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Murder Mystery Dinner (1 Viewer)


Has anybody ever done one of these - either hosting in at your house or doing it at a place that does them? Was thinking about doing this with a group but I've never done one and not sure if they are any good and worth the time/cost. Any recommendations and schtick is welcome.
My roomates and I did this a few times in college. It's as good/fun as the people participating. If you have a bunch of introverts or people that don't want to dress up/play the parts then it's kind of blah. But if people get into it then it can be interesting/fun.

I would say it is likely much easier to go somewhere that puts one on rather than organizing it yourself. If you do it yourself and want to go all out that includes huge meal prep to fit the story, costumes, etc and you need people to buy into the acting.
Are you talking about those box set murder mystery games? Or going through a company that does them?

If it's the latter, my wife actually writes these as a hobby. The boxed sets for these are ok, but keep in mind most of the fun of the experience is in everyone playing their characters. For the last one, I had to dress up as a Belgian monk and I took it a step further and made it a trappist monk who gets drunk on the beer he makes (good excuse to get hammered for the game). If you just go through the motions of the game, it's pretty dull.
I think the key is not telling your dinner guests and surprising them with it. It has to be believable to really get the buy in.
Has anybody ever done one of these - either hosting in at your house or doing it at a place that does them? Was thinking about doing this with a group but I've never done one and not sure if they are any good and worth the time/cost. Any recommendations and schtick is welcome.
Did this one time for work. It was an enthusiastic crew and the liquor was flowing freely. My character was having an affair with another character, and the woman (co-worker) playing the role was very drunk. At one point in the evening she suggested we should take steps to really embrace method acting. It would have been really awkward, but she’s hot so I didn’t mind the suggestion. (Sadly, nothing happened because of my wedding vows…….dammit)
Are you talking about those box set murder mystery games? Or going through a company that does them?

If it's the latter, my wife actually writes these as a hobby. The boxed sets for these are ok, but keep in mind most of the fun of the experience is in everyone playing their characters. For the last one, I had to dress up as a Belgian monk and I took it a step further and made it a trappist monk who gets drunk on the beer he makes (good excuse to get hammered for the game). If you just go through the motions of the game, it's pretty dull.

Really either but I am worried that the group I’m doing it for won’t be the most engaged actors
My wife and I have hosted two and attended at least 3-4 hosted by friends. It will really only work with engaged people that get into their characters. Hosting wasn’t too much work, although it is all up to you and how much effort you want to put into it. Luckily we have a friend group that jumps into these things. One of the ladies looked like Tammy Faye Baker and one of the guys kept using his French accent even after the game was over. Invite the right people and have fun with it.
I too did this once as a work event. Ours was set in the 1920s, so we all dressed up as flappers or in pinstripe suits, and it was great fun (though sorta cheesy as mentioned already). We were all snockered, and I recommend that for ensuring fun participation by your guests.
Thanks for the feedback - does anybody have a recommendation for one at home? I’ve found a few online but no clue which, if any, are any good.
They are all pretty similar so I don’t think it will matter. Read up on the characters in them to make sure they are fairly easy for your friends to pull off. Other than that, it is just the scenario/theme that changes. The people are the key. The game is very secondary.
They are all pretty similar so I don’t think it will matter. Read up on the characters in them to make sure they are fairly easy for your friends to pull off. Other than that, it is just the scenario/theme that changes. The people are the key. The game is very secondary.

Do you mind sharing the one you used?
Are you talking about those box set murder mystery games? Or going through a company that does them?

If it's the latter, my wife actually writes these as a hobby. The boxed sets for these are ok, but keep in mind most of the fun of the experience is in everyone playing their characters. For the last one, I had to dress up as a Belgian monk and I took it a step further and made it a trappist monk who gets drunk on the beer he makes (good excuse to get hammered for the game). If you just go through the motions of the game, it's pretty dull.
We just did one of these as a family thing for Mother's Day Unsolved Case Files. It was a lot of fun, your wife doesn't happen to write for these does she?
Are you talking about those box set murder mystery games? Or going through a company that does them?

If it's the latter, my wife actually writes these as a hobby. The boxed sets for these are ok, but keep in mind most of the fun of the experience is in everyone playing their characters. For the last one, I had to dress up as a Belgian monk and I took it a step further and made it a trappist monk who gets drunk on the beer he makes (good excuse to get hammered for the game). If you just go through the motions of the game, it's pretty dull.
We just did one of these as a family thing for Mother's Day Unsolved Case Files. It was a lot of fun, your wife doesn't happen to write for these does she?

No she's just done a couple that we played ourselves with friends/family.

The game at your link looks waaaaaay cooler than those boxed murder mystery games.
They are all pretty similar so I don’t think it will matter. Read up on the characters in them to make sure they are fairly easy for your friends to pull off. Other than that, it is just the scenario/theme that changes. The people are the key. The game is very secondary.

Do you mind sharing the one you used?
Sure, we did Honky Tonk Homicide which had some great characters. The other one was a camping themed version that we did at our cabin and can’t remember the name off hand. Our friends did a flapper theme and New Years theme.

My wife and I spent a fair amount of time lining up the characters with our friends and they’re lean toward being more/less of an active player. We enjoyed that part, as it was funny to think how various people would play a character.
No she's just done a couple that we played ourselves with friends/family.

The game at your link looks waaaaaay cooler than those boxed murder mystery games.
Odd Mother's Day gift but we spent about 4 hours playing and had a lot of fun. We're actually doing another one for Father's Day.
I just got invited to another one in November. I’m pretty sure it is a version that you can get online. It is called Adios, Mexico. I’ll report back afterwards.

My character is called Rusty Pick, so you just know my wife is already calling me Rusty **** and Rusty Prick.
I just got invited to another one in November. I’m pretty sure it is a version that you can get online. It is called Adios, Mexico. I’ll report back afterwards.

My character is called Rusty Pick, so you just know my wife is already calling me Rusty **** and Rusty Prick.
So you get your character before the game? I mean that makes sense, just confirming since I'm a n00b
Yes. The host sends out invitations with a little write up on the scenario “so and so was doing this or that and was murdered”. They also give you a write up of every character, tell you which one you are and some ideas on costumes. My character Rusty Pick is a Mexican prospector that was double-crossed by Senora Margarita (the murder victim) and has sworn revenge on here ever since.

Unfortunately I just did a purge of my basement and just threw away a sombrero that I’ve had for 15 years … go figure!
We did this as a work event, was pretty lame, dragged out way too long, maybe could have been fun if just friends or something but this was not good.
We did this as a work event, was pretty lame, dragged out way too long, maybe could have been fun if just friends or something but this was not good.
Same. I felt badly for the actors/company, too, because we're a law firm and they had to put up with a bunch of lawyers' nonsense during the production.

I remember my table and I lost interest and checked out pretty quickly.
We did this as a work event, was pretty lame, dragged out way too long, maybe could have been fun if just friends or something but this was not good.

It seems to me that to make it work you have to have 1. A good story/mystery 2. Have it well planned out and 3. Willing and active participants. Otherwise it seems like it could be a dud. Still never did one but would like to.

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