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10-team re-draft league, NOT PPR : 6 pts/TD; 1 pt/10 yds rush, rec; 1 pt/ 25 yds pass; -2 pts/ INT or fumble lost
Start: QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, RB/WR Flex, TE, K, LB/DE, CB/S

QB: M. Ryan, A. Dalton
RB: CJ Spiller, S. Jackson, J. Rodgers, A. Ellington
WR: V. Cruz, L. Fitzgerald, J. Nelson, J. Gordon
TE: R. Gronkowski, S. Chandler
K: M. Crosby
LB: K. Alonso, C. Greenway
S: M. Barron, R. Jones
