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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (2 Viewers)

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Moscow has deployed a cruise missile in an apparent treaty violation, a senior military official told CNN Tuesday.

The move is just the latest in a string of Russian provocations in the early days of the Trump administration, which has called for warmer relations with the Kremlin.

The traditional US adversary has also positioned a spy ship off the coast of Delaware and carried out flights near a US Navy warship, concerning American officials. The administration has not officially drawn any links between the three events.

The ground-launched cruise missile seems to run counter to the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, the senior military official said. The New York Times first reported is deployment.

Meanwhile our president has no national security advisor and is concentrating on which "trusted" aide to #### can next.

By reading this thread.  Did I miss something?
I support and back Trump?  Laughing at ridiculous flame bait and temper tantrums does not equal support.  I don't support either party as they stand.  Both are pretty disgusting to me.  My hope is both will provide better choices in 2020 after this mess but from the looks of it, both sides are getting worse.  It is what it is.

Bull####.  It wasn't always Trump vs Clinton.  You guys had your chance in the primaries.  

Trump is your doing, and we have to live with this. 
What?  Trump is he result of the DNC rigging everything for Clinton.  She was an awful candidate.  A monkey with a banana could have won against Trump.  Anyone else than Clinton could have won this.

KAC is looking more wraithlike every day.  This goes on much longer she's going to go completely translucent, start floating and show up in A Christmas Carol.

She's a fascist at heart and a terrible liar, but I have to admit I genuinely admire her doggedness and willingness to suffer for the cause.
I think it's a shame that she's currently the most high-profile female trump team member and she's basically the scorn of most reasonable people due to how much misinformation she spreads, and how much she diverts for the president.  Spin is one thing, but dodging 90% of questions that come her way isn't that admirable to me.

I think it's a shame that she's currently the most high-profile female trump team member and she's basically the scorn of most reasonable people due to how much misinformation she spreads, and how much she diverts for the president.  Spin is one thing, but dodging 90% of questions that come her way isn't that admirable to me.
She's redeemable. I used to detest Michael Steele, but nowadays he speaks more freely and I find him interesting,

House oversight committee chairman Jason Chaffetz is pressing White House officials for details on why President Donald Trump conducted some of his response to a North Korean missile test in a public dining room at his Mar-a-Lago club.

In a letter to White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, Chaffetz requested answers about security protocols at Mar-a-Lago; the details of potentially sensitive documents that Trump and his aides perused in the presence of diners and waitstaff; and whether any sensitive material was discussed in public. The Utah Republican is also seeking information about whether guests are vetted to "ensure that they are not foreign agents or spies on behalf of a foreign government."

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Tuesday that no classified material was discussed in public, and that Trump was briefed in a secure location both before and after his dinner. But Chaffetz said that assurance may not be enough.

"'[D]iscussions with foreign leaders regarding international missile tests, and documents used to support those discussions, are presumptively sensitive," the Utah Republican wrote. "While the President is always on duty, and cannot dictate the timing of when he needs to receive sensitive information about urgent matters, we hope the White House will cooperate in providing the Committee with additional information."

What?  Trump is he result of the DNC rigging everything for Clinton.  She was an awful candidate.  A monkey with a banana could have won against Trump.  Anyone else than Clinton could have won this.
James Fenimore Cooper.

Stop this crap. Hillary won the popular vote in states by over 3.7 million votes. That wasn't rigged.

HRC lost to someone you're railing against as terrible for this country.  think about that for second:  YOUR candidate lost to a dude who was amazingly bad for this country.  What does that say about YOUR candidate?  Has it sunk in yet?  Yeah, I think we dodged a bullet here.  You're welcome.

Or you can continue to get hysterical and blame everyone except the DNC and HRC herself.  Your choice.
while she was a bad candidate without YOUR candidate getting pushed over the goal line by both the director of the FBI  and the Russians hacking in favor of YOUR candidate we wouldnt have this man baby of a criminal in office.  If 3 weeks in this is your idea of dodging a bullet Id hate to see what goes on in your mind that would constitute a direct hit....  

I think it's a shame that she's currently the most high-profile female trump team member and she's basically the scorn of most reasonable people due to how much misinformation she spreads, and how much she diverts for the president.  Spin is one thing, but dodging 90% of questions that come her way isn't that admirable to me.
She's redeemable. I used to detest Michael Steele, but nowadays he speaks more freely and I find him interesting,
She does seem at times to have a look in her eyes that she can't believe she's about to say what she says...but she goes with it.  Hard to redeem that sort of person to me.

Not gonna say she's not a nice person...she probably is.  But I believe that folks of character worthy of respect would never put themselves in the position she has. 

Believe it or not, but I think Trump is probably generally a fun guy to be around, especially if he sees you as a useful person to him.  He's not all bad, he's just completely unfit for the job, and doesn't have much ethics or morals to guide him, nor a knowledge of the system, or a lot of other things.

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Also, you guys need to stop with the "DNC rigged the Democratic primaries for Hillary" myth. It's been debunked several times. Hillary won the primary because she had black support in the south. Bernie never had a real chance. End of story. 

If you voted for Trump, you have only yourself to blame. It's not Hillary's fault or her supporters. She would have been a great President. You guys blew it. This debacle is completely and 100% on those who supported and voted for Donald Trump. 

What?  Trump is he result of the DNC rigging everything for Clinton.  She was an awful candidate.  A monkey with a banana could have won against Trump.  Anyone else than Clinton could have won this.
James Fenimore Cooper.

Stop this crap. Hillary won the popular vote in states by over 3.7 million votes. That wasn't rigged.
Hate to say. but still a monumental failure.

Vice President Mike Pence only learned he had been misled by national security adviser Michael Flynn after the Washington Post reported on Feb. 9 that Flynn had discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador, a Pence staffer confirmed Tuesday.
Go press!

Also, you guys need to stop with the "DNC rigged the Democratic primaries for Hillary" myth. It's been debunked several times. Hillary won the primary because she had black support in the south. Bernie never had a real chance. End of story. 

If you voted for Trump, you have only yourself to blame. It's not Hillary's fault or her supporters. She would have been a great President. You guys blew it. This debacle is completely and 100% on those who supported and voted for Donald Trump. 
Oh get off it, she was a terrible candidate who fell flat everywhere it counts. The results speak for itself.

James Fenimore Cooper.

Stop this crap. Hillary won the popular vote in states by over 3.7 million votes. That wasn't rigged.
If the DNC wouldn't have rigged the DNC primaries for Clinton.  

I'm not sure how 3.7 million popular votes (98% of them from CA alone) in the general election applies to the DNC primaries, but whatever.

And the thread teeters on the brink of derailment yet again.

It's not about hypocrisy, it's not about why Hillary lost or Bernie...it's about Trump.  

If you think the other stuff is worthy of discussion, why not start a topic on it?  It's just derailing the topic.

What?  Trump is he result of the DNC rigging everything for Clinton.  She was an awful candidate.  A monkey with a banana could have won against Trump.  Anyone else than Clinton could have won this.
No matter how much you don't want the stench of Trump on your beloved party it's going to remain. For a long, long time.  :lmao:

Also, you guys need to stop with the "DNC rigged the Democratic primaries for Hillary" myth. It's been debunked several times. Hillary won the primary because she had black support in the south. Bernie never had a real chance. End of story. 

If you voted for Trump, you have only yourself to blame. It's not Hillary's fault or her supporters. She would have been a great President. You guys blew it. This debacle is completely and 100% on those who supported and voted for Donald Trump. 
Why did DWS resign?

1st off all kidding aside it's 26 days . Way too early for any disaster calls. Stock market is loving Trump , loving him
Oh he's done one thing right? One thing he has very little control over?

C'mon. The national security director was forced to resign after 25 days.

The secretary of education is an embarrassment to all 1st and 2nd world countries, and probably most 3rd.

Bannon has to be reminded he's not POTUS.

He's convinced millions that CNN is "fake" news. Slanted? Sure. Fake? Downright offensive to anyone with a shred of intelligence and a legitimate threat to free speech and democracy.

He's going to cost the US billions with this sham of a wall. Not to mention the economic damage soon to come. Mexico is already threatening to stop buying corn. $2.3 Billion annually would be lost if their proposal goes through. What's that going to do to our corn prices? 

If he scares of "illegals" what does that to do fresh produce prices? You live in MA, you want to pay 3x as much for fresh fruit and veggies 6 months out of the year?

No matter how much you don't want the stench of Trump on your beloved party it's going to remain. For a long, long time.  :lmao:
I don't really care, TBH.  It is what it is.  I'm okay with that. :shrug:

It could be worse: We could have the stink of smugly proclaiming our candidate as the next POTUS (rigging the the whole process and guaranteeing victory, btw) and then getting historically crushed.  Come to think of it, the stink of losing to one of the worst candidates absolutely has to be worse.

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He's going to cost the US billions with this sham of a wall. Not to mention the economic damage soon to come. Mexico is already threatening to stop buying corn. $2.3 Billion annually would be lost if their proposal goes through. What's that going to do to our corn prices? 
How come when anyone talks about the cost of the wall they never talk about how much money it costs tax payers every time an illegal crosses the border?

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