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FFA Top 200 Horror Movies of All Time: #1 - Alien (10 Viewers)

What do you not like about it? If it's the "Tony Montana syndrome" argument, I've grown more sympathetic to that over the years even if still don't really accept it.
All the corporate stuff is fine and that's the most interesting part

But when it goes over the top by "murdering with chainsaw by throwing it down a stairwell" - regardless of whether or not it's literal - is just grotesque for the sake of being grotesque; it doesn't really add to the narrative.
I didn’t like the movie, but I think some of that stuff is easily explained as happening in his head.

What do you not like about it? If it's the "Tony Montana syndrome" argument, I've grown more sympathetic to that over the years even if still don't really accept it.
All the corporate stuff is fine and that's the most interesting part

But when it goes over the top by "murdering with chainsaw by throwing it down a stairwell" - regardless of whether or not it's literal - is just grotesque for the sake of being grotesque; it doesn't really add to the narrative.
I didn’t like the movie, but I think some of that stuff is easily explained as happening in his head.
That's what I meant by "regardless of whether or not it's literal".

#41 - American Psycho​

A wealthy New York City investment banking executive, Patrick Bateman, hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he delves deeper into his violent, hedonistic fantasies.

Mary Harron
Psychological, Slasher

IMDB: 76
Metacritic: 64
RottenTomatoes: 67





Voter Ranks
Frostillicus 8
ilov80s 23
IvanKaramazov 31
jamny 36
Scoresman 48
The Gator 47
UncleZen 33
Yambag 53
I had to special order the book at a local bookstore when it came out since most refused to carry it. They did a great job with the movie.
The book is excellent, and I'd probably have rated this movie even higher if we were doing "best movies" instead of "best horror movies." It doesn't fit the genre as well as, say, The Fly. But it is a better movie than The Fly.
In what way?
American Psycho is very overtly saying something about corporate culture. Because it's a 1980s period piece, people think "It's a critique of the 1980s," but that's obviously wrong. Remember when Bateman gives this little speech, where he's just mouthing socially-acceptable platitudes that he doesn't believe or even really understand?
Well, we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.
Does that remind you of anything that we encounter in present-day workplaces? The fact that this movie noticed this type of performative sociopathy and remarked upon it two decades ago is really remarkable. (But that's not really the kind of thing we associate with "horror.")

That's just one example, of course. There's the fact that none of these guys actually do anything. The way they're obsessed with showing off status by getting reservations at Dorsia. The business card thing. The fact that they don't even know one another's names and constantly get people confused with one another. All of that is pretty astute IMO.

What do you not like about it? If it's the "Tony Montana syndrome" argument, I've grown more sympathetic to that over the years even if still don't really accept it.
Listen John I gotta go. T Boone Pickens just walked in

#40 - The Fly (1986)​

When Seth Brundle makes a huge scientific and technological breakthrough in teleportation, he decides to test it on himself. Unbeknownst to him, a common housefly manages to get inside the device and the two become one.

David Cronenberg
Body, Sci-Fi

IMDB: 75
Metacritic: 79
RottenTomatoes: 91




Voter Ranks
dickey moe 24
Frostillicus 28
IvanKaramazov 22
jamny 33
Scoresman 75
shuke 55
The Gator 29
Tick 36
Todem 51
Arguably the best horror remake ever?

#72 - Talk to Me​

Lonely teenager Mia gets hooked on the thrills of conjuring spirits through a ceramic hand, but when she is confronted by a soul claiming to be her dead mother, she unleashes a plague of supernatural forces, and struggles to decide who she can trust: the living or the dead.

Danny Philippou

IMDB: 71
Metacritic: 76
RottenTomatoes: 95




Voter Ranks

Brunell4MVP 31
Keith R 6
The Gator 31
This is #1 on my list to see.
Watched this the other night. Thought it was just OK. Everyone in it looked like they had fetal alcohol syndrome.

#72 - Talk to Me​

Lonely teenager Mia gets hooked on the thrills of conjuring spirits through a ceramic hand, but when she is confronted by a soul claiming to be her dead mother, she unleashes a plague of supernatural forces, and struggles to decide who she can trust: the living or the dead.

Danny Philippou

IMDB: 71
Metacritic: 76
RottenTomatoes: 95




Voter Ranks

Brunell4MVP 31
Keith R 6
The Gator 31
This is #1 on my list to see.
Watched this the other night. Thought it was just OK. Everyone in it looked like they had fetal alcohol syndrome.
My Link

#40 - The Fly (1986)​

When Seth Brundle makes a huge scientific and technological breakthrough in teleportation, he decides to test it on himself. Unbeknownst to him, a common housefly manages to get inside the device and the two become one.

David Cronenberg
Body, Sci-Fi

IMDB: 75
Metacritic: 79
RottenTomatoes: 91




Voter Ranks
dickey moe 24
Frostillicus 28
IvanKaramazov 22
jamny 33
Scoresman 75
shuke 55
The Gator 29
Tick 36
Todem 51
Arguably the best horror remake ever?
This is very good, but there's a better one coming up.

#40 - The Fly (1986)​

When Seth Brundle makes a huge scientific and technological breakthrough in teleportation, he decides to test it on himself. Unbeknownst to him, a common housefly manages to get inside the device and the two become one.

David Cronenberg
Body, Sci-Fi

IMDB: 75
Metacritic: 79
RottenTomatoes: 91




Voter Ranks
dickey moe 24
Frostillicus 28
IvanKaramazov 22
jamny 33
Scoresman 75
shuke 55
The Gator 29
Tick 36
Todem 51
Arguably the best horror remake ever?
This is very good, but there's a better one coming up.
That baby should be a top 10 here easy.
I was just listening to a few episodes of Evolution of Horror podcast talking about some of the great remakes in the late 70s and 80s. Decent choices there.

#40 - The Fly (1986)​

When Seth Brundle makes a huge scientific and technological breakthrough in teleportation, he decides to test it on himself. Unbeknownst to him, a common housefly manages to get inside the device and the two become one.

David Cronenberg
Body, Sci-Fi

IMDB: 75
Metacritic: 79
RottenTomatoes: 91




Voter Ranks
dickey moe 24
Frostillicus 28
IvanKaramazov 22
jamny 33
Scoresman 75
shuke 55
The Gator 29
Tick 36
Todem 51
Arguably the best horror remake ever?
1979 Nosferatu!

#65 - The Wicker Man​

A sheriff investigating the disappearance of a young girl from a small island discovers there's a larger mystery to solve among the island's secretive, neo-pagan community.

Robin Hardy
United Kingdom

IMDB: 76
Metacritic: 87
RottenTomatoes: 90




Voter Ranks

BroncoFreak_2k3 34
Brunell4MVP 13
dickey moe 73
ilov80s 50
Scoresman 27
This was a pretty solid movie that was worth watching. On the plus side, it has that early-1970s feel, where it is going for a realistic, natural look, and it nails that look. Most of the actors look like random people pulled off the streets of an obscure Scottish island, and the location looks great too. While the story is mostly a police procedural, they throw in plenty of "WTF?" snippets that place this one clearly in the "horror" column. The big reveal at the end has been spoiled for everyone for the past 50 years, but it was still cool.

On the minus side, there is too much straight-up exposition in this movie for my liking. Christopher Lee is great, but he gets too many "Let me now pause to explain the current goings-on to the main character and, by extension, the audience" moments. The Wicker Man is obviously going to draw comparisons to an Ari Aster film that hasn't shown up yet but does a similar story better - both of Aster's best-known films go light on the exposition and let the audience figure it out. I like that approach better.

But the Aster movie isn't really about what The Wicker Man is about. The Wicker Man is about society's unease with the decline of Christianity, which was a pretty common thing to come up in the 1970s. In that respect, a better comparison is with The Exorcist or Rosemary's Baby. I find the characters in those to be much more believable than the main character in Wicker Man. This guy is a bit of a cardboard cut-out, and I think that makes the movie a little too didactic.

If you like Greek drama, it's also worth noting that this movie is a loose retelling of The Bacchae. (An overly-zealous authority figure tries to stamp out a new religion featuring weird sexual practices and is killed at the hands of the cultists, with the audience realizing at the end that he was doomed from the start).

It's a great-looking film with plenty of tension and quite a few scenes that make the viewer genuinely uncomfortable. I would have ranked this had I seen it previously, probably down in the 60s or 70s. I can see myself coming back to it. (Edit: If I wrote this much about it, obviously I think it's worth seeing).

I love that you brought other movies into the mix too. I was watching Rosemary's Baby last night and very much thinking about Ari Aster and Hereditary. I do disagree with you slightly on Asters movies. Agree on the aforementioned Hereditary, but in Midsommar you could argue that he very much lays out the plot for the audience. It is just done visually through the tapestries and art. The brilliance of it is people don't catch that on a first watch, or at least I didn't.
Are people really hemming and hawing about American Psycho being a horror movie? Really?
I thought the debate was more if it was a good movie or not. It wasn't in the horror section at the store, but that's me. I also haven't seen it in awhile so don't have a strong opinion either.
Are people really hemming and hawing about American Psycho being a horror movie? Really?

Not necessarily, I just said I didn't think about it because it doesn't feel like a typical horror. Maybe more of a psychological thriller. I think the main reason is because it is from the antagonist's POV.

#40 - The Fly (1986)​

When Seth Brundle makes a huge scientific and technological breakthrough in teleportation, he decides to test it on himself. Unbeknownst to him, a common housefly manages to get inside the device and the two become one.

David Cronenberg
Body, Sci-Fi

IMDB: 75
Metacritic: 79
RottenTomatoes: 91




Voter Ranks
dickey moe 24
Frostillicus 28
IvanKaramazov 22
jamny 33
Scoresman 75
shuke 55
The Gator 29
Tick 36
Todem 51
Arguably the best horror remake ever?
This is very good, but there's a better one coming up.
I think I know what it may be, but if it is I have the original ranked even higher (largely for sentimental/nostalgic reasons).

#38 - The Mist​

After a violent storm, a dense cloud of mist envelops a small Maine town, trapping artist David Drayton and his five-year-old son in a local grocery store with other people. They soon discover that the mist conceals deadly horrors that threaten their lives, and worse, their sanity.

Frank Darabont
Neo-Monster, King

IMDB: 75
Metacritic: 58
RottenTomatoes: 73




Voter Ranks

dickey moe 35
Frostillicus 10
IvanKaramazov 67
jamny 42
Scoresman 37
shuke 63
The Gator 39
Tick 61
WVU Alum 29
Yambag 34

#38 - The Mist​

After a violent storm, a dense cloud of mist envelops a small Maine town, trapping artist David Drayton and his five-year-old son in a local grocery store with other people. They soon discover that the mist conceals deadly horrors that threaten their lives, and worse, their sanity.

Frank Darabont
Neo-Monster, King

IMDB: 75
Metacritic: 58
RottenTomatoes: 73




Voter Ranks

dickey moe 35
Frostillicus 10
IvanKaramazov 67
jamny 42
Scoresman 37
shuke 63
The Gator 39
Tick 61
WVU Alum 29
Yambag 34

If there's a movie that deserves a high ranking simply due to the ending, it's this one. What a punch to the balls. I wish more movies took chances like this.
The Mist ending was awful, terrible and just great film making. I saw this movie when my son was just a tad older than the child in the movie and my heart just broke and I weeped for long while afterwards. Punch in the balls indeed.

#38 - The Mist​

After a violent storm, a dense cloud of mist envelops a small Maine town, trapping artist David Drayton and his five-year-old son in a local grocery store with other people. They soon discover that the mist conceals deadly horrors that threaten their lives, and worse, their sanity.

Frank Darabont
Neo-Monster, King

IMDB: 75
Metacritic: 58
RottenTomatoes: 73




Voter Ranks

dickey moe 35
Frostillicus 10
IvanKaramazov 67
jamny 42
Scoresman 37
shuke 63
The Gator 39
Tick 61
WVU Alum 29
Yambag 34
Really happy with this ranking, very underrated movie and I wasn't sure it was going to make the list once we hit top 50, bravo!
Are people really hemming and hawing about American Psycho being a horror movie? Really?

Not necessarily, I just said I didn't think about it because it doesn't feel like a typical horror. Maybe more of a psychological thriller. I think the main reason is because it is from the antagonist's POV.

So would this upcoming movie not be horror? It's shown from the POV of the Jason style slasher.


Personally, I dont think the POV being from the protagonist or the antagonist really matters when defining horror.

#38 - The Mist​

After a violent storm, a dense cloud of mist envelops a small Maine town, trapping artist David Drayton and his five-year-old son in a local grocery store with other people. They soon discover that the mist conceals deadly horrors that threaten their lives, and worse, their sanity.

Frank Darabont
Neo-Monster, King

IMDB: 75
Metacritic: 58
RottenTomatoes: 73




Voter Ranks

dickey moe 35
Frostillicus 10
IvanKaramazov 67
jamny 42
Scoresman 37
shuke 63
The Gator 39
Tick 61
WVU Alum 29
Yambag 34
Cool that so many had this on their list. Thought it would get ranked lower, if at all.

#39 - An American Werewolf in London​

Two American tourists in England are attacked by a werewolf that none of the locals will admit exists.

John Landis
Therianthropy, Comedy

IMDB: 76
Metacritic: 60
RottenTomatoes: 89




Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 8
dickey moe 50
Frostillicus 67
IvanKaramazov 11
jamny 10
shuke 49
The Gator 40
Todem 33
This is the first one from my Top 10. It's one of those movies that you may not appreciate as much if you didn't see it when it first came out. It was just so unique and was a perfect mix of horror and comedy, unlike anything else at the time. And the werewolf transition was incredible. People were screaming in the theater throughout the whole thing. It was wild. One of the few movies that had me going back the next day to see it again.

#38 - The Mist​

After a violent storm, a dense cloud of mist envelops a small Maine town, trapping artist David Drayton and his five-year-old son in a local grocery store with other people. They soon discover that the mist conceals deadly horrors that threaten their lives, and worse, their sanity.

Frank Darabont
Neo-Monster, King

IMDB: 75
Metacritic: 58
RottenTomatoes: 73




Voter Ranks

dickey moe 35
Frostillicus 10
IvanKaramazov 67
jamny 42
Scoresman 37
shuke 63
The Gator 39
Tick 61
WVU Alum 29
Yambag 34

If there's a movie that deserves a high ranking simply due to the ending, it's this one. What a punch to the balls. I wish more movies took chances like this.
You know it’s so hard to watch this because of that ending.

I have the collectors blue ray that also has the film entirely in Black and White

Another one that I whiffed on including in my Top 75.

Really good horror movie.
The ending of The Mist was not well received when the movie was released IIRC.

I don't normally like the type of unhinged character Marcia Gay Harden played but she nailed it.

Whatever you do, don't watch the 2017 TV Series. It's garbage.

I wonder if this story influenced the Duffer "Stranger Things" brothers.

#39 - An American Werewolf in London​

Two American tourists in England are attacked by a werewolf that none of the locals will admit exists.

John Landis
Therianthropy, Comedy

IMDB: 76
Metacritic: 60
RottenTomatoes: 89




Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 8
dickey moe 50
Frostillicus 67
IvanKaramazov 11
jamny 10
shuke 49
The Gator 40
Todem 33
This is the first one from my Top 10. It's one of those movies that you may not appreciate as much if you didn't see it when it first came out. It was just so unique and was a perfect mix of horror and comedy, unlike anything else at the time. And the werewolf transition was incredible. People were screaming in the theater throughout the whole thing. It was wild. One of the few movies that had me going back the next day to see it again.
Love love this movie.

Bakers makeup was ground breaking. The movie is hillarious and terrifying too.

A great movie. I have seen it numerous times!!!

#39 - An American Werewolf in London​

Two American tourists in England are attacked by a werewolf that none of the locals will admit exists.

John Landis
Therianthropy, Comedy

IMDB: 76
Metacritic: 60
RottenTomatoes: 89




Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 8
dickey moe 50
Frostillicus 67
IvanKaramazov 11
jamny 10
shuke 49
The Gator 40
Todem 33
This is the first one from my Top 10. It's one of those movies that you may not appreciate as much if you didn't see it when it first came out. It was just so unique and was a perfect mix of horror and comedy, unlike anything else at the time. And the werewolf transition was incredible. People were screaming in the theater throughout the whole thing. It was wild. One of the few movies that had me going back the next day to see it again.
It's a legitimately "fun" horror movie that doesn't skimp on the horror part. The SFX were amazing at the time and still hold up better than some of the garbage-tier CGI that would come to replace practical effects. This is one of those movies where asking "How many times have I rewatched this?" pushed it way up my list.

#37 - The Ring​

Rachel Keller is a journalist investigating a videotape that may have killed four teenagers. There is an urban legend about this tape: the viewer will die seven days after watching it. Rachel tracks down the video... and watches it. Now she has just seven days to unravel the mystery of the Ring so she can save herself and her son.

Gore Verbinski

IMDB: 71
Metacritic: 57
RottenTomatoes: 72




Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 33
Brunell4MVP 27
dickey moe 41
ilov80s 58
jamny 46
Keith R 59
shuke 30
The Gator 30
Todem 69
UncleZen 37
Yambag 61

#37 - The Ring​

Rachel Keller is a journalist investigating a videotape that may have killed four teenagers. There is an urban legend about this tape: the viewer will die seven days after watching it. Rachel tracks down the video... and watches it. Now she has just seven days to unravel the mystery of the Ring so she can save herself and her son.

Gore Verbinski

IMDB: 71
Metacritic: 57
RottenTomatoes: 72




Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 33
Brunell4MVP 27
dickey moe 41
ilov80s 58
jamny 46
Keith R 59
shuke 30
The Gator 30
Todem 69
UncleZen 37
Yambag 61

I would've swapped Ringu and The Ring in these rankings. The Ring is a fantastic US remake, but I slightly prefer Ringu. It has a more eerie vibe, more tension, and doesn't suffer from being Hollywoodized.

Those of you who voted for The Ring, have you seen Ringu? If not, I highly recommend it.

#37 - The Ring​

Rachel Keller is a journalist investigating a videotape that may have killed four teenagers. There is an urban legend about this tape: the viewer will die seven days after watching it. Rachel tracks down the video... and watches it. Now she has just seven days to unravel the mystery of the Ring so she can save herself and her son.

Gore Verbinski

IMDB: 71
Metacritic: 57
RottenTomatoes: 72




Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 33
Brunell4MVP 27
dickey moe 41
ilov80s 58
jamny 46
Keith R 59
shuke 30
The Gator 30
Todem 69
UncleZen 37
Yambag 61

I would've swapped Ringu and The Ring in these rankings. The Ring is a fantastic US remake, but I slightly prefer Ringu. It has a more eerie vibe, more tension, and doesn't suffer from being Hollywoodized.

Those of you who voted for The Ring, have you seen Ringu? If not, I highly recommend it.
I've seen both. I rated this one #59 and Ringu was literally my final cut. I prefer this version slightly, primarily because of Samara and some of the things she does in this version.

#37 - The Ring​

Rachel Keller is a journalist investigating a videotape that may have killed four teenagers. There is an urban legend about this tape: the viewer will die seven days after watching it. Rachel tracks down the video... and watches it. Now she has just seven days to unravel the mystery of the Ring so she can save herself and her son.

Gore Verbinski

IMDB: 71
Metacritic: 57
RottenTomatoes: 72




Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 33
Brunell4MVP 27
dickey moe 41
ilov80s 58
jamny 46
Keith R 59
shuke 30
The Gator 30
Todem 69
UncleZen 37
Yambag 61

I would've swapped Ringu and The Ring in these rankings. The Ring is a fantastic US remake, but I slightly prefer Ringu. It has a more eerie vibe, more tension, and doesn't suffer from being Hollywoodized.

Those of you who voted for The Ring, have you seen Ringu? If not, I highly recommend it.
I have not. Will add it to the bucket list.

#36 - The Babadook​

A single mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, battles with her son's fear of a monster lurking in the house, but soon discovers a sinister presence all around her.

Jennifer Kent

IMDB: 68
Metacritic: 86
RottenTomatoes: 98




Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 27
Brunell4MVP 5
dickey moe 51
Frostillicus 42
Keith R 7
The Gator 38
WVU Alum 33
Yambag 43
I need to rewatch Babadook. I remember watching it and feeling kind of meh about it, but a lot of people really highly regard it.

#37 - The Ring​

Rachel Keller is a journalist investigating a videotape that may have killed four teenagers. There is an urban legend about this tape: the viewer will die seven days after watching it. Rachel tracks down the video... and watches it. Now she has just seven days to unravel the mystery of the Ring so she can save herself and her son.

Gore Verbinski

IMDB: 71
Metacritic: 57
RottenTomatoes: 72




Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 33
Brunell4MVP 27
dickey moe 41
ilov80s 58
jamny 46
Keith R 59
shuke 30
The Gator 30
Todem 69
UncleZen 37
Yambag 61
If you are a fan of The Ring, check out Scary Movie 3 as they do a really good satire on it.

#36 - The Babadook​

A single mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, battles with her son's fear of a monster lurking in the house, but soon discovers a sinister presence all around her.

Jennifer Kent

IMDB: 68
Metacritic: 86
RottenTomatoes: 98




Voter Ranks
BroncoFreak_2k3 27
Brunell4MVP 5
dickey moe 51
Frostillicus 42
Keith R 7
The Gator 38
WVU Alum 33
Yambag 43
I simply did not like this movie and it is highly overrated.

It simply never clicked with me at all.
The ending of The Mist was not well received when the movie was released IIRC.

I don't normally like the type of unhinged character Marcia Gay Harden played but she nailed it.

Whatever you do, don't watch the 2017 TV Series. It's garbage.

I wonder if this story influenced the Duffer "Stranger Things" brothers.
I know you will be surprised, but this is why I think the movie as a whole is just OK, but the end is awesome. She wears on me big time, and overall I don't like most of the acting.
To me The Mist is one of King's more overrated stories. It's fine but I kind of was left with a "meh" feeling after reading it. However, I think the movie is one of the best adaptations of his work, in large part due to the ending.

Also appreciate the Roland Deschain reference at the beginning.

#38 - The Mist​

After a violent storm, a dense cloud of mist envelops a small Maine town, trapping artist David Drayton and his five-year-old son in a local grocery store with other people. They soon discover that the mist conceals deadly horrors that threaten their lives, and worse, their sanity.
Really like this flick, and for some reason enjoy the black and white version over color. Supposedly after Frank Darabont gave Stephen King the draft with his alternate ending King said "I wish I'd though of that."

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