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Recent content by joshh83

  1. J

    $35 LeagueSafe Draft Tonight - 12 Teams

    Come on... just need 2 owners for the 12 team league... we have 10 ready to go... we want to draft in 45 minutes...  Looking for 2 owners.... The page address is https://yho.com/nfl?l=1145853&k=bbd8a238348b43f1&soc_trk=lnk&ikey=f2c5160478b5ac08 Pay out: 1st $215  (ability to win...
  2. J

    $35 LeagueSafe Draft Tonight - 12 Teams

    Yep..still 2 spots :) one hour till draft..
  3. J

    $60.00 12 Team PPR League Safe Draft Saturday Sept 10th at 9pm ET

    Sunday is actually Sep 11th... just in case it's on Sat and not Sunday
  4. J

    $35 LeagueSafe Draft Tonight - 12 Teams

    2 SPOTS REMAIN.... DRAFT in 1 hour and 15 minutes -  Live draft at 11pm EASTERN, 10 PM CENTRAL, 8 PM Pacific 
  5. J

    $35 LeagueSafe Draft Tonight - 12 Teams

    2 spots remain
  6. J

    $35 LeagueSafe Draft Tonight - 12 Teams

    I also have this up in ROTOForums ... so I have got a lot there :)  Most are actually coming from there. as only 2 out of the 9 are from this forum. Thanks Halster, love the enthusiasm  
  7. J

    $35 LeagueSafe Draft Tonight - 12 Teams

    Awesome Elitzer.... if you join and pay, than only 3 spot remain  I'll send invite... check email now.. Awesome guys!! Great .. little less than 2 hours before draft. DRAFT AT 11PM EASTERN  - 4 Spots Open...
  8. J

    $35 LeagueSafe Draft Tonight - 12 Teams

    Nope... live snake draft. 12 teams, thanks for asking
  9. J

    $35 LeagueSafe Draft Tonight - 12 Teams

    Awesome... thanks!!
  10. J

    $35 LeagueSafe Draft Tonight - 12 Teams

  11. J

    $35 LeagueSafe Draft Tonight - 12 Teams

    Got you cardiac... sent invite Zagley, very sorry. I've already moved the draft twice and can no longer move it again. Since I'm the Commish, tonight will have to be the night of the draft. I'm sorry if you will not be available to join. Thanks for asking though.
  12. J

    $35 LeagueSafe Draft Tonight - 12 Teams

    NEED 7 Teams left LEaguesafe $35 and majority vote, so super secure league and payout... which makes it fun for everyone :) Anyone else? click link above.. or I can email you invite... 3.5 hrs till draft
  13. J

    $35 LeagueSafe Draft Tonight - 12 Teams

    11 PM Eastern....10 PM Central.... 8 Pacific... it's the latest we could do it
  14. J

    $35 LeagueSafe Draft Tonight - 12 Teams

    12 Team League Safe League Tonight for serious owners - I've commished a dozen successful leagues - give me your email or go to the invite below $35 pay in and the Leaguesafe  is  https://www.leaguesafe.com/join/3784159/gridiron-geeks#sthash.8ApVNb9Q.dpuf The page address...