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***OFFICIAL 'The Walking Dead' TV Series Thread*** (1 Viewer)

I didn't think Andrea gained any points with what went down with the sister but I thought she did a good job of putting Lori in her place. I liked it.
That was nice. Lori sucks.The only problem with Andrea is that she's underutilized, imo. She doesn't seem very popular around here, but I like her.
I like her and loved the scene with her and Lori.
I like her too but I admit I'm biased because I've been a fan of Laurie Holden since her days on "The X-Files." But they appear to be changing Andrea into more of a female bad-### which works for me and I think it helps the show too. Right now, all of the women are primarily passive characters. Andrea isn't or at least it doesn't appear the writers want her to be. I'm guessing we'll see more of that in the future.
'Flying Spaghetti Monster said:
'tdoss said:
'rail said:
'snogger said:
'SacramentoBob said:
Not getting the "Andrea gave Lori a smack down" talk. It just exposed Andrea as a jealous, selfish, lazy ##### IMO. We all knew that though. If she got her face ripped off by zombies next episode, no one would care.
Whew .. thought I was the only one tired of her crap. :hifive:
:hifive: The whole, "let's let a suicidal teenage girl go ahead and make the choice to kill herself" attitude, then intentionally leaving the girl to her own devices, and finally saying "she made her choice, she chose to live" was ridiculous. Chick lost some serious credibility.
Not in my opinion. It was the first time I've agreed with her.We can't have someone just laying around for days feeling sorry for themselves. And just how long has she been like this? If there really was a time in-between the leg being pierced and now healed...how long has this girl been just moping around?And you damn sure cannot devote one or two people to watchdog her every move. Suck it up and join us or check out...but please stop wasting our time and efforts.I know I probably have a bit too much Shane in me but damned if I'm going to coddle you for weeks. Time to siht or get off the pot.
I can agree with this, but then again the young girl just watched her mother being shot to death before her eyes - I know she was a zombie but still that has to leave a mark.In fact I would say that if that happened to my mother - I might be looking for a little payback toward those who did it, in the least I would want to them off my farm.
Mom was a zombie for a long while. I realize it sucks she was put down but mom has been dead a long time.And we don't really know how long she was holed up in that room. If it was enough time for new guy's leg to heal...then that's ridiculous.Suck it up and get busy living or check on out.
Wait, I thought when the series started all it took was to get zombie blood on you and you were infected? :confused:
Had to be in the eyes or a scratch. But seems pretty incredulous that they aren't getting infected by splatter when they kill zombies. Like this episode, they should have road rash from fighting, and Shane cut his hand and used that same hand to kill with a knife. I'd think chances are slim they don't get infected fluids into their cuts.
There's a very obvious reason why they don't get infected by zombies.
'Mario Kart said:
The issue with an unihabited island is that no infrastructure is set up. There needs to be some kind of farming or sustenance set up so the survivors have an advantage.Islands like Hawaii or Iceland would be best. Sure, there are zombies there but the plane that is taken with a cache of weapons could take over the islands. Start on the small island, clear it, move to the next one, cautiously but systematically. With patience, canned goods brought from the mainland, weapons, ammo, it could be done. This method is what would need to happen to overtake land again. Get some good sharp shooters and lure the zombies to the beach and shoot them from a boat. That's the way to go.
You've split the difference....at least in regards to WWZ. Part of the US government operates out of Hawaii....so it isn't bad. Iceland is the most infected place on the planet.
Wait, I thought when the series started all it took was to get zombie blood on you and you were infected? :confused:
Had to be in the eyes or a scratch. But seems pretty incredulous that they aren't getting infected by splatter when they kill zombies. Like this episode, they should have road rash from fighting, and Shane cut his hand and used that same hand to kill with a knife. I'd think chances are slim they don't get infected fluids into their cuts.
There's a very obvious reason why they don't get infected by zombies.
Do you mean obvious in the obvious sense or are we talking in the "Lost" sense of obvious? Huge difference.I mean I could suppose that this is all happening inside Rick's head in a coma dream while be is recovering from being shot.
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Wait, I thought when the series started all it took was to get zombie blood on you and you were infected? :confused:
Had to be in the eyes or a scratch. But seems pretty incredulous that they aren't getting infected by splatter when they kill zombies. Like this episode, they should have road rash from fighting, and Shane cut his hand and used that same hand to kill with a knife. I'd think chances are slim they don't get infected fluids into their cuts.
There's a very obvious reason why they don't get infected by zombies.
why is that?Spoilers if necessary
'slayer666 said:
'tdoss said:
I didn't know anything about a governor until this thread...but don't really think it's that big a deal but would like stuff like that kept to a minimum and taken over to the comic thread. I don't even watch previews of the next week because I like to be surprised by the show.As for the show...I love it. I do...but so many things piss me off continuously.You kill two security guards and you don't immediately take their weapons and ammo? Come on man...that just absolutely kills me.You find a bus...but don't think to check it's fuel tank and see if it runs? Do you have any idea the freakin vehicles I'd be rolling around in? Trust me people...come with me, we'll be living great in one of those "Girls Gone Wild" buses.You've deal with a crap-ton of zombies at this school...and now that there's only 3 left...you decide to book it out of town? Screw that...kill those last three and lets explore this entire area for other supplies and such.How the hell does this guy go from piercing his leg on a fence post to standing, walking and planting his weight enough to fight off a zombie and stab it multiple times. Maybe on one leg but we see him fully standing on both. I had a serious problem with that moment.I thought the head shot through the mouth was cool but was a bit unnecessary and man, why waste that many bullets? One more zombie comes through that window and you're toast.I wonder about the guards with no bites. Are they setting it up for other ways to catch this? Seems a bit unlikely since we've seen our characters almost completely bath in zombie blood and parts while also having injuries and open wounds. But I think I'll just have to let that one go and roll with whatever the show is setting up.
:goodposting: I thought this was the worst episode of the season. Why drive the kid with the bad wheel 18 miles into town and dump him off. Just deadline his ###, it would have been the more humane thing to do. I was feeling pretty good about the show after the second episode, but last night was a total buzz kill for me. :thumbdown:
Watched the whole episode again and rick says lets drop the kid off and then scavange some supplies. So they left the securuty guards gun and ammo thinking they would grab it on the way out. Again im guessing they didnt check for fuel in the bus because they werent really there for that reason, the hunt for some supplies was just an after thought. It wasnt a school its was a DPW and there were at least 8 zombies still alive when they left, and who kmows how many more in some other building, it was a big area with a lot of buildings. The kid was noticably favoring the bad leg and was hopping around at times. Rick was pretty freaked out as he was shooting his gun thru the zombies mouth so the fact he kept firing even after he was out of bullets shows that , kinda hard to be thinking rationally when you have almost 600 lbs of zombies laying on you.As far as the infection goes i dont think you get infected by blood to blood (unlike the movie 28 days later) i think if you get bit and you get AN infection and you get sick and die you will become a zombie , and thats because of whats already been discussed in the spoilers when the CDC guy whispered in ricks ear.And who`s to say the lone walker in the field hadnt crossed the road and was on the other side walking in opposite direction.
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'SacramentoBob said:
'beer 30 said:
I'll give you a shot at turning back now since this is a pretty big spoiler but. . .

My take was when Shane mentioned there were no bite marks, Rick was confirming that because of what the scientist told him when he whispered to Rick at the CDC, essentially that everyone is infected. Yes, no?
This was my take also. Someone mentioned in this thread about the group not being intellectually curious enough about the zombie outbreak. Well, here's some of that, from Shane no less.The last 3 episodes have been really good overall. Show is finally starting to find its groove.

totally agree with this and I have been a harsh critic
'Mario Kart said:
The issue with an unihabited island is that no infrastructure is set up. There needs to be some kind of farming or sustenance set up so the survivors have an advantage.Islands like Hawaii or Iceland would be best. Sure, there are zombies there but the plane that is taken with a cache of weapons could take over the islands. Start on the small island, clear it, move to the next one, cautiously but systematically. With patience, canned goods brought from the mainland, weapons, ammo, it could be done. This method is what would need to happen to overtake land again. Get some good sharp shooters and lure the zombies to the beach and shoot them from a boat. That's the way to go.
You've split the difference....at least in regards to WWZ. Part of the US government operates out of Hawaii....so it isn't bad. Iceland is the most infected place on the planet.
I've never read or wiki'ed WWZ. Just saying. In a world infected with zombies, I don't see how Iceland would be bad unless the germ originated from there.On the other hand, I would look to inhabit Hawaii and clear it of zombies. After a decade or so, with conservation, and with Hawaii being secured, I take a party out and head for New Zealand. It is a least closer to other islands and more importantly closer to Austrailia. Yes, Austrailia will be infected with millions of zombies however given 20-30 years, kids will have grown up and my party is larger. Two methods. If we are able to retrofit a cruise liner or ferry of some kind, dock in a port, lure zombies to said port, tease them into the. Oat and set sail to some other island that will be the "dead zone". Rinse, repeat for years with multiple ships doing this and Austrailia will. E clear of zombies. Sure, there is a need for fuel and reconnaissance for fuel will be a high priority. But, that leads us to option two and that is killing zombies with weaponry and so forth. Give people a couple more decades and living in Austrailia will be free of zombies. Do this all across the pacific rim and in a couple generations, the pacific islands will be habitable.As far as clearing the mainland continents, that would take many more generations and many more reconnaissance missions for fuel, food, weapons.
'snogger said:
'KGB said:
'Daywalker said:
great episode :shrug: I like how Rick looked at the two zombies in cop uniforms and it reminded him of himself and his partner and he saved him
:goodposting: yep. Although it turned into a "yahoo!" moment. :D
Are you saying he decided to save Shane after being reminded of their past when he saw the dead cop bodies?
That's how i saw it. I thought the fight was well done too.
That's what i took from that also.. The fight with Shane, plus his wife's concerns Shane is a time bomb, gave Rick the opportunity to take him out without having to actually pull the trigger.

Seeing the two Security cops next to each brought back him back to "Himself"..

He is still "Rick the savior" and I don't think he would be able to just leave Shane behind and act like nothing happened.

Shows the difference between how he sees the world and how Shane sees the world.

99.5% sure had it been the reverse Shane leaves Rick in the Bus and :drive: away
The reason I don't believe this is that he had problems dealing with what he did to Otis. As much as he wants Rick out of the way he would have a tough time letting him die like that and he knows if he doesn't come back with Rick he has no shot with her.
'Mario Kart said:
The issue with an unihabited island is that no infrastructure is set up. There needs to be some kind of farming or sustenance set up so the survivors have an advantage.Islands like Hawaii or Iceland would be best. Sure, there are zombies there but the plane that is taken with a cache of weapons could take over the islands. Start on the small island, clear it, move to the next one, cautiously but systematically. With patience, canned goods brought from the mainland, weapons, ammo, it could be done. This method is what would need to happen to overtake land again. Get some good sharp shooters and lure the zombies to the beach and shoot them from a boat. That's the way to go.
You've split the difference....at least in regards to WWZ. Part of the US government operates out of Hawaii....so it isn't bad. Iceland is the most infected place on the planet.
I've never read or wiki'ed WWZ. Just saying. In a world infected with zombies, I don't see how Iceland would be bad unless the germ originated from there.On the other hand, I would look to inhabit Hawaii and clear it of zombies. After a decade or so, with conservation, and with Hawaii being secured, I take a party out and head for New Zealand. It is a least closer to other islands and more importantly closer to Austrailia. Yes, Austrailia will be infected with millions of zombies however given 20-30 years, kids will have grown up and my party is larger. Two methods. If we are able to retrofit a cruise liner or ferry of some kind, dock in a port, lure zombies to said port, tease them into the. Oat and set sail to some other island that will be the "dead zone". Rinse, repeat for years with multiple ships doing this and Austrailia will. E clear of zombies. Sure, there is a need for fuel and reconnaissance for fuel will be a high priority. But, that leads us to option two and that is killing zombies with weaponry and so forth. Give people a couple more decades and living in Austrailia will be free of zombies. Do this all across the pacific rim and in a couple generations, the pacific islands will be habitable.As far as clearing the mainland continents, that would take many more generations and many more reconnaissance missions for fuel, food, weapons.
Check it out as it really gives a well thought answer to most of your scenarios. Really....even if you're not a book reading guy....you'll burn through it fast..it's that interesting. I think it's been brought up in the thread....but the zombies(of the WWZ universe) freeze in the winter and thaw again in spring. Iceland sort of became a refugee camp for Europe but without the strict screening processes of the Israelis, numerous infected but not turned people entered it. Once they started going, Iceland became a cauldron that noone was able to escape.....and due to the freezing and thawing (winter on the planet is a bit longer and colder due to a limited nuclear exchange between Pakistan and India) none of the other countries want to exert the man power to cleanse it.
Usually I agree with Rick, but bringing this kid back to the farm and risking that he escapes or the group doesn't want to kill him is a huge mistake. No good can come from it.

Usually I agree with Rick, but bringing this kid back to the farm and risking that he escapes or the group doesn't want to kill him is a huge mistake. No good can come from it.
Yeah I would have knifed (not shot) him there at the school. No reason to beat around the bush and wait a night to think about it.
'Flying Spaghetti Monster said:
'tdoss said:
'rail said:
'snogger said:
'SacramentoBob said:
Not getting the "Andrea gave Lori a smack down" talk. It just exposed Andrea as a jealous, selfish, lazy ##### IMO. We all knew that though. If she got her face ripped off by zombies next episode, no one would care.
Whew .. thought I was the only one tired of her crap. :hifive:
:hifive: The whole, "let's let a suicidal teenage girl go ahead and make the choice to kill herself" attitude, then intentionally leaving the girl to her own devices, and finally saying "she made her choice, she chose to live" was ridiculous. Chick lost some serious credibility.
Not in my opinion. It was the first time I've agreed with her.We can't have someone just laying around for days feeling sorry for themselves. And just how long has she been like this? If there really was a time in-between the leg being pierced and now healed...how long has this girl been just moping around?And you damn sure cannot devote one or two people to watchdog her every move. Suck it up and join us or check out...but please stop wasting our time and efforts.I know I probably have a bit too much Shane in me but damned if I'm going to coddle you for weeks. Time to siht or get off the pot.
I can agree with this, but then again the young girl just watched her mother being shot to death before her eyes - I know she was a zombie but still that has to leave a mark.In fact I would say that if that happened to my mother - I might be looking for a little payback toward those who did it, in the least I would want to them off my farm.
Or a :hifive:
Wait, I thought when the series started all it took was to get zombie blood on you and you were infected? :confused:
Had to be in the eyes or a scratch. But seems pretty incredulous that they aren't getting infected by splatter when they kill zombies. Like this episode, they should have road rash from fighting, and Shane cut his hand and used that same hand to kill with a knife. I'd think chances are slim they don't get infected fluids into their cuts.
There's a very obvious reason why they don't get infected by zombies.
The zombies are imaginary.
The episodes starting picking up once Daranbont got the boot.
I don't think the series has suffered without him at all. One thing I don't understand - he's still listed as an exec producer although the mid-season finale was supposedly the last episode he had any involvement with.
Wait, I thought when the series started all it took was to get zombie blood on you and you were infected? :confused:
Had to be in the eyes or a scratch. But seems pretty incredulous that they aren't getting infected by splatter when they kill zombies. Like this episode, they should have road rash from fighting, and Shane cut his hand and used that same hand to kill with a knife. I'd think chances are slim they don't get infected fluids into their cuts.
There's a very obvious reason why they don't get infected by zombies.
why is that?Spoilers if necessary
If it needs to be in spoilers then I doubt it's that "obvious".
'jamny said:
'pollardsvision said:
'packersfan said:
I didn't think Andrea gained any points with what went down with the sister but I thought she did a good job of putting Lori in her place. I liked it.
That was nice. Lori sucks.The only problem with Andrea is that she's underutilized, imo. She doesn't seem very popular around here, but I like her.
I like her and loved the scene with her and Lori.
Lori and the kid need to get eaten, she's an idiot and the kid looks like hes dead already anyways. All the dead weight lies within these two characters.
Wait, I thought when the series started all it took was to get zombie blood on you and you were infected? :confused:
Had to be in the eyes or a scratch. But seems pretty incredulous that they aren't getting infected by splatter when they kill zombies. Like this episode, they should have road rash from fighting, and Shane cut his hand and used that same hand to kill with a knife. I'd think chances are slim they don't get infected fluids into their cuts.
There's a very obvious reason why they don't get infected by zombies.
why is that?Spoilers if necessary
If it needs to be in spoilers then I doubt it's that "obvious".
Ok with spoilers here goes.
Lori is the key here - her #@$#@$@ is the most fermented tang on the planet and it kills that zombie viruses butt cold. It is like a sledge hammer used as a flyswatter.Now all the men have to do is sleep with Lori and they will be immune.
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Was probably harsh, so I edited. The only thing obvious here is what he is hinting at, which in no way would be "obvious" to anyone just watching the show.

'jamny said:
'pollardsvision said:
'packersfan said:
I didn't think Andrea gained any points with what went down with the sister but I thought she did a good job of putting Lori in her place. I liked it.
That was nice. Lori sucks.The only problem with Andrea is that she's underutilized, imo. She doesn't seem very popular around here, but I like her.
I like her and loved the scene with her and Lori.
Lori and the kid need to get eaten, she's an idiot and the kid looks like hes dead already anyways. All the dead weight lies within these two characters.
Don't forget about the black guy. He's still around...I think.
'cstu said:
There's a very obvious reason why they don't get infected by zombies.
Does Magic Johnson care about getting AIDS?
Look, we're all real proud of you for reading the comics.
I haven't even read that far into the comics. It's the only logical explanation. We've talked about it since the CDC episode and now they're throwing it in our faces, so to speak.
OK. Sorry for going off the deep end, cstu.
:lol: Luckily I missed it, shuke. I'm really not trying to ruin it for anybody (deleted the post) and don't have any special knowledge from the comic books. I just haven't seen any other explanation and they've hinted at it in several shows now.
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My guess is the infection is like tumors. Everyone has cells in their body that can become a tumor, it's just they don't proliferate into cancers and tumors in everyone. The bodies defense system usually keeps the mutated cells in check.

I'd guess that the people that turn into zombies have had their immune system compromised, and that allows the sickness to grow.

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It's all a dream.

They're just carriers.

The virus is already everywhere...in the air, maybe...you have to die first, then you zombify.

'Mario Kart said:
The issue with an unihabited island is that no infrastructure is set up. There needs to be some kind of farming or sustenance set up so the survivors have an advantage.

Islands like Hawaii or Iceland would be best. Sure, there are zombies there but the plane that is taken with a cache of weapons could take over the islands. Start on the small island, clear it, move to the next one, cautiously but systematically. With patience, canned goods brought from the mainland, weapons, ammo, it could be done. This method is what would need to happen to overtake land again. Get some good sharp shooters and lure the zombies to the beach and shoot them from a boat. That's the way to go.
You've split the difference....at least in regards to WWZ. Part of the US government operates out of Hawaii....so it isn't bad. Iceland is the most infected place on the planet.
I've never read or wiki'ed WWZ. Just saying. In a world infected with zombies, I don't see how Iceland would be bad unless the germ originated from there.

On the other hand, I would look to inhabit Hawaii and clear it of zombies. After a decade or so, with conservation, and with Hawaii being secured, I take a party out and head for New Zealand. It is a least closer to other islands and more importantly closer to Austrailia. Yes, Austrailia will be infected with millions of zombies however given 20-30 years, kids will have grown up and my party is larger.

Two methods. If we are able to retrofit a cruise liner or ferry of some kind, dock in a port, lure zombies to said port, tease them into the. Oat and set sail to some other island that will be the "dead zone". Rinse, repeat for years with multiple ships doing this and Austrailia will. E clear of zombies. Sure, there is a need for fuel and reconnaissance for fuel will be a high priority. But, that leads us to option two and that is killing zombies with weaponry and so forth. Give people a couple more decades and living in Austrailia will be free of zombies. Do this all across the pacific rim and in a couple generations, the pacific islands will be habitable.

As far as clearing the mainland continents, that would take many more generations and many more reconnaissance missions for fuel, food, weapons.
In WWZ, the uninfected secure the West Coast to the Rockies. After a few years have passed, they essentially formed a wall of soldiers that spanned North America and crossed it to the East Coast killing every zombie. The scene in the book where they explain how they killed zombies in highly infected areas is pretty sweet too.
My guess is the infection is like tumors. Everyone has cells in their body that can become a tumor, it's just they don't proliferate into cancers and tumors in everyone. The bodies defense system usually keeps the mutated cells in check.I'd guess that the people that turn into zombies have had their immune system compromised, and that allows the sickness to grow.
This could make sense. The 2 we know of that turned (well 1 definite, the other is assumed) is Andra's sister, and the mechanic guy from the first season who they left at the tree. Andrea's sister didn't look like she got too bad of a shot or anything, but she turned with-in 11 or 12 hours or whatever. The mechanic guy also didn't have too bad of a bite, but he was getting real sick, and they were giving the impression that he was dying from it. So if this theory is plausible, then the guys who Rick shot in the bar would have turned back into zombies if he didn't shoot them in the head. But does it work if you shoot the people in the head before they turn into a zombie. Seems to me, a lot of questions surround said theory....
My guess is the infection is like tumors. Everyone has cells in their body that can become a tumor, it's just they don't proliferate into cancers and tumors in everyone. The bodies defense system usually keeps the mutated cells in check.

I'd guess that the people that turn into zombies have had their immune system compromised, and that allows the sickness to grow.
This could make sense. The 2 we know of that turned (well 1 definite, the other is assumed) is Andra's sister, and the mechanic guy from the first season who they left at the tree. Andrea's sister didn't look like she got too bad of a shot or anything, but she turned with-in 11 or 12 hours or whatever. The mechanic guy also didn't have too bad of a bite, but he was getting real sick, and they were giving the impression that he was dying from it. So if this theory is plausible, then the guys who Rick shot in the bar would have turned back into zombies if he didn't shoot them in the head. But does it work if you shoot the people in the head before they turn into a zombie.

Seems to me, a lot of questions surround said theory....
I think that's the exact reason he shot them in the head. When you cap someone in the head, their brain basically liquefies. This all leads back to what the scientist whispered to him at the CDC.
My guess is the infection is like tumors. Everyone has cells in their body that can become a tumor, it's just they don't proliferate into cancers and tumors in everyone. The bodies defense system usually keeps the mutated cells in check.

I'd guess that the people that turn into zombies have had their immune system compromised, and that allows the sickness to grow.
This could make sense. The 2 we know of that turned (well 1 definite, the other is assumed) is Andra's sister, and the mechanic guy from the first season who they left at the tree. Andrea's sister didn't look like she got too bad of a shot or anything, but she turned with-in 11 or 12 hours or whatever. The mechanic guy also didn't have too bad of a bite, but he was getting real sick, and they were giving the impression that he was dying from it. So if this theory is plausible, then the guys who Rick shot in the bar would have turned back into zombies if he didn't shoot them in the head. But does it work if you shoot the people in the head before they turn into a zombie.

Seems to me, a lot of questions surround said theory....
I think that's the exact reason he shot them in the head. When you cap someone in the head, their brain basically liquefies. This all leads back to what the scientist whispered to him at the CDC.
would have been interesting if Maggies sister had killed herself to see if she would have come back right away. also makes me think of the zombie they found that was hanging itself. could have been someone who killed themself and turned maybe? I also think if this was the case, and was what the CDC guy told Rick, why would Rick still act like it makes sense to go to that army base? Makes you wonder where would be the best place to live or goit's an interesting theory, but still makes you wonder how it started and a bunch of other things


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