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Can we discuss pet peeves here? (6 Viewers)

I know I've complained in the past about drivers who can't seem to stay in their lane, but... My daily commute involves a stretch on a 30mph road with a couple of blind s curves. I can't believe how often someone comes around from the other direction straddling the center line. I'm prepared for it and there's always been room so far, but do they not even consider what would happen if someone else were doing the same thing opposite them?
I agree, but have you ever heard of any collisions occurring on that road? If not, maybe your concerns are unjustified.
I assume you are insulting corporate safety inspector logic here.

Will ignore obviously dangerous situations because the catastrophe hasnt happened yet, or it has and he hasn't heard about it.
No, I'm wondering where the line between old man peeve and legitimate risk lies.
People constantly crossing the center line is an obviously dangerous situation with legitimate risk.

I dont even understand the mindset of "before you get upset about people almost hitting you head on, please verify the accident data in your area"

I mean this thread is full of people that just like to argue, as are most threads, but come on. How bored do you have to be to come up with that.
Wife insisting on watching TV in bed at 10pm when I want to go to sleep and we have like 7 other TVs in the house... :hot:
Yeah, my wife goes up to bed before me pretty much 100% of the time, but often watches stuff on her phone. It drives me nuts when I go to sleep and she's still watching some show without headphones while I try in vain to actually use the bed for sleeping. To be fair she seems to only do it when it's "almost over", but 5-10 minutes of flickering light and sound is still pretty irritating when you just want to fall asleep.
Wife insisting on watching TV in bed at 10pm when I want to go to sleep and we have like 7 other TVs in the house... :hot:
Yeah, my wife goes up to bed before me pretty much 100% of the time, but often watches stuff on her phone. It drives me nuts when I go to sleep and she's still watching some show without headphones while I try in vain to actually use the bed for sleeping. To be fair she seems to only do it when it's "almost over", but 5-10 minutes of flickering light and sound is still pretty irritating when you just want to fall asleep.
i've resorted to a t-shirt over my face when my wife tinkers on her tablet in bed at night. blacks out the sunbeam of light pretty well and she gets to keep her nighttime routine.
Wife insisting on watching TV in bed at 10pm when I want to go to sleep and we have like 7 other TVs in the house... :hot:
Yeah, my wife goes up to bed before me pretty much 100% of the time, but often watches stuff on her phone. It drives me nuts when I go to sleep and she's still watching some show without headphones while I try in vain to actually use the bed for sleeping. To be fair she seems to only do it when it's "almost over", but 5-10 minutes of flickering light and sound is still pretty irritating when you just want to fall asleep.
i've resorted to a t-shirt over my face when my wife tinkers on her tablet in bed at night. blacks out the sunbeam of light pretty well and she gets to keep her nighttime routine.
See, the fact that she sees you resorting to doing this and and yet continues to selfishly tinker on the tablet is what blows my mind. Like I tell my own wife, it's the bedroom. It's meant for sleeping. If you're not ready to go to bed, then just go somewhere else. All good.
I'm at my daughter's college softball game. Every game has live stats and video feeds.

My father is currently streaming it.

Yet I get constant texts from him and my wife that they can get the answers too with a click of a button. I'm about to just shut my phone off
Go to leave for the grocery store and a car is parked directly behind my car, blocking my driveway. Wtf? They were looking at the house next door that is for sale. I could hear they were walking around the backyard. So i popped my head over the fence, and said "excuse me, i need to leave and your car is blocking my driveway."

Five minutes later they come out the front. Five minutes. That means they finished their showing. Then left when it suited them. As they were loading in the car, I said it is great area, but the the HOA is super restrictive and here let me show you the rattlesnake video from our backyard. I also have a scorpion video too that was on the wall between our house and the one you looked at.

Nice BMW btw sir. I really like it. Make sure you dont park it on the street at night so it doesnt get broken into.
Scoresman: *spends 20 minutes going over a grocery list with Scoreswoman to ensure we get everything we need*

Scoreswoman 5 minutes after I return from the grocery store: Did you get sliced turkey (wasn't ever discussed or added to the list)?

We even use our groceries for a shared list

I always get the “did you get X” and my reply is always “wasn’t on the list”. I normally delete the crossed off items as soon as I am done but now I wait until im home
Scoresman: *spends 20 minutes going over a grocery list with Scoreswoman to ensure we get everything we need*

Scoreswoman 5 minutes after I return from the grocery store: Did you get sliced turkey (wasn't ever discussed or added to the list)?

We even use our groceries for a shared list

I always get the “did you get X” and my reply is always “wasn’t on the list”. I normally delete the crossed off items as soon as I am done but now I wait until im home
Seems prudent.
TLDR: My MIL eats 6 things only, and I love to eat adventurously. It is annoying to have to cater to her taste.

My MIL lives with us. I wish to focus on one item here, so as to not bog down this thread. lol

She grew up eating out of a box and jars(Ragu, Heinz brown gravy, boxed mac n cheese, etc.). She is also the world record holder for being the pickiest eater in the history of ever.

I grew up with my Mom making things from scratch. I love to cook, am pretty active in the cooking thread, chili thread, etc. I don't blink an eye to be in the kitchen for 3 hours so I can enjoy a fine meal. I love trying new food, and am pretty adventurous eating wise.

To be clear: I don't feel as though I am better than people who eat out of boxes/bottles/etc. It is just a different approach to culinary living. I have no problem with it per se.

However, since I am clearly the one in the household who doesn't mind cooking, I am the primary provider of dinner. Unless I have the energy to cook two meals, I'm stuck eating what I cooked for the family.
Could you bulk cook for her on Sunday nights or something? Or is she also one of those picky eaters that won't eat leftovers?

My processed food better be fresh!
That is a quality idea. She doesn't mind leftovers(thank God).
Wife insisting on watching TV in bed at 10pm when I want to go to sleep and we have like 7 other TVs in the house... :hot:
Yeah, my wife goes up to bed before me pretty much 100% of the time, but often watches stuff on her phone. It drives me nuts when I go to sleep and she's still watching some show without headphones while I try in vain to actually use the bed for sleeping. To be fair she seems to only do it when it's "almost over", but 5-10 minutes of flickering light and sound is still pretty irritating when you just want to fall asleep.
Are we married to the same woman?
Go to leave for the grocery store and a car is parked directly behind my car, blocking my driveway. Wtf? They were looking at the house next door that is for sale. I could hear they were walking around the backyard. So i popped my head over the fence, and said "excuse me, i need to leave and your car is blocking my driveway."

Five minutes later they come out the front. Five minutes. That means they finished their showing. Then left when it suited them. As they were loading in the car, I said it is great area, but the the HOA is super restrictive and here let me show you the rattlesnake video from our backyard. I also have a scorpion video too that was on the wall between our house and the one you looked at.

Nice BMW btw sir. I really like it. Make sure you dont park it on the street at night so it doesnt get broken into.
and did I mention the murder that happened there?
Not sure this counts as a "pet" peeve since it drives me to incandescent rage, but here in South Florida we have express lanes on I-95 that you pay (with variable pricing) via your SunPass. The express lanes are generally separated by flimsy barriers, and people routinely go in and out despite the fact that it's illegal and there are signs detailing the expensive fines. Now, I don't get particularly exercised about people breaking the law -- that's between them and the cops -- but what bothers me in this case is that it's incredibly dangerous. I was once doing 70 in the express lane when a driver who was apparently tired of trudging along in traffic in the gen-pop lane cut into mine from a dead stop. I instinctively switched into the other express lane to avoid him, but I didn't even have time to check if there was another car there. Fortunately, there wasn't, but it could have led to the deaths of two drivers NOT including the guy who illegally entered the lane.

Last week, though, I got some small measure of revenge. I was actually in the regular lane and some guy was trying to shift out of the express, either because he didn't want to pay or because it was going to force him to overshoot his destination (I've been there and it is annoying, but doesn't give you the right to put others at risk). Anyway, I saw him starting to creep out and just leaned on my horn for like three seconds to warn him off trying it before I passed him. I hope the drivers behind me picked up on my cue and did the same
gonna have to add "variable pricing" to drive on a highway to my list of pet peeves i didn't know existed until just now
It's actually not a bad concept. Uses market forces to help optimize traffic. And from the driver standpoint, while it obviously sucks to pay $11 to drive a stretch of highway, you also know when you see the price that high that the traffic on the main highway must be really bad, so by paying the express fee you're making the calculation that your time is worth more than that. I think there are also incentives that allow hybrids and EVs to drive those lanes for free
I hate the people that will actually hire landscaping companies because they found a business card in their yard.

Thanks to these schlubs I have an endless stream of cards in my landscaping.

Brilliant idea. Call the company that litters all over your neighborhood.
I hate the people that will actually hire landscaping companies because they found a business card in their yard.

Thanks to these schlubs I have an endless stream of cards in my landscaping.

Brilliant idea. Call the company that litters all over your neighborhood.
This reminds me of one I have.
Political signs at polling places during elections.
First...has anyone really voted for a candidate because they had 50 signs outside? I actually look at it as a reason not to vote for that person.
Second...They are all bunched up with the next person trying to one up the previous by putting theirs in front of it and so on. And that is just annoying.
Third...they are ultimate just left there for the school or library or other place to have to pick up and dispose of because the campaigns never do.
I hate the people that will actually hire landscaping companies because they found a business card in their yard.

Thanks to these schlubs I have an endless stream of cards in my landscaping.

Brilliant idea. Call the company that litters all over your neighborhood.
This reminds me of one I have.
Political signs at polling places during elections.
First...has anyone really voted for a candidate because they had 50 signs outside? I actually look at it as a reason not to vote for that person.
Second...They are all bunched up with the next person trying to one up the previous by putting theirs in front of it and so on. And that is just annoying.
Third...they are ultimate just left there for the school or library or other place to have to pick up and dispose of because the campaigns never do.
There's a set distance these and any hucksters have to be from polling spots in NYC. Never see either here.

They're allowed where you are? Is that normal?
People on FB Marketplace asking for a suggestion for a plumber, electrician, landscaper, general contractor, etc that states " looking for _________ that won't cost an arm and a leg." Those people deserve to get paid for their services just like you get paid to sit in your cube all day. Otherwise, you do it you schlub.
gonna have to add "variable pricing" to drive on a highway to my list of pet peeves i didn't know existed until just now
It's actually not a bad concept. Uses market forces to help optimize traffic. And from the driver standpoint, while it obviously sucks to pay $11 to drive a stretch of highway, you also know when you see the price that high that the traffic on the main highway must be really bad, so by paying the express fee you're making the calculation that your time is worth more than that. I think there are also incentives that allow hybrids and EVs to drive those lanes for free
this is horrible

we're already being nickel and dimed to death for every little thing. now we have surge rates to drive on highways we're already paying for through myriad other fees and taxes?

driving to work already costs time, money for gas, for parking, wear and tear on the vehicle. for some there are tolls. now there's an additional fee just to drive in a specific lane of traffic??

when i was much, much younger and worked in a high-rise there were parking options at various price points. i parked in the farthest possible lot because it was cheapest. this was 25 years ago. it cost me about $25/week to park around a mile away. $100 a month. $1200 a year just to go to work. that has stuck in my craw ever since. things like that make me irrationally angry.
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I hate the people that will actually hire landscaping companies because they found a business card in their yard.

Thanks to these schlubs I have an endless stream of cards in my landscaping.

Brilliant idea. Call the company that litters all over your neighborhood.
This reminds me of one I have.
Political signs at polling places during elections.
First...has anyone really voted for a candidate because they had 50 signs outside? I actually look at it as a reason not to vote for that person.
Second...They are all bunched up with the next person trying to one up the previous by putting theirs in front of it and so on. And that is just annoying.
Third...they are ultimate just left there for the school or library or other place to have to pick up and dispose of because the campaigns never do.
There's a set distance these and any hucksters have to be from polling spots in NYC. Never see either here.

They're allowed where you are? Is that normal?
The signs have to be a certain distance from the polling place (as do the people stumping for their guys). It generally looks like the pic in this article around here (Houston).
I hate the people that will actually hire landscaping companies because they found a business card in their yard.

Thanks to these schlubs I have an endless stream of cards in my landscaping.

Brilliant idea. Call the company that litters all over your neighborhood.
This reminds me of one I have.
Political signs at polling places during elections.
First...has anyone really voted for a candidate because they had 50 signs outside? I actually look at it as a reason not to vote for that person.
Second...They are all bunched up with the next person trying to one up the previous by putting theirs in front of it and so on. And that is just annoying.
Third...they are ultimate just left there for the school or library or other place to have to pick up and dispose of because the campaigns never do.
There's a set distance these and any hucksters have to be from polling spots in NYC. Never see either here.

They're allowed where you are? Is that normal?
The signs have to be a certain distance from the polling place (as do the people stumping for their guys). It generally looks like the pic in this article around here (Houston).
Texas? Shocking!
I hate the people that will actually hire landscaping companies because they found a business card in their yard.

Thanks to these schlubs I have an endless stream of cards in my landscaping.

Brilliant idea. Call the company that litters all over your neighborhood.
This reminds me of one I have.
Political signs at polling places during elections.
First...has anyone really voted for a candidate because they had 50 signs outside? I actually look at it as a reason not to vote for that person.
Second...They are all bunched up with the next person trying to one up the previous by putting theirs in front of it and so on. And that is just annoying.
Third...they are ultimate just left there for the school or library or other place to have to pick up and dispose of because the campaigns never do.
There's a set distance these and any hucksters have to be from polling spots in NYC. Never see either here.

They're allowed where you are? Is that normal?
The signs have to be a certain distance from the polling place (as do the people stumping for their guys). It generally looks like the pic in this article around here (Houston).
Texas? Shocking!
We have sidewalks and stuff. We aren't like New York City with very little setbacks for buildings.
I hate the people that will actually hire landscaping companies because they found a business card in their yard.

Thanks to these schlubs I have an endless stream of cards in my landscaping.

Brilliant idea. Call the company that litters all over your neighborhood.
This reminds me of one I have.
Political signs at polling places during elections.
First...has anyone really voted for a candidate because they had 50 signs outside? I actually look at it as a reason not to vote for that person.
Second...They are all bunched up with the next person trying to one up the previous by putting theirs in front of it and so on. And that is just annoying.
Third...they are ultimate just left there for the school or library or other place to have to pick up and dispose of because the campaigns never do.
There's a set distance these and any hucksters have to be from polling spots in NYC. Never see either here.

They're allowed where you are? Is that normal?
Yes. There is like a 150 ft distance and they pile them all right at that line. Where I early vote is a public library. They line the road leading to it and are crammed at the entrance to the parking lot. Similar with the school (my normal polling location) except the road leading to it has private property and no signs. But the entrance to the school lot is far enough away so there the signs are.
I hate the people that will actually hire landscaping companies because they found a business card in their yard.

Thanks to these schlubs I have an endless stream of cards in my landscaping.

Brilliant idea. Call the company that litters all over your neighborhood.
This reminds me of one I have.
Political signs at polling places during elections.
First...has anyone really voted for a candidate because they had 50 signs outside? I actually look at it as a reason not to vote for that person.
Second...They are all bunched up with the next person trying to one up the previous by putting theirs in front of it and so on. And that is just annoying.
Third...they are ultimate just left there for the school or library or other place to have to pick up and dispose of because the campaigns never do.
There's a set distance these and any hucksters have to be from polling spots in NYC. Never see either here.

They're allowed where you are? Is that normal?
Yes. There is like a 150 ft distance and they pile them all right at that line. Where I early vote is a public library. They line the road leading to it and are crammed at the entrance to the parking lot. Similar with the school (my normal polling location) except the road leading to it has private property and no signs. But the entrance to the school lot is far enough away so there the signs are.
We are a nation of laws, are we not? Although I'm finding maybe it's more like Minnesota is a state of laws. If you don't take your signs down from public spaces here within a week or something of the election, the campaign is charged for their removal.
I know I posted this before ...... people cough wife cough keep on going even after I agree.

Something something something


Yada yada yada


You know just in case blah blah blah

And that's because all of us at one time or another have agreed to do something we would never agree to but these females like to come at us when we are watching live sports
You could get me to agree to a lot of things when I am trying to watch the Miami Dolphins or some South Florida sport during the Playoffs.

-And they always want us to go to something they KNOW is going to be a disaster - "They're having a workshop on "YADA" in the back of the library this Sunday at 1:00, I think we should go"
I do understand what you mean, I try to stop things all the time with "Yes" or "No problem, 100%" and it still fails.
I thought it was funny.
Why does the stupid Kroger deli use the nice ziplock bags for cold cuts and cheese, but then place space-shuttle grade adhesive labels over the zipper so it is impossible to open without ripping the bag!?!

Blah blah loss prevention, blah blah. Save another $0.001 and use cheaper bags then. Don’t tease me with a non-sealing, re-sealing bag.
Why does the stupid Kroger deli use the nice ziplock bags for cold cuts and cheese, but then place space-shuttle grade adhesive labels over the zipper so it is impossible to open without ripping the bag!?!

Blah blah loss prevention, blah blah. Save another $0.001 and use cheaper bags then. Don’t tease me with a non-sealing, re-sealing bag.

I think this is more of a training issue, there is a way for them to seal the bag in a way where you can tear the label and then use the bag like normal. I agree it is very frustrating.
Why does the stupid Kroger deli use the nice ziplock bags for cold cuts and cheese, but then place space-shuttle grade adhesive labels over the zipper so it is impossible to open without ripping the bag!?!

Blah blah loss prevention, blah blah. Save another $0.001 and use cheaper bags then. Don’t tease me with a non-sealing, re-sealing bag.
On this note, I'm frustrated with the entire prepackaging concept. I want to talk to a human and get exactly what I want.
Half the time I go in, the deli counter is closed and I have to get 4 pounds of ham when I only need 1.
Tired of businesses constantly looking for ways to cut costs.
Then I either have to self-checkout (which I honestly don't mind doing on most occasions) or stand 30 minutes in line only to bag my own groceries.
I'd be fine being selfish and putting my backpack wherever I wanted. Everyday all you see are people being selfish. Only a very small percentage of people are considerate in every situation. It's ok to do what YOU need to do for yourself every now and then, especially with something like this. There are much greater things out there to worry about being considerate of others for. This isnt one of them.
I think that's a very sad way to view the world. I generally try to do what I hope others would and make the world better for my having been there. Helps me keep a nice and positive outlook on life.
Saw a tweet once:

Fascinated by how the behavior of the people who took 3 pieces of pizza at the pizza party because they thought it would run out and the people who took 1 piece for the exact same reason is such a perfect encapsulation of American beliefs about community.
I'd be fine being selfish and putting my backpack wherever I wanted. Everyday all you see are people being selfish. Only a very small percentage of people are considerate in every situation. It's ok to do what YOU need to do for yourself every now and then, especially with something like this. There are much greater things out there to worry about being considerate of others for. This isnt one of them.
I think that's a very sad way to view the world. I generally try to do what I hope others would and make the world better for my having been there. Helps me keep a nice and positive outlook on life.
Saw a tweet once:

Fascinated by how the behavior of the people who took 3 pieces of pizza at the pizza party because they thought it would run out and the people who took 1 piece for the exact same reason is such a perfect encapsulation of American beliefs about community.
I'm the 1 piece person who gets mad at himself when it does run out...shoulda grabbed a 2nd piece. ;)
I'd be fine being selfish and putting my backpack wherever I wanted. Everyday all you see are people being selfish. Only a very small percentage of people are considerate in every situation. It's ok to do what YOU need to do for yourself every now and then, especially with something like this. There are much greater things out there to worry about being considerate of others for. This isnt one of them.
I think that's a very sad way to view the world. I generally try to do what I hope others would and make the world better for my having been there. Helps me keep a nice and positive outlook on life.
Saw a tweet once:

Fascinated by how the behavior of the people who took 3 pieces of pizza at the pizza party because they thought it would run out and the people who took 1 piece for the exact same reason is such a perfect encapsulation of American beliefs about community.
I'm the 1 piece person who gets mad at himself when it does run out...shoulda grabbed a 2nd piece. ;)
I just go last. I can always order more pizza, and my waistline probably won't mind skipping some LOL

But I really like that Gian - solid little snippet of wisdom
I'd be fine being selfish and putting my backpack wherever I wanted. Everyday all you see are people being selfish. Only a very small percentage of people are considerate in every situation. It's ok to do what YOU need to do for yourself every now and then, especially with something like this. There are much greater things out there to worry about being considerate of others for. This isnt one of them.
I think that's a very sad way to view the world. I generally try to do what I hope others would and make the world better for my having been there. Helps me keep a nice and positive outlook on life.
Saw a tweet once:

Fascinated by how the behavior of the people who took 3 pieces of pizza at the pizza party because they thought it would run out and the people who took 1 piece for the exact same reason is such a perfect encapsulation of American beliefs about community.
Then there are the people who are having a hard time finding their second slices and, instead of blaming the host for not having enough pizza available or the people who took three slices when there was only enough for everyone to have two, they make the one who only took one feel guilty because he took a slice of pepperoni instead of plain. Come to think of it, that seems pretty American as well.
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I'd be fine being selfish and putting my backpack wherever I wanted. Everyday all you see are people being selfish. Only a very small percentage of people are considerate in every situation. It's ok to do what YOU need to do for yourself every now and then, especially with something like this. There are much greater things out there to worry about being considerate of others for. This isnt one of them.
I think that's a very sad way to view the world. I generally try to do what I hope others would and make the world better for my having been there. Helps me keep a nice and positive outlook on life.
Saw a tweet once:

Fascinated by how the behavior of the people who took 3 pieces of pizza at the pizza party because they thought it would run out and the people who took 1 piece for the exact same reason is such a perfect encapsulation of American beliefs about community.
Then there are the people who are having a hard time finding their second slices and, instead of blaming the host for not having enough pizza available or the people who took three slices when there was only enough for everyone to have two, he makes the one who only took one feel guilty because he took a slice of pepperoni instead of plain. Come to think of it, that seems pretty American as well.

Check out the restaurant thread to see my thoughts on how sharing food in general is a cluster**** that is best avoided.
I'd be fine being selfish and putting my backpack wherever I wanted. Everyday all you see are people being selfish. Only a very small percentage of people are considerate in every situation. It's ok to do what YOU need to do for yourself every now and then, especially with something like this. There are much greater things out there to worry about being considerate of others for. This isnt one of them.
I think that's a very sad way to view the world. I generally try to do what I hope others would and make the world better for my having been there. Helps me keep a nice and positive outlook on life.
Saw a tweet once:

Fascinated by how the behavior of the people who took 3 pieces of pizza at the pizza party because they thought it would run out and the people who took 1 piece for the exact same reason is such a perfect encapsulation of American beliefs about community.
Then there are the people who are having a hard time finding their second slices and, instead of blaming the host for not having enough pizza available or the people who took three slices when there was only enough for everyone to have two, he makes the one who only took one feel guilty because he took a slice of pepperoni instead of plain. Come to think of it, that seems pretty American as well.

Check out the restaurant thread to see my thoughts on how sharing food in general is a cluster**** that is best avoided.
Don't go bumping that rant buddy
I'd be fine being selfish and putting my backpack wherever I wanted. Everyday all you see are people being selfish. Only a very small percentage of people are considerate in every situation. It's ok to do what YOU need to do for yourself every now and then, especially with something like this. There are much greater things out there to worry about being considerate of others for. This isnt one of them.
I think that's a very sad way to view the world. I generally try to do what I hope others would and make the world better for my having been there. Helps me keep a nice and positive outlook on life.
Saw a tweet once:

Fascinated by how the behavior of the people who took 3 pieces of pizza at the pizza party because they thought it would run out and the people who took 1 piece for the exact same reason is such a perfect encapsulation of American beliefs about community.
Then there are the people who are having a hard time finding their second slices and, instead of blaming the host for not having enough pizza available or the people who took three slices when there was only enough for everyone to have two, he makes the one who only took one feel guilty because he took a slice of pepperoni instead of plain. Come to think of it, that seems pretty American as well.

Check out the restaurant thread to see my thoughts on how sharing food in general is a cluster**** that is best avoided.
Don't go bumping that rant buddy

I can't help it. When I see people struggle around sharing food, I want them to know they are not alone in their misery.

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