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The problem with America is God hating Marxists trained in our schools (2 Viewers)

I agree, but the stuff about Darwin being racist for some reason or another is pretty silly.  Speaking as a Christian, this is really cringey.  
Darwin was racist. He was a man of his time. He believed as the vast majority of white people believed, that some cultures were more advanced than others and that this was largely based on skin color. 
That doesn’t negate any of his scientific discoveries. 

Darwin was racist. He was a man of his time. He believed as the vast majority of white people believed, that some cultures were more advanced than others and that this was largely based on skin color. 
That doesn’t negate any of his scientific discoveries. 
I meant to say Darwinism, not Darwin.  You're right obviously.

I just chose not to take a complete inflammatory baiting type topic seriously.  I mean…the points aren’t worth worth discussing  it comes from a standpoint of calling people  marxists and satanist. Im neither
Serious question:  if you feel this way, why bother engaging?   There is a reason I’m not addressing the OP.

Scary? I don't know. It's not my personal belief but I also don't think the religious should be mocked as idiots.
I'm sorry, but it's 2022. At some point people who bring Bronze Age logic to the conversation should be called out for their nonsense. Just because it's "religious" doesn't make it any more reasonable. If they want to stay in their bubble with others who believe the same thing, no one's taking that away from them. But as soon as they step out on the street corner and start shouting at people, they're bringing ridicule on themselves.

If I came on here and said the problem with this country is people who don't believe in Santa Clause and vilified everyone who didn't agree with me, I should face some pushback on my logical acuity. I don't get to say anything I want and have it respected by hiding behind religion. 

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Also, I keep reading the title of this thread as saying that God hates Marxists who have been trained in our schools and His hatred is causing the problem in America.  

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We have people who think evil is good. It’s due to indoctrination and ignorance. Forgive them Lord because they know not what they do.

The problem with America is we deny God in our schools. We raise trained Marxists indoctrinated to believe there is no truth. You can invent it on your own. If you believe you came from an animal and that only the material world exists you do whatever you want to. Killing babies. Destroying the nuclear family. Putting planned parenthood abortion centers near black high schools. Forty percent of all abortions come from just six percent of the population….blacks. Just plain evil institutionalized racist killing.
Some people have been indoctrinated, that's for sure.

The second bolded is highly offensive. More of that Christian superiority. "You don't believe in MY god so you're lesser than me". So arrogant.

Joe called out Tim yesterday (rightfully) for inflammatory statements. Yet this is still here. Unbelievable.

There's way more I'd love to say but not worth the ban that would surely follow. Have a great day and bless your heart.

The second bolded is highly offensive. More of that Christian superiority. "You don't believe in MY god so you're lesser than me". So arrogant.

VIDEO: Christopher Hitchens - Free Speech Jan 26, 2014

“The ability to express ourselves freely is fundamental to a free society. This includes the freedom to publish, to satirize, to joke, to criticize, even when that might cause offense to others. Those who wish to silence free speech must never be allowed to prevail”.


VIDEO: Jordan Peterson discusses the problems with political correctness May 18, 2018

Psychologist and author Jordan Peterson discusses political correctness with Matthew as well as Women's Equality Party leader Sophie Walker and Conservative MP Michael Fabricant.



Don't take refuge in the false security of consensus.

Jordan Peterson brings up an issue that no one wants to talk about - That as you scale the size of the audience and you move further towards controversial topics that cover a widespread impact, your ability to say anything authentic to you and your values begins to decrease. And that dynamic is inherently dangerous, not just for you the individual, but for all of society.

You are questioning someone's authenticity without asking yourself if you've slaughtered their values in doing so.

If you get the silence that you and some others here want, then no one ever gets to make that distinction for themselves.

Freedom doesn't begin by robbing people of their own agency.

VIDEO: Christopher Hitchens - Free Speech Jan 26, 2014

“The ability to express ourselves freely is fundamental to a free society. This includes the freedom to publish, to satirize, to joke, to criticize, even when that might cause offense to others. Those who wish to silence free speech must never be allowed to prevail”.


VIDEO: Jordan Peterson discusses the problems with political correctness May 18, 2018

Psychologist and author Jordan Peterson discusses political correctness with Matthew as well as Women's Equality Party leader Sophie Walker and Conservative MP Michael Fabricant.



Don't take refuge in the false security of consensus.

Jordan Peterson brings up an issue that no one wants to talk about - That as you scale the size of the audience and you move further towards controversial topics that cover a widespread impact, your ability to say anything authentic to you and your values begins to decrease. And that dynamic is inherently dangerous, not just for you the individual, but for all of society.

You are questioning someone's authenticity without asking yourself if you've slaughtered their values in doing so.

If you get the silence that you and some others here want, then no one ever gets to make that distinction for themselves.

Freedom doesn't begin by robbing people of their own agency.
Yeah none of that applies to my post. Christians, my way or you need to be saved. You can keep it. And it doesn't belong in our public schools. Fact.

Yeah none of that applies to my post. Christians, my way or you need to be saved. You can keep it. And it doesn't belong in our public schools. Fact.

VIDEO: Bill Burr Doesn't Buy Oprah's Holier-Than-Thou Lance Armstrong Interview | CONAN on TBS Feb 12, 2013


VIDEO: Bill Burr Got In Trouble For Making Fun Of The Military | CONAN on TBS Feb 6, 2018


VIDEO: Bill Burr On Protests And Celebrity Activism | CONAN on TBS Jan 31, 2017



Bill Burr, like most famous comedians, has made a small fortune making people laugh by pointing out uncomfortable truths, even if they offend people. Even if they offend everyone.

Have you ever stopped to consider that what you see or perceive as offensive will be seen by others as an opportunity to open a dialogue about some very uncomfortable truths? 

When you attempt to silence and cancel people for "wrong think", you are silencing that dialogue.

The rest of society is not obligated to cease dialogue to limit how uncomfortable you may or may not feel about something.

So yes, it completely applies to your post.

If you simply disagreed with what pinkham13 said as a matter of discussion, that's one thing. But you didn't just do that, you disagreed with his right to say anything at all.

If you simply disagreed with what pinkham13 said as a matter of discussion, that's one thing. But you didn't just do that, you disagreed with his right to say anything at all.
I can disagree with him no problem. I do however take offense when he essentially calls me a "Marxist" because I don't believe in his god. That's arrogance. "MY god needs to be schools or we produce ignorant kids".

Sorry but I'll always push back against insults hurled at my beliefs. I don't care what people believe, just don't be condescending towards me because I choose a different (lack of) faith.

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VIDEO: Banning 'Gone With The Wind'? | The View Sep 6, 2017


PANEL: The Complicated Legacy of Gone With the Wind: Panel Discussion Jun 26, 2020

At the 2019 TCM Classic Film Festival, TCM invited author and film historian Donald Bogle, producer Stephanie Allain, author Molly Haskell and author and film studies professor Jaqueline Stewart to discuss the history and controversy around Gone With the Wind on its 80th anniversary.



A discussion of free speech that might offend and the suppression of it and the enduring impact that has on First Amendment rights goes beyond your grievance against pinkham13 and his talk about religion.

Many people wanted Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind banned in all forms. It does have racism in it. And how Hattie McDaniel was treated in real life was disgusting and unforgivable. But it also is considered on of the greatest American novels ever written and some argue the film is one of the best films ever made.

GWTW deals with racism. But also it deals with female empowerment, how one measures their place in a shifting society and the casualties inflicted when the accepted social order rapidly changes.

When you silence something, you just don't excise the bad, you slaughter all of the good too. You remove the greater context of how the world got to that place and why it had to one day change. Losing that is a savage price to pay to feed the sealions.

How much good has to die to eliminate what some believe is the bad? That's a complex question. It's one worth investigating.

The exercise of free will and free speech was not designed to make everyone comfortable.

Here are two issues you aren't considering

1) There are lots of Christians in America today who feel their values have been persecuted by way of a larger overall political conflict.  Many Christians have been lumped into "poor white trash hillbilly MAGA White Nationalist cultists who want to go around killing as many minorities as possible" category. For the crime of what exactly? They came out to vote in droves in the 2016 and 2020 cycles and that's just never happened before

2) Someone can be wrong in your eyes but they might still have a point somewhere within the overall discussion. Do I think pinkham13 is totally right? Do I agree with each and every instance in how he presented his viewpoint? My take is simple - He's got some specific points I think are worth further exploration, such as what's happening in our schools and the policies built on clear political motivation that drives them, whether or not people agree with them.

Some people have been indoctrinated, that's for sure.

The second bolded is highly offensive. More of that Christian superiority. "You don't believe in MY god so you're lesser than me". So arrogant.

Joe called out Tim yesterday (rightfully) for inflammatory statements. Yet this is still here. Unbelievable.

There's way more I'd love to say but not worth the ban that would surely follow. Have a great day and bless your heart.

I'd just assume Joe has him on ignore like most of us*.

*Just kidding - I doubt Joe puts anyone on ignore but he's said a lot that he doesn't see everything.  There's a good chance he hasn't seen it if it hasn't been reported.

VIDEO: Banning 'Gone With The Wind'? | The View Sep 6, 2017


PANEL: The Complicated Legacy of Gone With the Wind: Panel Discussion Jun 26, 2020

At the 2019 TCM Classic Film Festival, TCM invited author and film historian Donald Bogle, producer Stephanie Allain, author Molly Haskell and author and film studies professor Jaqueline Stewart to discuss the history and controversy around Gone With the Wind on its 80th anniversary.



A discussion of free speech that might offend and the suppression of it and the enduring impact that has on First Amendment rights goes beyond your grievance against pinkham13 and his talk about religion.

Many people wanted Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind banned in all forms. It does have racism in it. And how Hattie McDaniel was treated in real life was disgusting and unforgivable. But it also is considered on of the greatest American novels ever written and some argue the film is one of the best films ever made.

GWTW deals with racism. But also it deals with female empowerment, how one measures their place in a shifting society and the casualties inflicted when the accepted social order rapidly changes.

When you silence something, you just don't excise the bad, you slaughter all of the good too. You remove the greater context of how the world got to that place and why it had to one day change. Losing that is a savage price to pay to feed the sealions.

How much good has to die to eliminate what some believe is the bad? That's a complex question. It's one worth investigating.

The exercise of free will and free speech was not designed to make everyone comfortable.

Here are two issues you aren't considering

1) There are lots of Christians in America today who feel their values have been persecuted by way of a larger overall political conflict.  Many Christians have been lumped into "poor white trash hillbilly MAGA White Nationalist cultists who want to go around killing as many minorities as possible" category. For the crime of what exactly? They came out to vote in droves in the 2016 and 2020 cycles and that's just never happened before

2) Someone can be wrong in your eyes but they might still have a point somewhere within the overall discussion. Do I think pinkham13 is totally right? Do I agree with each and every instance in how he presented his viewpoint? My take is simple - He's got some specific points I think are worth further exploration, such as what's happening in our schools and the policies built on clear political motivation that drives them, whether or not people agree with them.
Why don't you respond to those points then instead of chasing ghosts? This thread is not about free speech. We are allowed to disagree with the OP. Raise the level of the discussion instead of trying to distract everyone with irrelevant points.

Why don't you respond to those points then instead of chasing ghosts? This thread is not about free speech. We are allowed to disagree with the OP. Raise the level of the discussion instead of trying to distract everyone with irrelevant points.
Amused to Death seems to be suggesting that the OP should be banned for posting something that he considered inflammatory.  Or at least that's how I interpreted this post.  That moves the discussion from "I disagree with you" (fine) to "You shouldn't be allowed to say that" (not my board, but I didn't find the post in question to be offensive at all, just wrong and kind of strange).    

We have people who think evil is good. It’s due to indoctrination and ignorance. Forgive them Lord because they know not what they do.
Great Lie of Satan #1. Killing unborn babies is considered women’s health care. Too self centered to think about the consequences of having sex so let’s kill babies! Sixty million plus dead since Roe. It was never a right in the constitution. You don’t have the right to kill.  So backwards and so evil. 

Great lie of Satan # 2. You come from monkeys. Darwin believed that blacks were less evolved and very close to apes. He believed whites were more evolved. Stop teaching our kids this racist monkey theory. We were all created in Gods image. Why are there still monkeys? Did they get held back? Are they stuck in a time warp? Wanna stop institutional racism? Start with erasing this stupid racist monkey theory from textbooks. Blacks are just as smart as anyone and Darwin didn’t think so.

Great lie of Satan #3. Fossil fuels will kill us all. I am still waiting for the glaciers to melt and turn Florida into Atlantis. The climate has always changed. So what. Stop scaring our children to death with this alarmist nonsense. Why is the only answer to the fake problem total government control over everything you say or do. Look at Sri Lanka. They bought into the green mafia and they bankrupted the country. No food because nitrogen is now a pollutant same as carbon. Why are the building blocks of life demonized? Because the Davos crowd aren’t powerful enough already? Did you know that the rubber from your tires are more dangerous than tailpipe emissions? Heavy weight electric cars run through tires twice as fast. These cars are devastating to the environment. The mining for lithium alone makes them worse than ICE cars. What about the grid? Why are we paying 100 a barrel and shipping our SPR reserves to China and others?

Great lie from Satan #4. You can choose your gender and you should be proud if you choose homosexual, lesbian.or transgender lifestyles. Talk about giving God the finger. Instead of accepting the XY or XX you were given by our creator you decide what you want to be. And if you don’t teach this to kids we are going to hold back on lunches in school. Why is gender confusion and promoting lifestyles that result in no offspring promoted? Because it’s the exact opposite of what God wants us to do. Be fruitful and multiply.

The problem with America is we deny God in our schools. We raise trained Marxists indoctrinated to believe there is no truth. You can invent it on your own. If you believe you came from an animal and that only the material world exists you do whatever you want to. Killing babies. Destroying the nuclear family. Putting planned parenthood abortion centers near black high schools. Forty percent of all abortions come from just six percent of the population….blacks. Just plain evil institutionalized racist killing.
I'm genuinely curious, out of all of the religions out there,  why did you choose the one you did?  

Amused to Death seems to be suggesting that the OP should be banned for posting something that he considered inflammatory.  Or at least that's how I interpreted this post.  That moves the discussion from "I disagree with you" (fine) to "You shouldn't be allowed to say that" (not my board, but I didn't find the post in question to be offensive at all, just wrong and kind of strange).    
No, not at all. Just drawing a comparison between Joe's comments on Tim's thread (Tim wasn't banned) and this one.

I don't care about anyone's religion. Just don't call me names or blame my (lack of) faith on society's problems. I'll push back on that every time.

Some people have been indoctrinated, that's for sure.

The second bolded is highly offensive. More of that Christian superiority. "You don't believe in MY god so you're lesser than me". So arrogant.

Joe called out Tim yesterday (rightfully) for inflammatory statements. Yet this is still here. Unbelievable.

There's way more I'd love to say but not worth the ban that would surely follow. Have a great day and bless your heart.
Yeah the growth of this stuff in my tribe is a pain in the ###.

Yeah the growth of this stuff in my tribe is a pain in the ###.
Maybe I just notice it more but it seems to be way more "in your face". As I've said in my Freedom From Religion thread, live and let live. We're not all going to agree on much, especially religion. But I don't start threads demeaning anyone's religion. I expect the same respect.

"If MY god isn't taught in schools then we're raising Marxists" seems a little over the top. Just my  :2cents:

I can disagree with him no problem. I do however take offense when he essentially calls me a "Marxist" because I don't believe in his god. That's arrogance. "MY god needs to be schools or we produce ignorant kids".

Sorry but I'll always push back against insults hurled at my beliefs. I don't care what people believe, just don't be condescending towards me because I choose a different (lack of) faith.

VIDEO: Ricky Gervais Talks Offensive Comedy, New Special 'Humanity' | The View Mar 15, 2018



Gervais points out that being polarizing is an acknowledgement that people are actually different.

Attempting to silence people is demanding that all people become the same by thinking the same by social engineering the language with open malice. A discussion of what makes us all different, and the values behind that, is definitely a good idea in this community.

Behind everyone's speech is an actual person and a story upon how that person got to that place to carry those values that drives their speech. It's a greater context on the actual human condition.

Define "offensive speech"

Then explain why your definition has to apply to everyone. This is what Gervais is talking about when he's discussing the reality that he usually offends some people.  When does your opinion have to become everyone else's fact?

The point remains the same - If you want to disagree with him, then you do. That's your right. But once you cross into the threshold on whether he should speak at all on the topic and start talking about the need to silence him, this is where you've taken offense to you and demanded it applies to everyone else automatically.

Much of the conflict in this topic is based on postmodernism and how it's been weaponized. It says that all reality ultimately is subjective. The big problem here is there is no consistent ideology and it won't resonate with the public at large for the long term because it says that morality is subjective. Eventually many people will disagree with you, in this case it would be the large Christian base in America, and they'll be just as right and correct as you are, because there's no true "external standard".

Wokeism wants to describe all Identity Politics based issues, particularly the stances that are the most unpopular and the most indefensible, in terms of "My truth" and "Your truth".  When does "Your Truth"  directly translate to "Your Fantasy" under these punitive standards as the goal posts keep moving?

A long standing "external standard" traditionally has been religion. But it galvanizes the poor white rural Christian vote, which typically leans Republican. This is why it's so often attacked. Team Blue did not care as long as the "basket of deplorables" didn't go the voting booth. Now they are and they are angry and they will keep voting.  It's why the issue is so polarizing and why the activist complicit MSM wants to persecute this group so much. And it's why many people, particularly the radical left, instantly demand silence. And it explains the hard push by Team Blue to use their leverage in Big Education to shift how children are taught one way versus another.

When you have a large powerful voting block that realizes and perceives that a political Party just declared open war on their children for "Their Truth", then you better damn well believe many people will be angry and push back.

Mess with people's kids and they'll vote you out of office. Virginia showed that. That's not a function of "My Truth",  it actually happened.

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Amused to Death seems to be suggesting that the OP should be banned for posting something that he considered inflammatory.  Or at least that's how I interpreted this post.  That moves the discussion from "I disagree with you" (fine) to "You shouldn't be allowed to say that" (not my board, but I didn't find the post in question to be offensive at all, just wrong and kind of strange).    
Fine. That's a valid point. It just seems like "you hate free speech" is basically what Gekko and some others on the right now use to shout down posters. Its annoying.

Just now diving into this thread but I almost did an accidental spit-take with my coffee upon reading this...

Why are there still monkeys?
:lol:  Kinda sets the tone that, apparently, this thread is not intended for serious dicsussion.
It’s such a classic.  And the speaker/writer always thinks it’s such a gotcha.

Maybe I just notice it more but it seems to be way more "in your face". As I've said in my Freedom From Religion thread, live and let live. We're not all going to agree on much, especially religion. But I don't start threads demeaning anyone's religion. I expect the same respect.

"If MY god isn't taught in schools then we're raising Marxists" seems a little over the top. Just my  :2cents:

Look, I follow Jesus. This American old testament cowardice that has taken root in the church makes no sense to me. Christ said I'm going to build.my ecclesia and the gates of death won't stop it.

So, really, we're good. Yeah we had to wear a mask....oooooh....yeah we didn't meet inside for awhile......ooooh.....yeah sexual immorality hasn't been wiped off the planet......oooooh......yeah governments of men run the world like...men......ooooohhhhh.

The gates of death won't stop it. My tribe needs to atop being so afraid. And check this-something Jesus said a lot to his closest friends ( the globalist, the terrorist, the traitor, the doubters and so on)....guys, fear not.

I think far too many of my tribe think they need to be support staff for God or the company will have its electric bill turned off or something. It's just weird.

Just now diving into this thread but I almost did an accidental spit-take with my coffee upon reading this...

:lol:  Kinda sets the tone that, apparently, this thread is not intended for serious dicsussion.
Just because you can't answer the question why there are still so many damn monkeys, doesn't mean this isn't a serious thread!! ;)  

I comprehend just fine. I said separation of church and state isn’t in the constitution. Those were your words not the constitutions. And they are not the same thing.
So as an Aethist can you explain to me how in this giant universe only earth is perfect for life? Was it a Big Bang? Life doesn’t appear random to me. It seems designed for us. Everyone knows you can’t have a design without a designer. I just can’t buy that we were all apes and that blacks are less evolved like Darwin says. 

Nope, I can't explain it. But just because you believe your specific god was behind it all doesn't make it so either.

I'm comfortable with not knowing the answer.

Also, the design without a designer logic fails immediately, because then who designed your designer? If a designer can exist without having been designed, then clearly the same could be true for the original thing that you believe implies design.

Which only prohibits the government.  It does not prohibit a religion from petetioning the government or speaking out.   Now what they can accomplish by law is imited.  It is fundamentally a misunderstanding of the document to place limits on what a religion can say.  
It's the first amendment, it protects the right to say stuff, including for religions to say stuff. I'm not suggesting otherwise and I'm super confused why you posted this.

Is GordonGecko Hypocritical When it Comes to Free Speech? (7/22/22 12:59 EST)

Direct Quote: GordonGecko lectures FBG member on Free Speech

"A discussion of free speech that might offend and the suppression of it and the enduring impact that has on First Amendment rights goes beyond your grievance against pinkham13 and his talk about religion.

Many people wanted Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind banned in all forms. It does have racism in it. And how Hattie McDaniel was treated in real life was disgusting and unforgivable. But it also is considered on of the greatest American novels ever written and some argue the film is one of the best films ever made.

GWTW deals with racism. But also it deals with female empowerment, how one measures their place in a shifting society and the casualties inflicted when the accepted social order rapidly changes.

When you silence something, you just don't excise the bad, you slaughter all of the good too. You remove the greater context of how the world got to that place and why it had to one day change. Losing that is a savage price to pay to feed the sealions.

How much good has to die to eliminate what some believe is the bad? That's a complex question. It's one worth investigating.

The exercise of free will and free speech was not designed to make everyone comfortable.

Here are two issues you aren't considering

1) There are lots of Christians in America today who feel their values have been persecuted by way of a larger overall political conflict.  Many Christians have been lumped into "poor white trash hillbilly MAGA White Nationalist cultists who want to go around killing as many minorities as possible" category. For the crime of what exactly? They came out to vote in droves in the 2016 and 2020 cycles and that's just never happened before

2) Someone can be wrong in your eyes but they might still have a point somewhere within the overall discussion. Do I think pinkham13 is totally right? Do I agree with each and every instance in how he presented his viewpoint? My take is simple - He's got some specific points I think are worth further exploration, such as what's happening in our schools and the policies built on clear political motivation that drives them, whether or not people agree with them."

July 22, 2022

Direct Quote: GordonGecko attacks and demeans post and poster he doesn't agree with.

^ This is an egregiously tribalistic gutless low value post.

The activist complicit left leaning MSM will define anything that opposes the current identity politics/intersectional politics matrix as "far right" or "extreme right"

What actually matters in practical public administration is how the Department Of Homeland Security, particularly their OIA branch ( their intelligence wing) defines it. This is for the purposes to effectively deploy law enforcement, the criminal justice system and the judiciary to ensure national security interests.

DHS OIA uses a few simple tests

1) Is there predictive modeling around ethnonational viewpoints?

2) Is there predictive modeling around ideological viewpoints that will lead to organized violence that mirrors asymmetrical warfare methodology?

3) Is there predictive modeling around religious superiority?

What factors into predictive modeling?

- How long has the organization been in existence? The longer the tenure, the greater the practical threat to actual violence

- Has the organization published ideological literature on a broad scale? Those who regularly publish are seen as less of a practical threat to violence.

- Has the organization been in violent conflict with other "vetted" extremist groups? ( Think a street fight between the KKK and Black Panthers)

- Does the "organization" actually deploy in leaderless/zero structure cells, usually with back channel funding? This would be akin to Antifa, which has no formal chain of command and no national platform.

- Where does the organization operate by district/region? DHS OIA and CISA classifies some areas as "hot spots"  For example, Chicago and Philly would be seen as areas with a low boiling point but where these groups could operate with a large tactical foot print.

Matt Gaetz is an idiot. I would personally prefer he not be in elected office as he poorly represents Republicans, and thus by extension, the Conservative base. But nothing in his history or timeline in public office would classify him as "far right" or "extreme right"

What AOC or Bernie Sanders are shouting or what Joy Reid says to gaslight the public or the bizarre idiotic pathological lies of Joe Biden don't automatically castigate their political enemies as actual far right.

Keep in mind there have been previous attempts to try to have DHS classify Mike Rowe and David DeAngelo as "far right" and "ideological extremists"

Mike Rowe? The Dirty Jobs guy? Yes, that guy. The establishment Democrats didn't like his massive outreach to skilled trades to further lean them into Conservative viewpoints. And David DeAngelo? He's a grifter who made millions telling men how to selectively target women with low self esteem in clubs and bars to have as much casual sex as possible ( the archaic PUA movement)

DHS has been pushed so hard by the Biden Administration, that they are more likely to label down on a furry tree hugger chained to a redwood over Marxist anti-establishment black militants that the entire MSM pretends doesn't exist. Then again the the activist complicit MSM pretends the young black Conservative base in America doesn't exist as well.

The "White Evangelical Voter" collective is also not a monolith. Why you would say so or use that as some kind of ugly purity test is disgusting.

I took your low value trolling post, made to fulfill some need to "balance out" that there was a post about the "Extreme Left" hunting down actual sitting Justices on SCOTUS, and dragged it in to a high value discussion point. It was more than you deserve.

Posts like yours sully the entire community. If you want to hard line your tribalism and partisan rage, raise the level of discussion. You can say ugly things about Republicans and Conservatives with actual high value posting, but that would take actual effort. I say things that show the radical left, the Biden Administration and Democrats up and down the ticket in a negative light all the time, the difference is I'm not cheap about it.

Don't be cheap and lazy. Don't backdoor smear poor white rural Christian America because it's trendy to do so. Give this community something better than parroting the lamest parts of Joy Reid. I'll let people decide for themselves if they think you suck on a personal level, but what matters to this community is that your posts, just like this, suck the life out of this place.

May 6, 2022.

@GordonGekko May serve you well to practice what you preach. I'd hate to think you're the tribalist looking to silence differing opinion.

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Agree on intentions.

How does religion impact your life today?  Trying to think for myself.  Cant buy liquor on sundays in some places.  CFA closed on Sundays.
I'd say religion had a huge impact on me on September 11th, 2001.

As for today specifically, my property taxes are slightly higher because the local churches pay none.

There is a big variance between those two days, but I think it's fair to say that every day it has had an impact somewhere between those two.

You could fix that by wanting the DOJ to charge and convict President Trump with dereliction of duty which would ensure you have a Republican to vote for who is not un-American. Sitting back and saying you don't want him to run again is not enough because while there are likely many that are saying the same thing he is likely to be the nominee. Only one way to keep that from occurring....he needs to be convicted.
It's that old part of the problem or part of the solution dichotomy. 

My take is we can't even consider other issues until the people actively attempting to subvert democracy are gone from the playing field. It's like Maslov's hierarchy of needs. We can't consider whether to paint a room green or blue if we aren't managing to breathe. We can't consider political issues if our politic system is destroyed.

I don't care what people believe, just don't be condescending towards me because I choose a different (lack of) faith.

Bro, I wish more people on this board adhered to this. On both sides, but particularly and way more often, those of you on the Left. Can't recall how often you've personally been guilty of this (or if at all), but your brothers in arms are serial offenders. Cheers

I'd say religion had a huge impact on me on September 11th, 2001.

As for today specifically, my property taxes are slightly higher because the local churches pay none.

There is a big variance between those two days, but I think it's fair to say that every day it has had an impact somewhere between those two.
The governor of Utah is asking people to "pray for rain". That's how we fix the gun issue too.

He is Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. The infinite one. Salvador Dali had some interesting thoughts on God. I’m going to see some of his paintings. I love how he understood that time only exists for us humans. God lives in the infinite now. Thanks for the lively banter. 
:thumbup:  If you're going to the Dali museum in St. Petersburg, it is fantastic. Bring a magnifying glass.

Show me where separation of church and state is in the constitution. You can’t because it isn’t in there. Why are we teaching the exact opposite of Christianity? That’s a religion too. The pledge of allegiance ends with one nation under God. It just happens to be Satan  and Marxism in school now
FYI, it's nit-picky but the pledge of allegiance ends with "indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Some people are very sensitive about the pledge, flag, etc. so it's probably best to get that part right if you really want to drive home your point about Santa and the Marx Brothers running our schools.

Show me where separation of church and state is in the constitution. You can’t because it isn’t in there. Why are we teaching the exact opposite of Christianity? That’s a religion too. The pledge of allegiance ends with one nation under God. It just happens to be Satan  and Marxism in school now
FYI, it's nit-picky but the pledge of allegiance ends with "indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Some people are very sensitive about the pledge, flag, etc. so it's probably best to get that part right if you really want to drive home your point about Santa and the Marx Brothers running our schools.
The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by the socialist minister Francis Bellamy (1855-1931). It was originally published in The Youth's Companion on September 8, 1892. Bellamy had hoped that the pledge would be used by citizens in any country.

In its original form it read:

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

In 1923, the words, "the Flag of the United States of America" were added. At this time it read:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

In 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words "under God," creating the 31-word pledge we say today. Bellamy's daughter objected to this alteration. Today it reads:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The problem with America is we deny God in our schools. 

@pinkham13Trent Reznor said it best

He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see
He tries to tell me what I put inside of me
He got the answers to ease my curiosity
He dreamed a god up and called it Christianity

God is dead
And no one cares
If there is a hell
I'll see you there

He flexed his muscles to keep his flock of sheep in line
He made a virus that would kill off all the swine
His perfect kingdom of killing, suffering and pain
Demands devotion atrocities done in his name

(Your god is dead)
God is dead (And no one cares)
And no one cares (Drowning in his own hypocrisy)
If there is a hell (Burning with your god in humility)
I'll see you there
OP, Maybe look into the mirror and stop trying to indoctrinate people into your fairy tale. 

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The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by the socialist minister Francis Bellamy (1855-1931). It was originally published in The Youth's Companion on September 8, 1892. Bellamy had hoped that the pledge would be used by citizens in any country.


In 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words "under God," creating the 31-word pledge we say today. Bellamy's daughter objected to this alteration. Today it reads:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The late/recent addition of god to the Pledge is literally an example of indoctrination. :lol:  

Is GordonGecko Hypocritical When it Comes to Free Speech? (7/22/22 12:59 EST)

Direct Quote: GordonGecko lectures FBG member on Free Speech

"A discussion of free speech that might offend and the suppression of it and the enduring impact that has on First Amendment rights goes beyond your grievance against pinkham13 and his talk about religion.

Many people wanted Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind banned in all forms. It does have racism in it. And how Hattie McDaniel was treated in real life was disgusting and unforgivable. But it also is considered on of the greatest American novels ever written and some argue the film is one of the best films ever made.

GWTW deals with racism. But also it deals with female empowerment, how one measures their place in a shifting society and the casualties inflicted when the accepted social order rapidly changes.

When you silence something, you just don't excise the bad, you slaughter all of the good too. You remove the greater context of how the world got to that place and why it had to one day change. Losing that is a savage price to pay to feed the sealions.

How much good has to die to eliminate what some believe is the bad? That's a complex question. It's one worth investigating.

The exercise of free will and free speech was not designed to make everyone comfortable.

Here are two issues you aren't considering

1) There are lots of Christians in America today who feel their values have been persecuted by way of a larger overall political conflict.  Many Christians have been lumped into "poor white trash hillbilly MAGA White Nationalist cultists who want to go around killing as many minorities as possible" category. For the crime of what exactly? They came out to vote in droves in the 2016 and 2020 cycles and that's just never happened before

2) Someone can be wrong in your eyes but they might still have a point somewhere within the overall discussion. Do I think pinkham13 is totally right? Do I agree with each and every instance in how he presented his viewpoint? My take is simple - He's got some specific points I think are worth further exploration, such as what's happening in our schools and the policies built on clear political motivation that drives them, whether or not people agree with them."

July 22, 2022

Direct Quote: GordonGecko attacks and demeans post and poster he doesn't agree with.

^ This is an egregiously tribalistic gutless low value post.

The activist complicit left leaning MSM will define anything that opposes the current identity politics/intersectional politics matrix as "far right" or "extreme right"

What actually matters in practical public administration is how the Department Of Homeland Security, particularly their OIA branch ( their intelligence wing) defines it. This is for the purposes to effectively deploy law enforcement, the criminal justice system and the judiciary to ensure national security interests.

DHS OIA uses a few simple tests

1) Is there predictive modeling around ethnonational viewpoints?

2) Is there predictive modeling around ideological viewpoints that will lead to organized violence that mirrors asymmetrical warfare methodology?

3) Is there predictive modeling around religious superiority?

What factors into predictive modeling?

- How long has the organization been in existence? The longer the tenure, the greater the practical threat to actual violence

- Has the organization published ideological literature on a broad scale? Those who regularly publish are seen as less of a practical threat to violence.

- Has the organization been in violent conflict with other "vetted" extremist groups? ( Think a street fight between the KKK and Black Panthers)

- Does the "organization" actually deploy in leaderless/zero structure cells, usually with back channel funding? This would be akin to Antifa, which has no formal chain of command and no national platform.

- Where does the organization operate by district/region? DHS OIA and CISA classifies some areas as "hot spots"  For example, Chicago and Philly would be seen as areas with a low boiling point but where these groups could operate with a large tactical foot print.

Matt Gaetz is an idiot. I would personally prefer he not be in elected office as he poorly represents Republicans, and thus by extension, the Conservative base. But nothing in his history or timeline in public office would classify him as "far right" or "extreme right"

What AOC or Bernie Sanders are shouting or what Joy Reid says to gaslight the public or the bizarre idiotic pathological lies of Joe Biden don't automatically castigate their political enemies as actual far right.

Keep in mind there have been previous attempts to try to have DHS classify Mike Rowe and David DeAngelo as "far right" and "ideological extremists"

Mike Rowe? The Dirty Jobs guy? Yes, that guy. The establishment Democrats didn't like his massive outreach to skilled trades to further lean them into Conservative viewpoints. And David DeAngelo? He's a grifter who made millions telling men how to selectively target women with low self esteem in clubs and bars to have as much casual sex as possible ( the archaic PUA movement)

DHS has been pushed so hard by the Biden Administration, that they are more likely to label down on a furry tree hugger chained to a redwood over Marxist anti-establishment black militants that the entire MSM pretends doesn't exist. Then again the the activist complicit MSM pretends the young black Conservative base in America doesn't exist as well.

The "White Evangelical Voter" collective is also not a monolith. Why you would say so or use that as some kind of ugly purity test is disgusting.

I took your low value trolling post, made to fulfill some need to "balance out" that there was a post about the "Extreme Left" hunting down actual sitting Justices on SCOTUS, and dragged it in to a high value discussion point. It was more than you deserve.

Posts like yours sully the entire community. If you want to hard line your tribalism and partisan rage, raise the level of discussion. You can say ugly things about Republicans and Conservatives with actual high value posting, but that would take actual effort. I say things that show the radical left, the Biden Administration and Democrats up and down the ticket in a negative light all the time, the difference is I'm not cheap about it.

Don't be cheap and lazy. Don't backdoor smear poor white rural Christian America because it's trendy to do so. Give this community something better than parroting the lamest parts of Joy Reid. I'll let people decide for themselves if they think you suck on a personal level, but what matters to this community is that your posts, just like this, suck the life out of this place.

May 6, 2022.

@GordonGekko May serve you well to practice what you preach. I'd hate to think you're the tribalist looking to silence differing opinion.

FTR, I didn't read all of this either but I still :lmao:  


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