Hey guys, pretty standard scoring, PPR, 12 team league....and before I ask, I know that every draft is different, we need to adapt to the flow and how the draft goes, etc....I know all this...
with that said, I have the 10th pick and we have to start 1 RB, 2 WR and then 2 flex. If guys Gordon, Fournette, Cook, are still here when it's my first pick, which I think they might still be here as historically our league has seen WRs going early...I'm thinking about going RB/RB as my first two picks.
SO obviously, that would leave me hurt at WRs....am I crazy?
Thanks for any feedback....much appreciated.
It's an old school strategy, but from mocks I've done (and a 12-teamer I drafted at 11 yesterday) your best bet is likely "best available" and be flexible.
Never paint yourself into a corner. If it gets to 10, and there are 4-5 tier 1-2 WRs, take Gordon or Fournette. Get that stud RB anchor for your team.
Then what makes it back on the turn will dictate your next pick. If teams 11-12 both go WR-WR, you can either take another stud RB and be content with 3-4 tier WRs (which can work) or grab whoever is left of the top tier WRs. IMO Davonte Adams and Michael Thomas are the most likely and I would 10000% grab one of them to pair with your RB.
Then round 3 same thing - check the lists, see who's available and how many. Take advantage of the 10-spot and short turn - that's a gift. If you count 5 RBs you can live with in the 4.03 spot, take the best WR.
And look at the other rosters! If teams 11-12 both went WR-WR, you KNOW they're going to need a RB here. So take the best RB with confidence that maybe 1 of them is crazy enough to take 3 straight WRs. I doubt either will start with 4 straight WRs, and I'm reasonably sure neither will start with 3. So in that case you HAVE to take the best RB, because 1) you'd just be handing the turn value if you don't, and 2) it costs you literally NOTHING at WR to do so.
We do KTS drafting in my league which means when your name is drawn you get to pick your draft slot, based on what's available still. My name was the 7th pulled and the 12-spot was taken by the 6th pick. I chose 11 over 6 specifically for the reasons outlined and it worked out beautifully. Team 12 went WR/WR, so 3.11 I took Collins (team 12 was pissed) and S.Diggs made it through the RB/RB turn at 12.
Best advice is to stay in the moment. Count the players there at each position, check the rosters at the turn and make your plans on the fly every round accordingly. That also gets you in the habit of checking all the player lists every round so you don't miss any value that slips. If you go into round 5 thinking "I'm taking a RB this round for sure!" you might miss a WR who fell to you, or you might end up taking a position that no one in the next 4 picks would have touched, which costs you value.
Good luck!