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Recent content by shredhead

  1. S

    Dumervil to Ravens

    Raven's fans will find out that he is over rated. Most of his sacks are against the inferior to mediocre teams in the NFL. (in his defense, when half your games are against the AFC west that kinda hard to avoid)When he does get sacks against the upper echelon teams, half of those are in garbage...
  2. S

    Which team has a better chance of pulling off the huge upset...

    :goodposting: The first sentence is very true. Not sure if I'd go as far as using the word "master", but I know why you did. Maybe the jedi student has learned enough to outfox his "master", although I'm still sticking with the Kubiak to Denver reunion, Houston @ Denver AFC Championship game!
  3. S

    Which team has a better chance of pulling off the huge upset...

    I had a dream, it's going to be Houston @ Denver for the AFC Championship game. I had a similar dream earlier in the season to pick up Knowshon Moreno (when everyone else was blowing their waiver priority picking up Hillman and Ball)and ride him to the fantasy championship. The first dream came...
  4. S

    BassNBrew Playoff Pick 'Em Contest

    Denver Green Bay Atlanta Houston I'm not in the contest any more, just playing for fun, and trying to do better than my 0-4 showing last week.
  5. S

    BassNBrew Playoff Pick 'Em Contest

    0-2 I think I should win the prize because I obviously don't know anything about football, I might learn something with a subscription. ;)
  6. S

    Who will meet in the Superbowl?

    On that we agree. No doubt it would make for a great game. Both teams have to take care of other business first before the matchup can happen.
  7. S

    Who will meet in the Superbowl?

    Fair enough, but last years games are pretty irrelevant. The Broncos team that takes the field in these playoffs is vastly different than the Tebow led joke that took the field last season.
  8. S

    Who will meet in the Superbowl?

    Remind me, was that one playoff team the Baltimore Bengals or the Cincinnati Ravens? I can't seem to remember.
  9. S

    Who will meet in the Superbowl?

    Really?? When has Belichick ever called off the hounds? Don't be afraid to admit that the Broncos almost came back and won that game (which by the way happened before the team and Manning were 100% comfortable with each other). If you really want to remember that game as calling off the hounds...
  10. S

    The NFL has Imploded

    Sounds like a perfect fit! :)
  11. S

    BassNBrew Playoff Pick 'Em Contest

    Cincinnati Minnesota Indianapolis Washington
  12. S

    Most Overrated Team - Broncos

    True, the AFC has more bottom feeders, so as a whole the NFC is better than the AFC. And yes, anyone in the NFC including Minnesota COULD beat Denver or New England, just ask the Cardinals, any given Sunday. If Denver or New England make the big dance, they will be favored to win no matter who...
  13. S

    Most Overrated Team - Broncos

    :fishing: The NFC doesn't have an answer to the winner of the New England/Denver AFC Championship game.