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The Trump Years- Every day something more shocking than the last! (3 Viewers)

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Banger said:
haha...talking on MSNBC right now and how Trump doesn't like Bolton's mustache.  
I have wondered if Trump is threatened by Mueller's serious head of hair. They are about the same age, yet Trump has struggled with his awful scalp since his 20's.

Yashar Ali ? (@yashar)

3/16/18, 7:06 PM

John Kelly: Rex Tillerson Was on the Toilet When I Told Him He’d Be Getting Fired. @swin24 @lachlan scoop thebea.st/2FXKDoL?source…

Yashar Ali ? (@yashar)

3/16/18, 7:06 PM

John Kelly: Rex Tillerson Was on the Toilet When I Told Him He’d Be Getting Fired. @swin24 @lachlan scoop thebea.st/2FXKDoL?source…
Rex has had a hard week 

First he was fired over Twitter since our president is afraid of confrontation with anybody he can't bully. Next a bunch of stories about Trump's disdain for Sexy Rexy appeared online including the fact he thought he spoke too slowly and finally we hear that when John Kelly called Rex to expect something from Trump, the secretary was on the can. I've travelled overseas a fair amount and there is nothing worse than a stomach bug while you are tens of thousands of miles from home and that moment when you are sitting on the throne with your bowels fully open is the only few minutes of normalcy you have. Well Kelly interrupted this to tell Rex to come home immediately.  

And to think that only 15 months ago this guy was running one of the biggest and most successful companies in the world and now he gets fired while taking a #####

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I know everyone enjoys yucking it up in here but think about what’s going on. It is believed the Russian hackers have sufficient command and control right now to shut down large portions of the power grid, and “lack only the political motivation to move forward”.

This administration is so grossly incompetent on so many levels.

But do you think they acquired all this command and control since Trump took office?

The Asset - Felix Sater profile posted by Buzzfeed four days ago.

Probably belongs in the Russian collusion thread instead of The Trump Years, but it's sort of like the Russia mob and the Russian government - the lines are blurred, hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.

I fear that we're approaching the part of season 2 of "OMG Trump is POTUS" and we're nearing the point where something big happens.  

I'm guessing Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a terrible turn in her health, and this causes an incredible amount of drama in every area of politics.

Hope I'm wrong, but it just feels like we've been going on this level of crazy for some time now, and now that we've acclimated to it, it's time for the God in charge of this simulation we're all a part of to turn the crazy up another notch.

I fear that we're approaching the part of season 2 of "OMG Trump is POTUS" and we're nearing the point where something big happens.  

I'm guessing Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a terrible turn in her health, and this causes an incredible amount of drama in every area of politics.

Hope I'm wrong, but it just feels like we've been going on this level of crazy for some time now, and now that we've acclimated to it, it's time for the God in charge of this simulation we're all a part of to turn the crazy up another notch.
That's pretty mild compared to what I'm afraid of if they let Bolton in.

Friday Night massacre

Breaking: Attorney General Jeff Sessions has fired former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe just two days shy of his retirement.

I fear that we're approaching the part of season 2 of "OMG Trump is POTUS" and we're nearing the point where something big happens.  

I'm guessing Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a terrible turn in her health, and this causes an incredible amount of drama in every area of politics.

Hope I'm wrong, but it just feels like we've been going on this level of crazy for some time now, and now that we've acclimated to it, it's time for the God in charge of this simulation we're all a part of to turn the crazy up another notch.
This President is mentally deranged and anyone who thinks what is going on in the White House is normal, change is good and believes everyone wants to serve for this President suffers the from same disorder.

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He and the complicit GOP are setting themselves up to be demolished in the 2018 elections.  

Dems just have to package their message right 

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But do you think they acquired all this command and control since Trump took office?
Probably not, and we can point the finger at the previous admin all we want.  We can’t pretend to know what did/didn’t happen, but we do know there were reports of how the previous admin knew and warned the incoming admin of the threats Russia posed.

The real concern I have is how much this seems to have accelerated over the past year and what we are going to do about it.  The sanctions are still there waiting to be enforced.  There’s money allocated for battling the Russian hacking which hasn’t been spent at all yet. We just dumped two guys that at least recognized the Russian threats (McMaster and Tillerson).  There are an awful lot of things that are happening that make this sort of stuff pretty damn concerning. 

Very interesting tweet just now from Trump urging Danny Tarkanian not to run against Dean Heller in the name of party “unity”; he wants Tarkanian to run for Congress instead. He added that Heller has been doing a “fine job” which is completely opposite of what he said 6 months ago. 

This sounds like Mitch McConnell has the ear of the President. Tarkanian definitely belongs to the Breitbart/Tea Party group of primary challengers...
Follow up to this post: Tarkanian has decided not to challege Heller. “My wife told me, do what the President asks.” 

Giving this some perspective...

Nick Jack Pappas‏ @Pappiness 11h

In 21 years of distinguished service, Andrew McCabe earned $1.8 million dollars in his pension.

In 14 months, Trump has spent $42 million of our taxes on trips to Mar-A-Lago alone.

We are in the Germany WW II territory of self-delusion among millions of people supporting this guy.

Maybe not in the ballpark. But in the parking lot outside.

I'm talking psychologically.  Incredible to witness.  A dancing plague is in play.
People dismiss this, because of the sheer horror and magnitude of past events... but let's not forget: Nazi Germany is hardly the only example of 'good people' rallying beind and pushing forward the agenda of a vile racist nationalist demagogue along the way to loss of freedom and ultimately facism and dictatorship.

We, as humans, are no different than the people who jumped on the Nazi party bandwagon, or behind Mussolini, or any other examples throughout history. And we are in many root ways no different than those who succumb to the dangerous rhetoric of narcissistic self appointed gods who convince people to kill themselves as the aliens will come in the morning, or drink that kool aid.

Humans have these faults and blind spots, and we see the echos of those 'good, fine people', who just wanted to feel proud about being German and not cowtail to the demands of those looking to do us harm. Germany First!...

That said, perhaps the enablers and maybe even the collaborators can have solace in a good point I saw made somewhere.

There were those good fine people who simply wanted what was best for their people, and were drawn to a leader who they might not have even agreed with on everything, but his strength and approach were just what Germany and real true Germans needed. Who called out the fake media and the interests who were doing Germans harm, both domestic and abroad. These messages resonated, and were often repeated and enabled by simple regular Germans.

But they werent in the SS or manning the camps. These people were just living their lives, looking out for their needs and supporting a leader that inspired them, and talked the real truth and about a future that served them.  And we have a name for these regular everyday folks. 

We call them Nazis.

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I felt sorry for Obama because he had to fight the innate racism of Americans.  

I still remember his first speech when he became president,  and they put all that bulletproof glass in front of him.  That right there shows you just how racist this country is.

Just because he's black doesnt mean he's going to shoot somebody.  

I felt sorry for Obama because he had to fight the innate racism of Americans.  

I still remember his first speech when he became president,  and they put all that bulletproof glass in front of him.  That right there shows you just how racist this country is.

Just because he's black doesnt mean he's going to shoot somebody.  
Was this supposed to be witty or insightful?


Rep. Mark Pocan has extended an offer of employment to Andrew McCabe so that he can reach the needed length of service after Trump fired him just days before he was set to retire.


Pocan Extends Job Offer to Andrew McCabe

Mar 17, 2018

Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC (March 17, 2018) – U.S. Representative Mark Pocan (WI-02) today extended an offer of employment to Andrew McCabe, the former Deputy Director of the FBI, so that he can reach the needed length of service after President Trump fired him just days before he was set to retire.

“Andrew McCabe’s firing makes it clear that President Trump is doing everything he can to discredit the FBI and undermine the Special Counsel’s investigation,” said Rep. Pocan. “While Speaker Ryan and House Republicans have become complicit in the President’s destruction of our democracy, we must do all that we can to ensure that the investigation into Russia’s interference in our election is completed and that future elections are safeguarded from these kinds of attacks.”

"My offer of employment to Mr. McCabe is a legitimate offer to work on election security. Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of American democracy and both Republicans and Democrats should be concerned about election integrity,” continued Rep. Pocan. “From Governor Walker’s outrageous voter ID laws that kept an estimated 17,000 registered Wisconsin voters from the polls in 2016, to Republicans in Pennsylvania gerrymandering a map to rig elections in their favor, our electoral systems are under attack. We must take serious steps to not only secure our elections from foreign actors like Russia, but also ensure that the American people have faith that their votes matter.”

“Finally, I’d like to thank Mr. McCabe for his years of service to the FBI and our country. He deserves the full retirement that he has been promised, not to have it taken away as a result of the President’s political games,” concluded Rep. Pocan.

I can't help but look at Trump as an example to all Americans that shows why our system is so necessary and needs protection.

You have an autocratic, authoritarian leader in power right now, and while he is causing harm, punishing rivals, trampling everything he can, he's still held somewhat in check by our system.

Imagine almost any other country throughout history where a Donald Trump rises to power without the necessary checks and balances to limit him.  He'd sieze control and plunder the country for his own purposes, installing loyalists around him who he'd make fabulously wealthy at the country's expense, punish anyone who opposes him, and use the military to ensure he maintains control. 

You can see these urges today, but the wisdom of our founders is basically all that's standing between us and an authoritarian kleptocracy. 

So while Trump personally fills me with disgust every time I see him or hear about the latest outrage, each time I'm reminded that we have a system in place that is somewhat containing him if only the rest of us can get our act together quickly enough to get rid of this guy.

The world is such a place where Donald Trumps, or worse, will crop up from time to time and rise in our land.  But our system is sufficient, or should be, to hold them in check long enough for the rest of the sane folks here to get rid of him.  Let's hope that mid-terms later this year are a major step in that direction.


Rep. Mark Pocan has extended an offer of employment to Andrew McCabe so that he can reach the needed length of service after Trump fired him just days before he was set to retire.


Pocan Extends Job Offer to Andrew McCabe

Mar 17, 2018

Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC (March 17, 2018) – U.S. Representative Mark Pocan (WI-02) today extended an offer of employment to Andrew McCabe, the former Deputy Director of the FBI, so that he can reach the needed length of service after President Trump fired him just days before he was set to retire.

“Andrew McCabe’s firing makes it clear that President Trump is doing everything he can to discredit the FBI and undermine the Special Counsel’s investigation,” said Rep. Pocan. “While Speaker Ryan and House Republicans have become complicit in the President’s destruction of our democracy, we must do all that we can to ensure that the investigation into Russia’s interference in our election is completed and that future elections are safeguarded from these kinds of attacks.”

"My offer of employment to Mr. McCabe is a legitimate offer to work on election security. Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of American democracy and both Republicans and Democrats should be concerned about election integrity,” continued Rep. Pocan. “From Governor Walker’s outrageous voter ID laws that kept an estimated 17,000 registered Wisconsin voters from the polls in 2016, to Republicans in Pennsylvania gerrymandering a map to rig elections in their favor, our electoral systems are under attack. We must take serious steps to not only secure our elections from foreign actors like Russia, but also ensure that the American people have faith that their votes matter.”

“Finally, I’d like to thank Mr. McCabe for his years of service to the FBI and our country. He deserves the full retirement that he has been promised, not to have it taken away as a result of the President’s political games,” concluded Rep. Pocan.
This is awesome. 

I can't help but look at Trump as an example to all Americans that shows why our system is so necessary and needs protection.

You have an autocratic, authoritarian leader in power right now, and while he is causing harm, punishing rivals, trampling everything he can, he's still held somewhat in check by our system.

Imagine almost any other country throughout history where a Donald Trump rises to power without the necessary checks and balances to limit him.  He'd sieze control and plunder the country for his own purposes, installing loyalists around him who he'd make fabulously wealthy at the country's expense, punish anyone who opposes him, and use the military to ensure he maintains control. 

You can see these urges today, but the wisdom of our founders is basically all that's standing between us and an authoritarian kleptocracy. 

So while Trump personally fills me with disgust every time I see him or hear about the latest outrage, each time I'm reminded that we have a system in place that is somewhat containing him if only the rest of us can get our act together quickly enough to get rid of this guy.

The world is such a place where Donald Trumps, or worse, will crop up from time to time and rise in our land.  But our system is sufficient, or should be, to hold them in check long enough for the rest of the sane folks here to get rid of him.  Let's hope that mid-terms later this year are a major step in that direction.
I'm not seeing a whole lot of "containment" yet though and the outcome remains uncertain.

He has already, and is currently, profiting from the Presidency. He has begun the process of plundering public land, of harming the air, water, and life for short term economic gain. Could go on and on. Some of this is irreversible it seems.

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