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Fraud suit against Trump will move forward (1 Viewer)

The Tea Party support, at its highest, was 32%. The popular vote is much greater than a subset group of Repulican party. And, it will grow globally. 
Ha, please not every single person who voted for Hillary is going to protest. Like the GOP in 08 the far, far majority of people respect the system and will move on with normal existence. This whole thing is just like the Tea Party.

The Tea Party support, at its highest, was 32%. The popular vote is much greater than a subset group of Repulican party. And, it will grow globally. 
...and there's not much difference in the 60 million votes for McCain and the 62 million votes for Hillary. Maybe Hillary tapping out near Mac should tell you something.

Ha, please not every single person who voted for Hillary is going to protest. Like the GOP in 08 the far, far majority of people respect the system and will move on with normal existence. This whole thing is just like the Tea Party.
I don't think you are right but I guess we'll see.  The Tea Party was always a somewhat fringe group, even at the height of its popularity.  The anti-Trump forces includes the entire mainstream media. Also, a lot of he Tea Party was in rural areas where it makes it more difficult to organize, whereas the anti-Trump forces are based in urban centers where it's incredibly easy to gather thousands of people together to protest.  Normal existence is not what I think is on the horizon.

I don't think you are right but I guess we'll see.  The Tea Party was always a somewhat fringe group, even at the height of its popularity.  The anti-Trump forces includes the entire mainstream media. Also, a lot of he Tea Party was in rural areas where it makes it more difficult to organize, whereas the anti-Trump forces are based in urban centers where it's incredibly easy to gather thousands of people together to protest.  Normal existence is not what I think is on the horizon.
Looks the same in terms of the protestors and the flags and the complaints, that's all. People decrying tea partiers disputing Obama's legitimacy now thinking it's fine to do so with Trump. Oh and just wait for the health care law, oh yeah the world will be ending.

I'm in an urban center that must have gone 70% Hillary and I've seen nothing. 

What I do probably agree on is that Trump himself may not be normal. If he is dysfunctional and if our government is dysfunctional then we might have a problem. And I mean more dysfunctional than 09 when the Dems & Gop wouldn't even talk to each other, because that was pretty dysfunctional too.

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SaintsInDome2006 said:
How are people not aware they sound just like the Tea Party in 2008? Seriously it's like some bizarro, mirror universe. Instead of confederate and Don't Tread flags it's rainbow and peace flags. 
One group wants to help others, one group wants to hurt others (and help themselves.)  That's the difference . 

Fraud is simply the beginning for this idiot. When he asks Military personal to start to target terrorist relatives on attacks and they refuse - what do you think happens next?  

But there was not a weeks worth of riots across the country.  Obama got off easy compared to GW, Clinton, and Reagan.  The Trump years are going to easily surpass all in terms of hateful rhetoric from the opposition.  
Speaking of hate, hate crimes up 40% in Maryland with Trump White power and swastikas all over the place.  But you keep your eyes trained on the Trump protests, because there is nothing like having a HUGE blind spot in life. 

One group wants to help others, one group wants to hurt others (and help themselves.)  That's the difference . 
Yes, and ask the tea partiers in 08 why they were out there and they would have said the same thing. They would sound just like you. 

My point is this country is way too elastic right now. We've had two straight elections where people protest the legitimacy of the president and claim their very future existence is in danger. 2008 progressive president and both houses of Congress from the Dems, 2016 we swing aaaalllllll the way right and a president with some very right wing views and both houses of Congress from the GOP. Both sides protest. Both sides accuse the other of being radical.

It really is nuts.

Yes, and ask the tea partiers in 08 why they were out there and they would have said the same thing. They would sound just like you. 

My point is this country is way too elastic right now. We've had two straight elections where people protest the legitimacy of the president and claim their very future existence is in danger. 2008 progressive president and both houses of Congress from the Dems, 2016 we swing aaaalllllll the way right and a president with some very right wing views and both houses of Congress from the GOP. Both sides protest. Both sides accuse the other of being radical.

It really is nuts.
Trump is unique. He's a completely ignorant and unqualified reality TV star who ran a campaign based on etho-nationalism. Don't equate this year with anything that has happened prior.

I find it interesting that prior to last Wednesday, the day after Trump won, @Dr Oadi had not posted in this forum since July 31st. 

I think what it does show is what sore winners the alt right is, they are unable to be anything more than what sports frontrunners are.  Not that he or Olaf were ever missed, it's just funny both of them came back together and now are unloading on "libs."  It's no wonder I so enjoy picking at the far right-wingers so much, they are predictable and unfunny. 

I find it interesting that prior to last Wednesday, the day after Trump won, @Dr Oadi had not posted in this forum since July 31st. 

I think what it does show is what sore winners the alt right is, they are unable to be anything more than what sports frontrunners are.  Not that he or Olaf were ever missed, it's just funny both of them came back together and now are unloading on "libs."  It's no wonder I so enjoy picking at the far right-wingers so much, they are predictable and unfunny. 
There have been a few more besides those two who've made a return to the forum after a long period of absence, like that daddy rox guy or whatever its name is.

I find it interesting that prior to last Wednesday, the day after Trump won, @Dr Oadi had not posted in this forum since July 31st. 

I think what it does show is what sore winners the alt right is, they are unable to be anything more than what sports frontrunners are.  Not that he or Olaf were ever missed, it's just funny both of them came back together and now are unloading on "libs."  It's no wonder I so enjoy picking at the far right-wingers so much, they are predictable and unfunny. 

There have been a few more besides those two who've made a return to the forum after a long period of absence, like that daddy rox guy or whatever its name is.
we should not only welcome home our prodigal sons, but welcome great newcomers, like rojbk!

Oh I agree.  But let's lighten up on the fear mongering the fear mongers, the anti-Obama rhetoric was just as bad as this.  He was dogged by certain people around here for every day of his presidency, he was out to destroy us all.  Plus no one here voted for Trump anyway, they all voted for Gary Johnson instead.  :mellow:
Oh without question.  I was doing some IT work at a factory in a rural TN town the day after he was elected.  The fear and anger that day was unbelievable.  People thought he was going to destroy everything.

Now granted, their fear and anger came from a different place as the fear and anger that many have towards Trump...but the anti-Obama rhetoric was every bit as bad and never let up until Hilary began running and they switched all the anger to her.

Trump is unique. He's a completely ignorant and unqualified reality TV star who ran a campaign based on etho-nationalism. Don't equate this year with anything that has happened prior.
Let's not forget billionaire businessman.  He's also brilliant, not ignorant.  Although the argument could be made that that is even scarier.

Let's not forget billionaire businessman.  He's also brilliant, not ignorant.  Although the argument could be made that that is even scarier.
Take a closer look at his business record. He inherited a huge pile of money, and he'd actually be worth much more had he just parked it in an index fund and done nothing. And he screwed over thousands of people through bankruptcy and not paying his bills along the way. Brilliant? Unless we're talking about marketing himself, not so much.

Let's not forget billionaire businessman.  He's also brilliant, not ignorant.  Although the argument could be made that that is even scarier.
TRUMP: “I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me.” 

TRUMP: "The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families” 

TRUMP: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” 

TRUMP: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

TRUMP: “I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me.” 

TRUMP: "The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families” 

TRUMP: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” 

TRUMP: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”
That's just thinking outside of the box


Phase 1: settle lawsuit.
Phase 2: re-write laws so that settlements can be nullified by the President.
Phase 3: PROFIT!


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