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Marvel Cinematic Universe - Can Deadpool Save the MCU? You betcha, friendo! (2 Viewers)

Surprised to see no mention although I could have missed it: The Eternals has been “confirmed.” Ie leaked all over the internet for Phase 4 with Angelina Jolie cast in some part. I am assuming she will be Sersi?
I don't know this comic line but isn't Thanos himself an Enternal?

As an aside (and maybe related) I wonder if they will give a vague hint of the next Big Bad during the end credits of Endgame...

I don't know this comic line but isn't Thanos himself an Enternal?

As an aside (and maybe related) I wonder if they will give a vague hint of the next Big Bad during the end credits of Endgame...
Next big bad is going to be Galactus with a hint at Silver Surfer because the new Baxter Building is going to be "shown" near the end of Endgame.

(source = me, because Marvel asked me what would be best and I told them.)

Surprised to see no mention although I could have missed it: The Eternals has been “confirmed.” Ie leaked all over the internet for Phase 4 with Angelina Jolie cast in some part. I am assuming she will be Sersi?
I've heard murmurs of The Eternals, but can't believe they are going in that direction.  Talk about a group of no names.  Only a few names have been involved with The Avengers, and other storylines from the comics.  Sersi and Starfox being a couple of them, along with Ikarus and The Forgotten One - but not as much.  I also see this group being more of a period piece of heroes, and not something that would fit into modern day lore.  I thought Inhumans would have had a better chance to succeed before The Eternals.

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I don't know this comic line but isn't Thanos himself an Enternal?

As an aside (and maybe related) I wonder if they will give a vague hint of the next Big Bad during the end credits of Endgame...
Yes, but of a mutant variety.  His brother, Eros/Starfox, looks more human.  

I could see them introducing an Eternal, or at least the concept of them, at the end of End Game.  Especially if Phase 4 is going to be more set at a Cosmic level.  

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I've heard murmurs of The Eternals, but can't believe they are going in that direction.  Talk about a group of no names.  Only a few names have been involved with The Avengers, and other storylines from the comics.  Sersi and Starfox being a couple of them, along with Ikarus and The Forgotten One - but not as much.  I also see this group being more of a period piece of heroes, and not something that would fit into modern day lore.  I thought Inhumans would have had a better chance to succeed before The Eternals.
Most casual people haven’t heard of like 50% of the MCU. Guardians? Come on. Nobody knew who they were. They attach jolie to it and it’ll be a box office hit before you even get to the fact that Marvel is doing it. 

Most casual people haven’t heard of like 50% of the MCU. Guardians? Come on. Nobody knew who they were. They attach jolie to it and it’ll be a box office hit before you even get to the fact that Marvel is doing it. 
I don't know about 50%. Guardians of the Galaxy are the only ones I never heard of before the movie and I am barely a casual fan of the comics.

Most casual people haven’t heard of like 50% of the MCU. Guardians? Come on. Nobody knew who they were. They attach jolie to it and it’ll be a box office hit before you even get to the fact that Marvel is doing it. 
Fair point.  But I'd also argue that without James Gunn leading that franchise, the Guardians wouldn't have been as popular as they have become.  Hopefully the Eternals has something similar.  Looks like the director is Chloe Zhaol, who directed The Rider.  

Here's a snippet from a 2018 article I found: Eternals Line-up Leaked: Focus on Thanos Brother

Written by Matthew and Ryan Firpo, the MCU flick based on the super-beings will take fans in a new direction within the Marvel universe, as it looks at Jack Kirby’s 1976 run on his own comic creation. Focusing on the Eternals (so not just a jazzy name), which were created by the Celestials (that, remember, created the Infinity/Soul Stones) The Hashtag Show has claimed the team for the flick will consist of characters Ikaris, Sersi, Gilgamesh, Elysius, Makkari, Thena, Zuras, and Starfox, interestingly the brother of Thanos, villain of Infinity War.

The film, set a million years ago, apparently, is said to be going into production here in London next fall (2019), and will follow on from Avengers 4, filling in the gaps in the universe before it all went down – but that’s really all we know so far.
So if Jolie is Sersi, I wonder who they'll get for Ikaris and Starfox?  Those would most likely be the other two major characters that would be in play for big name actors, I would assume.

I don't know about 50%. Guardians of the Galaxy are the only ones I never heard of before the movie and I am barely a casual fan of the comics.
Fair point, and it sounds like that's what Feige wants to focus on next, the Cosmic side of the MCU with characters many people aren't familiar with from the comics.

Eternals to span 10,000 years, per Feige

“Everything after [Avengers] Endgame, and after Spider-Man: Far From Home, will be different and be unique, as we try to make every film. But seeing returning characters is certainly something we’re gonna do and want to do. But also introducing characters that the majority of the world has never heard of, much like Guardians [of the Galaxy], much like Avengers before we made Avengers. And there are lots of them.”

He went on to talk about The Eternals, and explained that it could span tens of thousands of years, which is pretty exciting and absolutely fascinating. He says:

“Eternals are one group, but we like the idea of introducing an ensemble, doing an ensemble movie from the start, as opposed to building up as we did with the first Avengers. More like Guardians, not tonally, but in terms of introducing a new group of people.

“You were asking about ’60s, and ’70s before. Jack Kirby did an immense, amazing epic with Eternals that spans tens of thousands of years, and that’s also something we haven’t really done, which is why that among many other things post-Endgame, we find appealing.”

I don't know about 50%. Guardians of the Galaxy are the only ones I never heard of before the movie and I am barely a casual fan of the comics.
My wife is casual. She’s a fan now but wouldn’t have read a comic if you put a gun to her head. She didn’t know guardians, iron man, black panther, Hawkeye, widow, on and on and on. Before 2008 most probably just knew Spidey, Hulk, Captain and maybe Wolverine? Ant-man wasn’t part of popular culture in 2005 lol. 

Never heard of the Eternals. Just did a wiki catch up on these guys. Around for thousands of not a million years, have some crossover with the Avengers as well as Thanos? I'm in!  :popcorn:

Most casual people haven’t heard of like 50% of the MCU. Guardians? Come on. Nobody knew who they were. They attach jolie to it and it’ll be a box office hit before you even get to the fact that Marvel is doing it. 
It's true.  I remember when they first announced Iron Man and I thought, "Who?  No one will watch that crap."  Now Iron Man is a household name, like Superman or Batman.

Watched Captain Marvel again yesterday and it was better the second time around.

First of all complaints about "flat" acting are very bizarre. First, because within the first five minutes she is cautioned no fewer than five times to control her emotions and second because, despite that she is constantly smirking, winking and wise cracking throughout. I am more impressed that she was able to convey so much humor while also projecting so much quiet confidence.

Larson probably does not run very well. Then again since she is literally (not figuratively but literally) never shown running for more than one half of one second during the entire film, and not once after they escape from the Pegasus Project lab, I am shocked that anyone would even notice it in the first place let alone find it immersion breaking. I had to focus on it intentionally to notice that she seems to kick her knees out when running. May have to rewatch Kong to verify. Whatever the case that complaint reeks of desperately looking for flaws.

Speaking of flaws (well, more of an acquiescence to convenience) the most noticable one to me was that Nick Fury refers to the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division as SHIELD even though they made a big joke of not having a better name in the original Iron Man.

So she didn't get her powers from direct exposure with the Tesseract but from the light speed engine created with the Tesseract. A small distinction but makes a little more sense as to why it didn't kill her. The odd part about that was why the Tesseract energy only exploded in her direction. It seemed like Jude Law was close enough to get a taste but he didn't. 

Interestingly she was able to handle the Tesseract directly, something that kills most humans when they come into contact with it, which is why no one else touches it in the film (except Goose).  That says a lot about her power. I wonder how they got it off of Nick Fury's desk? Probably salad tongs.

Love how they handled the Skrulls and wonder if they will play a role in Endgame. Ben Mendelsohn was great and I particularly love the nod to Jules Winfield drinking the soda when he asks for Carol Danvers help.

Maybe the best origin story since Iron Man. Definitely better than Hulk and Thor 1 and Black Panther (which I really like but found overrated) I personally like Captain America 1 and Ant Man, this is at least on par and maybe better.

Watched Captain Marvel again yesterday and it was better the second time around.

First of all complaints about "flat" acting are very bizarre. First, because within the first five minutes she is cautioned no fewer than five times to control her emotions and second because, despite that she is constantly smirking, winking and wise cracking throughout. I am more impressed that she was able to convey so much humor while also projecting so much quiet confidence.

Larson probably does not run very well. Then again since she is literally (not figuratively but literally) never shown running for more than one half of one second during the entire film, and not once after they escape from the Pegasus Project lab, I am shocked that anyone would even notice it in the first place let alone find it immersion breaking. I had to focus on it intentionally to notice that she seems to kick her knees out when running. May have to rewatch Kong to verify. Whatever the case that complaint reeks of desperately looking for flaws.

Speaking of flaws (well, more of an acquiescence to convenience) the most noticable one to me was that Nick Fury refers to the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division as SHIELD even though they made a big joke of not having a better name in the original Iron Man.

So she didn't get her powers from direct exposure with the Tesseract but from the light speed engine created with the Tesseract. A small distinction but makes a little more sense as to why it didn't kill her. The odd part about that was why the Tesseract energy only exploded in her direction. It seemed like Jude Law was close enough to get a taste but he didn't. 

Interestingly she was able to handle the Tesseract directly, something that kills most humans when they come into contact with it, which is why no one else touches it in the film (except Goose).  That says a lot about her power. I wonder how they got it off of Nick Fury's desk? Probably salad tongs.

Love how they handled the Skrulls and wonder if they will play a role in Endgame. Ben Mendelsohn was great and I particularly love the nod to Jules Winfield drinking the soda when he asks for Carol Danvers help.

Maybe the best origin story since Iron Man. Definitely better than Hulk and Thor 1 and Black Panther (which I really like but found overrated) I personally like Captain America 1 and Ant Man, this is at least on par and maybe better.
I also watched again this weekend and had similar thoughts.  Enjoyed it as much the 2nd time.  

The running in the Skrull ship is the only time I really noticed her style.  Barefoot probably didn't help her run.  Also I got the feeling the uniform had thicker boots she was trying to run in as well.  The running through the streets didn't look bad though.  

In the beginning of Avengers Fury handles the Tesseract.  He's wearing gloves and only has it for a second or two but still handles it.  Special gloves?

Curious how the Mar-Vell get the Tesseract.  If I remember correctly, Howard Stark fishes it out of the frozen looking for Cap.  How does it go from Stark to Mar-Vell?  

Curious how the Mar-Vell get the Tesseract.  If I remember correctly, Howard Stark fishes it out of the frozen looking for Cap.  How does it go from Stark to Mar-Vell?
Interesting breakdown here.

TL:DR version - Howard Stark found it in Cap1, then tried to find a way to use it's energy in IM2 while working with Project Pegasus.  There's a 2 yr overlap where Mar-Vell and Stark may have been at PP together working on a similar concept.  What we don't know is if they were teaming up, or if HS offered the Tesseract to Mar-Vell to continue working on the design for her FTL engine.

In MCU chronology, we know that Stark went on to study the Tesseract because of drawings shown in Iron Man 2 — which came out in 2010, before the first official Tesseract sighting in Thor’s end credits and its in-depth backstory in The First Avenger, but takes place some six decades after The First Avenger.

Howard Stark’s drawings in Iron Man 2 imply that Tony Stark’s arc reactor (and its different permutations) relies on Tesseract technology originally discovered by Howard Stark — but we didn’t know that when Iron Man 2 came out. It wasn’t until The First Avenger began to reveal the Tesseract’s history that we started to get a more complete picture.

According to The First Avenger and Iron Man 2, the Tesseract was found by Howard Stark post-World War II and studied by Stark for an undefined amount of time.  In Iron Man 2, it’s revealed that Howard Stark was working with Project Pegasus before his death in 1991. Tony Stark opens a box of files labeled “Project Pegasus” in the movie, when he’s trying to create his new element.  Mar-Vell also worked with Project Pegasus — it’s introduced in Captain Marvel as a joint NASA-USAF project that S.H.I.E.L.D. has access to. While we don’t know if Mar-Vell and Howard Stark crossed paths before she died in 1989 and he died in 1991, nor does Captain Marvel specify exactly how long Mar-Vell researched the Tesseract or when she brought it to her space lab, some kind of Tesseract handoff happens at Project Pegasus.

Interesting breakdown here.

TL:DR version - Howard Stark found it in Cap1, then tried to find a way to use it's energy in IM2 while working with Project Pegasus.  There's a 2 yr overlap where Mar-Vell and Stark may have been at PP together working on a similar concept.  What we don't know is if they were teaming up, or if HS offered the Tesseract to Mar-Vell to continue working on the design for her FTL engine.
Thanks.  Didn't remember the PP ref in IM2 or Avengers.

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AMC's servers are completely overloaded. Trying to lock down tickets but the app and website keep giving me error codes.


ETA: Fandango is working but now getting loooong wait times.

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Going 10am Friday, 2pm Sunday and 7pm Monday. Had no trouble getting tickets going at those times but opening night shows are already showing up as sold out or a few single tickets left. Anyone here doing the 22 movie marathon that starts on Tuesday at 11am? Only $90. 

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Thursday 6pm - my three kids and myself. I can’t believe it’s almost here!

ETA: Marcus Theater via Fandango. Fandango geeked out a couple of times entering my credit card but did eventually go through.

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Thursday 6pm - my three kids and myself. I can’t believe it’s almost here!

ETA: Marcus Theater via Fandango. Fandango geeked out a couple of times entering my credit card but did eventually go through.
Lucky you.  I am going to be in London on that weekend and every website I go to there has a 503 error and can't get anything though.

Waiting until the Saturday matinee but great tickets for me and my oldest son. 

So looking forward to this.

Going 10am Friday, 2pm Sunday and 7pm Monday. Had no trouble getting tickets going at those times but opening night shows are already showing up as sold out or a few single tickets left. Anyone here doing the 22 movie marathon that starts on Tuesday at 11am? Only $90. 
The website lists the runtime of the marathon at a whopping 59 hours and 7 minutes, which means if every film ran back-to-back without a pause to culminate in a 5pm showing of Endgame (which reportedly has a runtime of about 3 hours) it would have to begin on Tuesday at around 8am local time. 
I don't think I could hold my water for that long.  (Also the fact that it's only in NYC, CHI and SF kind of rules it out for me even if I wanted to.

Damn I had 5 tickets selected for that Saturday but I waited 5 min to see if the people could come (they couldnt) and by the time I went to change the tickets to 3 people it was sold out.

AMC's servers are completely overloaded. Trying to lock down tickets but the app and website keep giving me error codes.


ETA: Fandango is working but now getting loooong wait times.
Fandango line has been paused ... lol

I had ~10 minutes of wait time left

risking the wrath of the fan base - I am glad to have this movie wrap up most of phase 1.  I am a long time comic book fan and am on the brink of burnout.  Plus I do not see much of interest in phase 2 of the original universe.  GOTG 2 was not good and the Spiderman movie was just okay.  Eternals - not unless it is getting 5 star ratings.  As a stand alone, Captain Marvel could have been skipped.

Marvel really needed to get the Xmen and FF franchises back for content and excitement and hopefully FF will be a focus of phase 2 and maybe lead to a crossover.  X probably needs a little bit of time for a reset.

risking the wrath of the fan base - I am glad to have this movie wrap up most of phase 1.  I am a long time comic book fan and am on the brink of burnout.  Plus I do not see much of interest in phase 2 of the original universe.  GOTG 2 was not good and the Spiderman movie was just okay.  Eternals - not unless it is getting 5 star ratings.  As a stand alone, Captain Marvel could have been skipped.

Marvel really needed to get the Xmen and FF franchises back for content and excitement and hopefully FF will be a focus of phase 2 and maybe lead to a crossover.  X probably needs a little bit of time for a reset.
I disagree on both fronts. GOTG2 was a step down from one, but I thought it was a really fun flick. And Spiderman, I thought was fantastic. Not as good as Spiderverse, but great. 

risking the wrath of the fan base - I am glad to have this movie wrap up most of phase 1.  I am a long time comic book fan and am on the brink of burnout.  Plus I do not see much of interest in phase 2 of the original universe.  GOTG 2 was not good and the Spiderman movie was just okay.  Eternals - not unless it is getting 5 star ratings.  As a stand alone, Captain Marvel could have been skipped.

Marvel really needed to get the Xmen and FF franchises back for content and excitement and hopefully FF will be a focus of phase 2 and maybe lead to a crossover.  X probably needs a little bit of time for a reset.
Every word in this post got progressively more incorrect. 

Got two tickets for the 25th at 6:00pm.

My 13 year old niece is going to be visiting from Brussels and she's gonna lose her ####### mind when she finds out.

risking the wrath of the fan base - I am glad to have this movie wrap up most of phase 1.  I am a long time comic book fan and am on the brink of burnout.  Plus I do not see much of interest in phase 2 of the original universe.  GOTG 2 was not good and the Spiderman movie was just okay.  Eternals - not unless it is getting 5 star ratings.  As a stand alone, Captain Marvel could have been skipped.

Marvel really needed to get the Xmen and FF franchises back for content and excitement and hopefully FF will be a focus of phase 2 and maybe lead to a crossover.  X probably needs a little bit of time for a reset.
just to be clear, these are the MCU phases

Phase 1: Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America The First Avenger, The Avengers

Phase 2: Iron Man 3, Thor The Dark World, Captain America The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers Age of Ultron, Ant Man

Phase 3: Captain America Civil War, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, Spiderman Homecoming, Thor Ragnorok, Black Panther, Avengers Infinity War, Ant Man and the Wasp, Captain Marvel

Avengers End Game will end Phase 3 and the new Spiderman movie will start phase 4

:censored:  regal app giving me errors and all sorts of crap.  If thats how you want to play, I'll go through Fandango and a Krikorian Theater instead.

11:30am Sat 4/27   :pickle:

for you guys that buy online, is there a place to put in information for AAA movie passes? 

I use AAA passes to buy all of my movie tickets at a discount for Regal and other cinemas.

yup!  I still go old school for tickets. :)
I had my wife do this for me and the kids because of the website is totally crashed. AMC website stinks to begin with and the traffic it must be getting today totally crushed it.

Maybe they spend a couple of dollars on an IT upgrade and solve the issues in the future.

Every word in this post got progressively more incorrect. 
I din;t expect to get any support in here.  But really Avengers is going to set such a high bar as the climax of yea many years or movies I see little to be excited by except a FF reboot.  I think a lot of people will be ready for the ride to be over -especially with stories like the Eternals..

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I disagree on both fronts. GOTG2 was a step down from one, but I thought it was a really fun flick. And Spiderman, I thought was fantastic. Not as good as Spiderverse, but great. 
Just to let you know where I am coming from on Spider-man - it's probably one of the best origin stories (and early adventures) ever told.  Adding Stark to the story can only be a detriment - and it was.

Just to let you know where I am coming from on Spider-man - it's probably one of the best origin stories (and early adventures) ever told.  Adding Stark to the story can only be a detriment - and it was.
Yeah, and having the suit be Iron Man light was not the best, but it was a very cool movie. 

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