be our concern…and I think he was saying we should treat football players different from other students in this regard."

The confrontations came to a head in 2007, according to one former school official, when six football players were charged by police for forcing their way into a campus apartment that April and beating up several students, one of them severely. That September, following a tense meeting with Mr. Paterno over the case, she resigned her post, saying at the time she left because of "philosophical differences."

In 2004, after several incidents involving football players, Mr. Paterno told the Allentown Morning Call newspaper that the players weren't misbehaving any more than usual, but that such news was now more public. "I can go back to a couple guys in the '70s who drove me nuts," he said. "The cops would call me, and I used to put them in bed in my house and run their rear ends off the next day. Nobody knew about it. That's the way we handled it."

In the spring of 2005, Dr. Triponey's office suspended Penn State offensive lineman E.Z. Smith and a teammate for the summer after they were caught shooting arrows through an off-campus apartment wall, according to news reports at the time. In an email that August to Dr. Triponey, Penn State athletic director Curley said that Mr. Paterno was "frustrated" because Mr. Smith couldn't participate in preseason practice.

In August 2005, Mr. Spanier, the university president, suggested that Dr. Triponey meet with Mr. Paterno. Athletic director Curley, assistant athletic Director Fran Ganter and Joe Puzycki, the assistant to Dr. Triponey, also attended the Aug. 11 meeting, according to two people knowledgeable about the meeting. Mr. Paterno loudly criticized Dr. Triponey at the meeting for meddling, these people say.

The following day, Dr. Triponey sent an email to Messrs. Spanier, Curley and Puzycki summarizing the meeting and sharing her thoughts and concerns. In the email, which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, she said that football players were getting in trouble at a "disproportionate rate" from other students, often for serious acts. She said her staff had tried to work with the athletic department, sometimes sharing information, but that whenever her department initiated an investigation into a football player, the phones lit up. "The calls and pleas from coaches, Board members, and others when we are considering a case are, indeed, putting us in a position that does treat football players differently and with greater privilege."

Dr. Triponey also wrote that Mr. Paterno believed that the school's code of conduct should not apply to any incidents that take place off campus—that those should be handled by police—and they shouldn't be allowed to affect anyone's status as a student.

"Coach Paterno would rather we NOT inform the public when a football player is found responsible for committing a serious violation of the law and/or our student code," she wrote, "despite any moral or legal obligation to do so."

In a meeting with Messrs. Paterno and Spanier and others, Dr. Triponey complained that the players were stonewalling her and suggested that Mr. Paterno ought to compel them to be truthful, according to one person familiar with the meeting. Mr. Paterno angrily responded that his players couldn't be expected to cooperate with the school's disciplinary process because, in this case, they would have to testify against each other, making it hard to play football together, these people say.
Damn. I guess I am horribly naive, but I thought this was the type of stuff that only happened at other schools. I always thought Penn State was this magical place where Paterno just taught his kids right and they didn't #### up. Now not only were they just like every program in the aspect of allowing the kids in the program to get way with crime, but the Sandusky stuff in addition makes it the most horrible program in NCAA history. Makes me puke.
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Pretty clear that for Paterno it was football above everything...including the destruction of the lives of children.I guess all that talk about honor was just that...all talk.
Aren't you a preacher by profession? I'm curious because I've seen you continously judge and cast stones.
I'd say it's obligatory to cast stones toward a guy that knowingly allowed this horrible stuff to happen, especially under the BS guise of being a principled human.
This is really a shame.

Alleged Jerry Sandusky victim leaves school because of bullying, counselor saysPublished: Sunday, November 20, 2011, 7:10 PM Updated: Monday, November 21, 2011, 7:06 AM By SARA GANIM, The Patriot-News Victim One, the first known alleged victim of abuse by former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky, had to leave his school in the middle of his senior year because of bullying, his counselor said Sunday. Officials at Central Mountain High School in Clinton County weren’t providing guidance for fellow students, who were reacting badly about Joe Paterno’s firing and blaming the 17-year-old, said Mike Gillum, the psychologist helping his family. Those officials were unavailable for comment this weekend. The name-calling and verbal threats were just too much, he said. Other alleged victims are turning to each other for support, since they fear others will out them and cause a media swarm. The only encouragement for Victim One, Gillum said, is watching other alleged victims come forward because they felt empowered by his courage. “He feels good about that,” Gillum said. “That’s the one good that’s come of all this.”
'proninja said:
Looks like it's mock the preacher day here in the FFA
Meh, whatever.Just wanted to point out that I wasn't the person that started that line of discussion, it was simey. So those folks complaining about all the Jesus talk can blame her.
'proninja said:
Looks like it's mock the preacher day here in the FFA
Meh, whatever.Just wanted to point out that I wasn't the person that started that line of discussion, it was simey. So those folks complaining about all the Jesus talk can blame her.
Not to be snarky, but shouldn't we be blaming Jesus?
Jesus is like the big Joe Paterno in the sky.
:lmao:jesus- "I wish I had done more with that Sandusky fellow"
'proninja said:
Looks like it's mock the preacher day here in the FFA
Meh, whatever.Just wanted to point out that I wasn't the person that started that line of discussion, it was simey. So those folks complaining about all the Jesus talk can blame her.
Not to be snarky, but shouldn't we be blaming Jesus?
Jesus is like the big Joe Paterno in the sky.
I like that analogy.Kid - Dad, why does God let bad things happen to people?Dad - Joe Paterno lets bad things happen to people too, and we don't question his motives either.
'proninja said:
Looks like it's mock the preacher day here in the FFA
Meh, whatever.Just wanted to point out that I wasn't the person that started that line of discussion, it was simey. So those folks complaining about all the Jesus talk can blame her.
Not to be snarky, but shouldn't we be blaming Jesus?
Jesus is like the big Joe Paterno in the sky.
I like that analogy.Kid - Dad, why does God let bad things happen to people?Dad - Joe Paterno lets bad things happen to people too, and we don't question his motives either.
This is really a shame.

Alleged Jerry Sandusky victim leaves school because of bullying, counselor saysPublished: Sunday, November 20, 2011, 7:10 PM Updated: Monday, November 21, 2011, 7:06 AM By SARA GANIM, The Patriot-News Victim One, the first known alleged victim of abuse by former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky, had to leave his school in the middle of his senior year because of bullying, his counselor said Sunday. Officials at Central Mountain High School in Clinton County weren’t providing guidance for fellow students, who were reacting badly about Joe Paterno’s firing and blaming the 17-year-old, said Mike Gillum, the psychologist helping his family. Those officials were unavailable for comment this weekend. The name-calling and verbal threats were just too much, he said. Other alleged victims are turning to each other for support, since they fear others will out them and cause a media swarm. The only encouragement for Victim One, Gillum said, is watching other alleged victims come forward because they felt empowered by his courage. “He feels good about that,” Gillum said. “That’s the one good that’s come of all this.”
Unbelievable ...or sadly, all too believable in this day and age. Blaming the victim of abuse? :thumbdown:
This is really a shame.

Alleged Jerry Sandusky victim leaves school because of bullying, counselor saysPublished: Sunday, November 20, 2011, 7:10 PM Updated: Monday, November 21, 2011, 7:06 AM By SARA GANIM, The Patriot-News Victim One, the first known alleged victim of abuse by former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky, had to leave his school in the middle of his senior year because of bullying, his counselor said Sunday. Officials at Central Mountain High School in Clinton County weren’t providing guidance for fellow students, who were reacting badly about Joe Paterno’s firing and blaming the 17-year-old, said Mike Gillum, the psychologist helping his family. Those officials were unavailable for comment this weekend. The name-calling and verbal threats were just too much, he said. Other alleged victims are turning to each other for support, since they fear others will out them and cause a media swarm. The only encouragement for Victim One, Gillum said, is watching other alleged victims come forward because they felt empowered by his courage. “He feels good about that,” Gillum said. “That’s the one good that’s come of all this.”
What a sick little town

Family member said among new cases

One of the two new allegations of child sexual abuse against former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was made by a family member, Sandusky's attorney Joe Amendola said, according to The Patriot-News of Harrisburg.

Amendola said the incident is alleged to have occurred before Sandusky was arrested earlier this month on charges he molested eight boys over a 15-year period, but was not brought to the attention of authorities until after Sandusky was charged, according to the report.

Pennsylvania's Children and Youth Services agency opened preliminary investigations of the two new cases against Sandusky within the last two months, the newspaper reported Tuesday. If the cases are deemed credible, they would be the first allegations made against Sandusky by persons who are still children, according to the report.

Sandusky has maintained he is innocent of the charges.

In Pennsylvania, adult allegations of abuse are handled by police, even if they occurred when the accuser was a child, while CYS' involvement is triggered when allegations involve children younger than 18.

The scandal resulted in the Penn State board of trustees dismissing longtime football coach Joe Paterno and president Graham Spanier, saying the men failed to act after a graduate assistant claimed he saw Sandusky sexually abusing a young boy in a campus shower in 2002.

It also led to charges of failing to properly report suspected abuse and perjury before a grand jury against athletic director Tim Curley and former senior vice president Gary Schultz. Both men have said they are innocent of the charges.

Attorneys for Curley and Schultz wrote to state prosecutors Tuesday to seek grand jury testimony and other information related to their cases.

The attorneys are seeking corroboration of statements by assistant coach Mike McQueary that he told Schultz and Curley he witnessed Sandusky sodomizing a boy in the football team showers in 2002.

The lawyers say that corroboration is required to prove perjury. They also want any information showing McQueary and Sandusky socialized together after the 2002 incident.

The attorney general's office declined to comment.

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'Not Sure said:

Family member said among new cases

One of the two new allegations of child sexual abuse against former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was made by a family member, Sandusky's attorney Joe Amendola said, according to The Patriot-News of Harrisburg.

Amendola said the incident is alleged to have occurred before Sandusky was arrested earlier this month on charges he molested eight boys over a 15-year period, but was not brought to the attention of authorities until after Sandusky was charged, according to the report.

Pennsylvania's Children and Youth Services agency opened preliminary investigations of the two new cases against Sandusky within the last two months, the newspaper reported Tuesday. If the cases are deemed credible, they would be the first allegations made against Sandusky by persons who are still children, according to the report.

Sandusky has maintained he is innocent of the charges.

In Pennsylvania, adult allegations of abuse are handled by police, even if they occurred when the accuser was a child, while CYS' involvement is triggered when allegations involve children younger than 18.

The scandal resulted in the Penn State board of trustees dismissing longtime football coach Joe Paterno and president Graham Spanier, saying the men failed to act after a graduate assistant claimed he saw Sandusky sexually abusing a young boy in a campus shower in 2002.

It also led to charges of failing to properly report suspected abuse and perjury before a grand jury against athletic director Tim Curley and former senior vice president Gary Schultz. Both men have said they are innocent of the charges.

Attorneys for Curley and Schultz wrote to state prosecutors Tuesday to seek grand jury testimony and other information related to their cases.

The attorneys are seeking corroboration of statements by assistant coach Mike McQueary that he told Schultz and Curley he witnessed Sandusky sodomizing a boy in the football team showers in 2002.

The lawyers say that corroboration is required to prove perjury. They also want any information showing McQueary and Sandusky socialized together after the 2002 incident.

The attorney general's office declined to comment.
Knock me over with a feather. I called that #### on page 3.
'proninja said:
Looks like it's mock the preacher day here in the FFA
Meh, whatever.Just wanted to point out that I wasn't the person that started that line of discussion, it was simey. So those folks complaining about all the Jesus talk can blame her.
Not to be snarky, but shouldn't we be blaming Jesus?
Jesus is like the big Joe Paterno in the sky.
I like that analogy.Kid - Dad, why does God let bad things happen to people?Dad - Joe Paterno lets bad things happen to people too, and we don't question his motives either.
This is a terrible tragedy for the Paterno family, obviously they are the real victims here. :rolleyes: To answer your question, I have no idea if she is guilty of anything. But I know those kids that Sandusky abused were not guilty of anything, and they suffered a lot more than lost swimming privileges.

This is a terrible tragedy for the Paterno family, obviously they are the real victims here. :rolleyes: To answer your question, I have no idea if she is guilty of anything. But I know those kids that Sandusky abused were not guilty of anything, and they suffered a lot more than lost swimming privileges.
Well, this should certainly ease their pain.
This is a terrible tragedy for the Paterno family, obviously they are the real victims here. :rolleyes: To answer your question, I have no idea if she is guilty of anything. But I know those kids that Sandusky abused were not guilty of anything, and they suffered a lot more than lost swimming privileges.
So what if they suffered more than lost swimming privileges? Should we rape the Paterno family to even things out? I see no reason Sue should have lost swimming privileges.

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