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Survivor Season 46 - Finale - Up Next: Survivor Forty Several (4 Viewers)

I loved Bhanu as a character for four episodes. And I am so glad that he lasted only four episodes.

Same, except sub one episode for four. By tonight, he was actively making my stomach hurt, and I found myself pleading out loud for his exit. I actually wasn’t sure if I could continue watching if he were on.

Given his huge amount of screen time, I’m wondering if you, @Corporation , or other great devotees think one of his tribe mates might be the winner? It’s otherwise hard to understand why they spent most of the first four episodes on him, but you guys know the history so much better than I.
I really did love Bhanu and his overwhelmingly positive nature after Episode 1. Episode 2 I realized it was going sideways. The last 2 episodes made me feel downright uncomfortable. I feel they were exploitative showing Bhanu's breakdown like that. Cursing his god, openly weeping, highlighting that he had absolutely no clue what was going on, and begging on his knees to a tribemate who had to tell him to have some pride. Between Jess and Bhanu I was really concerned about their emotional states. I'm worried about them now that they are in the real world and they deal with the repercussions of being on the show. I can't imagine having that performance and then going back to a professional environment. At least Jelensky can joke somewhat about his exit. Fame is a double edged sword and I hope they aren't hurt by it.

The episode did have some fun moments. My son cheered when the losers won the immunity challenge. Jem pulling a fast one on the tribe was cool, although now she has to be really careful that it doesn't bite her, she's done a good job keeping stuff to herself. Mo trying to jump and the tribe encouraging her was great. Tevin saying "Soda gotta goda" had me laughing. But overall I feel a sense of relief that Jess and Bhanu are gone. Anyone else I think can handle what is coming their way.

@krista4 , of the 3 remaining, I think Tiff has the best chance to progress pretty far. She's a strong player, social, and has a meat shield in Q. I think Kenzie has the next best shot, very social but as seen with Tevin's (seemingly) turn on Soda, being overly social can hurt. Not to mention Bhanu pegged her a mastermind. She's not as strong a player so she'll have to build quick ties. Q will fall victim to what happens to so many, he'll be seen as a physical threat who is eliminated after merge.

Being on these loser tribes do have somewhat of an advantage though if the core is tight. If there isn't a tribe mixup, then you have them floating in the middle gaining power along the way.

I think Tevin is really strategic. Even though he's an ally, I don't think it's an accident they keyed on him telling the other tribes "If Hunter gets his hands on the ball it's over". Announcing to the world "Here's a target".
I loved Bhanu as a character for four episodes. And I am so glad that he lasted only four episodes.

Same, except sub one episode for four. By tonight, he was actively making my stomach hurt, and I found myself pleading out loud for his exit. I actually wasn’t sure if I could continue watching if he were on.

Given his huge amount of screen time, I’m wondering if you, @Corporation , or other great devotees think one of his tribe mates might be the winner? It’s otherwise hard to understand why they spent most of the first four episodes on him, but you guys know the history so much better than I.
I could be wrong, but I think they spent so much time on Bhanu because they think it makes for good TV. They focus on players that are prone to extremes because they figure people will tune in to empathize with them or "hate watch" because they can't stand them.

The focus of the show seems to be less and less about players that play the game well and more about characters that Probst thinks will get people to tune in.
The other tribes were also just laying around doing song title challenges and the like. Boring
Whether it’s editing or not, I love hunter. Him squirming during sodas silly songs is GOLD!
He's a really good player. Hopefully they are editing him to make it look like he is miserable. If he is showing Soda that level of disinterest it could hurt him.
Lot of criers out there this season. I don't remember seeing anyone like Bhanu in any other season.
The first appearance of Brandon Hantz. Who was painful to watch, in part because he lasted until late in the game.

I wrote this last week on another forum:

The more I think about it, the more I see parallels between Bhanu and Brandon Hantz 1.0. Hear me out:

Both are incapable of saying anything other than what they are feeling at that given moment.
Both have zero concept of how to play Survivor strategically.
Both have melted down frequently, including at tribal council.
Both have used/referred to religion weirdly, Brandon with his "good Christian man trying to resist temptation" shtick (and a religious-cult type alliance being formed as a way for Coach to control him) and Bhanu with his "Randen's medevac is a miracle from God" comments.*
Both have referred to women weirdly, Brandon with his "Michaela is a temptress whose hotness is leading me to sin" and Bhanu with his "Kenzie is a mermaid/dragon who is controlling everything." It's not quite the same because Bhanu is gay and not sexually attracted to Kenzie, but it's still a "using historical tropes to 'otherize' women" situation.

Brandon 1.0 is one of my least favorite characters (I'm sure Brandon 2.0 is worse, but I have not seen Caramoan), yet I am entertained by Bhanu as of now. However, if he ends up lasting as long as Brandon 1.0 did, I may grow to hate him unless he changes his behavior.

* - Bhanu got even weirder with the religious stuff this week.
That's a good call. Brandon had that bi-polar thing going on the whole season. His meltdown on his second season was a crazy thing to watch on TV.
I loved Bhanu as a character for four episodes. And I am so glad that he lasted only four episodes.

Same, except sub one episode for four. By tonight, he was actively making my stomach hurt, and I found myself pleading out loud for his exit. I actually wasn’t sure if I could continue watching if he were on.

Given his huge amount of screen time, I’m wondering if you, @Corporation , or other great devotees think one of his tribe mates might be the winner? It’s otherwise hard to understand why they spent most of the first four episodes on him, but you guys know the history so much better than I.
I really did love Bhanu and his overwhelmingly positive nature after Episode 1. Episode 2 I realized it was going sideways. The last 2 episodes made me feel downright uncomfortable. I feel they were exploitative showing Bhanu's breakdown like that. Cursing his god, openly weeping, highlighting that he had absolutely no clue what was going on, and begging on his knees to a tribemate who had to tell him to have some pride. Between Jess and Bhanu I was really concerned about their emotional states. I'm worried about them now that they are in the real world and they deal with the repercussions of being on the show. I can't imagine having that performance and then going back to a professional environment. At least Jelensky can joke somewhat about his exit. Fame is a double edged sword and I hope they aren't hurt by it.

The episode did have some fun moments. My son cheered when the losers won the immunity challenge. Jem pulling a fast one on the tribe was cool, although now she has to be really careful that it doesn't bite her, she's done a good job keeping stuff to herself. Mo trying to jump and the tribe encouraging her was great. Tevin saying "Soda gotta goda" had me laughing. But overall I feel a sense of relief that Jess and Bhanu are gone. Anyone else I think can handle what is coming their way.

@krista4 , of the 3 remaining, I think Tiff has the best chance to progress pretty far. She's a strong player, social, and has a meat shield in Q. I think Kenzie has the next best shot, very social but as seen with Tevin's (seemingly) turn on Soda, being overly social can hurt. Not to mention Bhanu pegged her a mastermind. She's not as strong a player so she'll have to build quick ties. Q will fall victim to what happens to so many, he'll be seen as a physical threat who is eliminated after merge.

Being on these loser tribes do have somewhat of an advantage though if the core is tight. If there isn't a tribe mixup, then you have them floating in the middle gaining power along the way.

I think Tevin is really strategic. Even though he's an ally, I don't think it's an accident they keyed on him telling the other tribes "If Hunter gets his hands on the ball it's over". Announcing to the world "Here's a target".
Remember that the last season these folks saw before shooting was 44, in which a tribe went into the merge with 3, played the middle perfectly and all got to the final 4. I bet the green and orange tribes are gonna decide to prevent that from happening again.
I've watched every season. Most seasons more then once. I just can't get over how uninteresting most of this season's cast is. Sorry to hate on it, but it just feels like they are casting people that check certain boxes instead of ones that would rock the game. Bye Bhanu. You were exhausting man. Take care.

Someone mentioned Brandon. Shout out to my boy Brandon. Such a pleasure to watch him on television. Ha ha
Mo trying to jump and the tribe encouraging her was great. Tevin saying "Soda gotta goda" had me laughing.
I laughed when she was trying to jump. It was like she had invisible chains bound to her ankles holding her down. I also liked when Kenzie and Tiff were trying to make sense of Bhanu signing up to be on Survivor, and Kenzie asked why he even came out there, and that he could have just gone camping, and Tiff said if he wanted to win a million hearts go volunteer.
Mo trying to jump and the tribe encouraging her was great. Tevin saying "Soda gotta goda" had me laughing.
I laughed when she was trying to jump. It was like she had invisible chains bound to her ankles holding her down. I also liked when Kenzie and Tiff were trying to make sense of Bhanu signing up to be on Survivor, and Kenzie asked why he even came out there, and that he could have just gone camping, and Tiff said if he wanted to win a million hearts go volunteer.
K and T spoke for the audience in those moments. I also loved Tiff going GTFO with that begging, I'm not going to talk to you until you get up off your knees.
I loved Bhanu as a character for four episodes. And I am so glad that he lasted only four episodes.

Same, except sub one episode for four. By tonight, he was actively making my stomach hurt, and I found myself pleading out loud for his exit. I actually wasn’t sure if I could continue watching if he were on.

Given his huge amount of screen time, I’m wondering if you, @Corporation , or other great devotees think one of his tribe mates might be the winner? It’s otherwise hard to understand why they spent most of the first four episodes on him, but you guys know the history so much better than I.
Same. But I was over him when he was weeping on the journey. I could barely get through the 4th episode. I fast forwarded most of his drivel last night.
Me too. I watch with my youngest and my wife and we fast forwarded the end through to the end of tribal. We got so much damn Bhanu it was ridiculous for a player that had so little actual impact in the game.

I really hope at some point we start to get more better players soon because there seems to be one bad tribe every time now and we get so much of them it’s crazy. Kaleb and Emily had so much screen time last season and neither of them made the final 6, heck Kaleb was the first choice out after the merge but got one extra tribal.

Survivor is still OK but watching the Amazing Race this season should be a wake up call about how close they could be to just an awful cast. If Bhanu is good for TV, there are going to be more people who stop watching.
It was funny watching Q, the self proclaimed super competitive athlete,be exhausted during the challenge.....while country boy Hunter tore it up without even sweating...:laugh:
Tim easily beat Q too. Q will be embarrassed watching these shows because he hasn’t been anywhere close to physically dominating challenges.
Mo trying to jump and the tribe encouraging her was great. Tevin saying "Soda gotta goda" had me laughing.
I laughed when she was trying to jump. It was like she had invisible chains bound to her ankles holding her down. I also liked when Kenzie and Tiff were trying to make sense of Bhanu signing up to be on Survivor, and Kenzie asked why he even came out there, and that he could have just gone camping, and Tiff said if he wanted to win a million hearts go volunteer.
The go volunteer line was just classic, and so accurate. People get too much of their self worth from external sources. You want to win a million hearts? Start by winning one heart in need at a time.
Bhanu had more confessionals in 4 episodes of this season than Heidi, the second place finisher of 44, had in her entire season.

That’s why he went from a character to just plain annoying to the point that big time fans like me/my family fast forwarded the entire end of the show and tribal. We knew he was going and didn’t want to watch another minute of him.
Bhanu had more confessionals in 4 episodes of this season than Heidi, the second place finisher of 44, had in her entire season.

That’s why he went from a character to just plain annoying to the point that big time fans like me/my family fast forwarded the entire end of the show and tribal. We knew he was going and didn’t want to watch another minute of him.
It's just not fun to watch someone have a complete mental breakdown. Poor choice by Survivor this season.
Overall I like the 90 minute episodes. But maybe this is one of the downsides. If the producers had to edit his story down to 60 minute episodes it wouldn’t have been as painful. But with all that time to fill, plus probably thinking they were making him a sympathetic figure, they instead just made it hard to watch and unenjoyable. Hopefully they hear the feedback and learn from it.
Overall I like the 90 minute episodes. But maybe this is one of the downsides. If the producers had to edit his story down to 60 minute episodes it wouldn’t have been as painful. But with all that time to fill, plus probably thinking they were making him a sympathetic figure, they instead just made it hard to watch and unenjoyable. Hopefully they hear the feedback and learn from it.
I like the 90 minute format as well. The focus on Bhanu is probably 1 of 2 things. Either they drastically misjudged the audience and they thought they were showing Bhanu favorably (as you mentioned), or as someone else mentioned previously the rest of the cast is kind of dull so they were forced into that spot. I've seen some signs of life from the other tribes (Tevin, Soda, Hunter, Venus) so I'm guessing it was a misjudgment on the producers part. I think (not sure so someone please correct) that Jeff initiated the hug with Bhanu at the end. I remember other people initiating contact with Jeff, but not sure I've seen it the other way. May be indicative that Probst loved this guy and couldn't see how the edit portrayed him to the audience.
The general rule for this thread is "free game to talk about after the episode airs". If you don't want to know what happened tonight, please stop reading.

Scroll down a little more.

OK, so the game starts for real. The Vibe Tribe is no more after the little tribe that couldn't finally did. For a moment I really thought Q was going to choke again. Happy for them to finally get a victory. No surprise Hunter and Nami dominated again, although Tim was probably the most impressive through the obstacle course. I do tend to believe Q when he said he was trying to fake Kenzie out with his "I might quit" talk. Pretty fun how he called her out with the "What y'all talking about?".

Oh Jem, I thought you were playing it good. You found an advantage and you kept it to yourself. You followed up by turning it into an idol and keeping that to yourself. You think you are a good liar because you didn't giggle, but you had a goofy look on your face, and you allowed your tribemates to get stung by ants as they dug in futility. I think her death knell was going to the guys and saying "Tell me who you are voting for, I'm completely on your side". Not believable at all. I thought poor Ben might feel her machete tonight, but the Hammer of Truth kept him safe. She overplayed that part of the game while exceeding at the keep advantages quiet part.

Tim was good tonight. I'm not sure I have written about him the whole time, other than calling him the "other parent" to Maria on the tribe. Showed a little humor with his constipation, and performed really well in the challenge. Also showed a lot of sense in not risking his vote.

The potential 6 person alliance formed at that challenge could really pay off, it makes a lot of sense. Q and Tiff are definitely a strong couple, Hunter and Tevin are likewise. Tim thinks Maria is his, but I think she is really with Charlie, which could throw a wrench in that.

As they were getting ready to read the votes, I said to my son - "Wow, not even an inkling of a vote to be played on Moriah". Good job for her, but now she knows shes on the outs. Has to be a terrible feeling to be the odd person out on a blind side.
The general rule for this thread is "free game to talk about after the episode airs". If you don't want to know what happened tonight, please stop reading.

Scroll down a little more.

OK, so the game starts for real. The Vibe Tribe is no more after the little tribe that couldn't finally did. For a moment I really thought Q was going to choke again. Happy for them to finally get a victory. No surprise Hunter and Nami dominated again, although Tim was probably the most impressive through the obstacle course. I do tend to believe Q when he said he was trying to fake Kenzie out with his "I might quit" talk. Pretty fun how he called her out with the "What y'all talking about?".

Oh Jem, I thought you were playing it good. You found an advantage and you kept it to yourself. You followed up by turning it into an idol and keeping that to yourself. You think you are a good liar because you didn't giggle, but you had a goofy look on your face, and you allowed your tribemates to get stung by ants as they dug in futility. I think her death knell was going to the guys and saying "Tell me who you are voting for, I'm completely on your side". Not believable at all. I thought poor Ben might feel her machete tonight, but the Hammer of Truth kept him safe. She overplayed that part of the game while exceeding at the keep advantages quiet part.

Tim was good tonight. I'm not sure I have written about him the whole time, other than calling him the "other parent" to Maria on the tribe. Showed a little humor with his constipation, and performed really well in the challenge. Also showed a lot of sense in not risking his vote.

The potential 6 person alliance formed at that challenge could really pay off, it makes a lot of sense. Q and Tiff are definitely a strong couple, Hunter and Tevin are likewise. Tim thinks Maria is his, but I think she is really with Charlie, which could throw a wrench in that.

As they were getting ready to read the votes, I said to my son - "Wow, not even an inkling of a vote to be played on Moriah". Good job for her, but now she knows shes on the outs. Has to be a terrible feeling to be the odd person out on a blind side.
Tevin can't be trusted. He will turn on his alliance in a heartbeat. Hopefully he implodes and gets voted out soon.
So we are down to tribes of 6. 4 & 3 for a total of 13.Next week we drop to 12. I think 2 weeks from tonight we have the merge
So we are down to tribes of 6. 4 & 3 for a total of 13.Next week we drop to 12. I think 2 weeks from tonight we have the merge
In case you don't watch the preview for next week at the end of the episode:

The preview showed them dropping their buffs. If the new era pattern holds, next week is the fake merge and the week after is the real merge.
If you are on a tribe that makes a big deal about being all about "vibes," then you can't sketch people out by overplaying when it comes time to muster votes. Jem did a terrible job of reading the room (or the beach, I guess.)

Tim has been weirdly edited all season, to the point that I wonder if there's a "he leaves the game in a weird way and we don't want you to get too attached to him" angle going on. Given that, it might be an ominous sign that they showed him talking about how he hasn't pooped for 10 days.

Tim, Q and Hunter put together an alliance of 6 ... when there are 13 people left in the game. And Hunter doesn't currently have a vote. Math is hard!
it might be an ominous sign that they showed him talking about how he hasn't pooped for 10 days.
The most recent season of Bachelor In Paradise had a girl go home because she didn't poop for about 10 days, if I remember right. They had to do some surgery to remove the "poo baby" as they called it.
A really good participant was removed from naked and afraid for this as well.
Yeah nice to see some actual gameplay having to happen.

Also that "survivor trivia" was impossible. The others this season have been hard, but that wasn't even close to anything anyone could be expected to even get 50% on.
Yeah I've watched every season of survivor and I can probably count the amount of episodes I've missed on 1 hand.

I wouldn't have had a prayer of getting even half of those. If you gave me a full list of the contestants and winners for each season maybe I do a little better....but just the season logo...come on
Last edited:
Yeah nice to see some actual gameplay having to happen.

Also that "survivor trivia" was impossible. The others this season have been hard, but that wasn't even close to anything anyone could be expected to even get 50% on.
Yeah I've watched every season of survivor and I can probably count the amount of episodes I've missed on 1 hand.

I wouldn't have had a prayer of getting even half of those. If you gave me a full list of the contestants and winners for each season maybe I do a little better....but just the season logo...come on
Agree, when I saw that puzzle flip over I just laughed. Especially when it was a one shot deal. Maybe if you give me as many shots as I could take in the time limit, but even then I'm sure I would have failed that one. Nearly impossible.
it might be an ominous sign that they showed him talking about how he hasn't pooped for 10 days.
The most recent season of Bachelor In Paradise had a girl go home because she didn't poop for about 10 days, if I remember right. They had to do some surgery to remove the "poo baby" as they called it.
Bradley from Ghost Island (Survivor 36) said in a "deep dive" interview after his season that he didn't poop for 26 days and probably would have been medevac'd if he hadn't been voted out around the time that he was. In the days after his boot, they tried all kinds of medical remedies and nothing worked. Then they asked him if there was anything he eats at home that gives him the runs. He said Panda Express. So they got him the greasiest Chinese food they could find, and that did the trick.
Yeah nice to see some actual gameplay having to happen.

Also that "survivor trivia" was impossible. The others this season have been hard, but that wasn't even close to anything anyone could be expected to even get 50% on.
I could have done it. I don't know why I know the order of every Survivor season, but I do.

Now, that's about the only Survivor challenge I could do successfully.

Both of these statements are also true for Brandon from 45. The difference is he went on Survivor anyway, and I never would.
and you allowed your tribemates to get stung by ants as they dug in futility.
Yup. Sort of made me anti-Jem seeing her enjoyment putting others in the tribe through that. It was a little creepy. So much better for her game if she'd simply hidden it so that the tribe continued searching and was not left to wonder who the culprit was. The conversation with Tim never happens.

I get they are being starved and that impacts, but Q/Tiff/Kenzie just seem to get lapped out of the gates on every challenge, falling way behind players they should not be falling so far behind.
and you allowed your tribemates to get stung by ants as they dug in futility.
Yup. Sort of made me anti-Jem seeing her enjoyment putting others in the tribe through that. It was a little creepy. So much better for her game if she'd simply hidden it so that the tribe continued searching and was not left to wonder who the culprit was. The conversation with Tim never happens.

I get they are being starved and that impacts, but Q/Tiff/Kenzie just seem to get lapped out of the gates on every challenge, falling way behind players they should not be falling so far behind.
Q is built but doesn’t seem to be that athletic
and you allowed your tribemates to get stung by ants as they dug in futility.
Yup. Sort of made me anti-Jem seeing her enjoyment putting others in the tribe through that. It was a little creepy. So much better for her game if she'd simply hidden it so that the tribe continued searching and was not left to wonder who the culprit was. The conversation with Tim never happens.

I get they are being starved and that impacts, but Q/Tiff/Kenzie just seem to get lapped out of the gates on every challenge, falling way behind players they should not be falling so far behind.
Q is built but doesn’t seem to be that athletic

The guy was (I believe) a scholarship Ole Miss football player. Even if he was the 10th WR on the depth chart, he's still (in theory) more "athletic" than 99% of the population.

That being said, I went to HS with a dude who was similar build, a first team All state player (WR....literally just ran go-routes. Had like 35 TD's his last 2 years of HS) but was mostly useless at anything other than running in a straight line (was also a track star)

Had basically no functional athleticism in terms of agility, change of direction, etc. Just happened to be born 6'4 with the ability to run really fast and catch a ball when he was 10 yards past the poor soul trying to cover him. Guessing that's why he couldn't even sniff the field at the power 5 program he ended up at.
and you allowed your tribemates to get stung by ants as they dug in futility.
Yup. Sort of made me anti-Jem seeing her enjoyment putting others in the tribe through that. It was a little creepy. So much better for her game if she'd simply hidden it so that the tribe continued searching and was not left to wonder who the culprit was. The conversation with Tim never happens.

I get they are being starved and that impacts, but Q/Tiff/Kenzie just seem to get lapped out of the gates on every challenge, falling way behind players they should not be falling so far behind.
Q is built but doesn’t seem to be that athletic

The guy was (I believe) a scholarship Ole Miss football player. Even if he was the 10th WR on the depth chart, he's still (in theory) more "athletic" than 99% of the population.

That being said, I went to HS with a dude who was similar build, a first team All state player (WR....literally just ran go-routes. Had like 35 TD's his last 2 years of HS) but was mostly useless at anything other than running in a straight line (was also a track star)

Had basically no functional athleticism in terms of agility, change of direction, etc. Just happened to be born 6'4 with the ability to run really fast and catch a ball when he was 10 yards past the poor soul trying to cover him. Guessing that's why he couldn't even sniff the field at the power 5 program he ended up at.
Better than me for sure, but it looks like he was a special teams player with a total for 8 catches for 35 yards. But its like you say, any D1 athlete is going to blow away the vast majority of the population. The White Mamba said it best to his detractors "I'm closer to LeBron than you are to me."
Q is built but doesn’t seem to be that athletic
I mean, that's the thing. There are definitely athletic aspects to all challenges but the things they fall waaay behind on are hardly athletic. Take the last episode and Q trying to untangle the string with a pole to drop the bags (watch from 6:45-8:45), It's just painful to watch - while rooting for them not to lose yet again.
Yeah, I was shocked he took so long to do that.
Tim was way better at the whole challenge than Q.

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