Looking to fill an All-22 league: new-ish platform powered by PFF with their grades being central to the scoring, and every position on the field is playable which means it's a 53-round draft
10-team dynasty, $20 annual buy-in, winner-take-all (LeagueSafe)
12-hour slow draft, hoping to begin on August 3rd (recently finished a 53-round All-22 start-up draft that took just over 3 weeks)
Salaries and contracts for extra realism (grunt work done by commissioner)
10-team dynasty, $20 annual buy-in, winner-take-all (LeagueSafe)
12-hour slow draft, hoping to begin on August 3rd (recently finished a 53-round All-22 start-up draft that took just over 3 weeks)
Salaries and contracts for extra realism (grunt work done by commissioner)