seahawk 17
The more I read your posts the more I am convinced that you are a closet Seahawk fan. You just can't admit it because it feels dirty, your friends won't understand, and your parents would be disappointed.That was me making assumptions about something I only half payed attention to. I've already admitted it. Apparently beating a dead horse is a great way to avoid addressing any of the points I made. Unless you are somehow saying that not paying in-depth attention to one game negates everything I shared from an off-season of crafting opinions based on facts and stats.What was that you were saying about only getting sacks against SF when they were forced to throw?I'm taking two games. One they got two sacks. One they got three. That's about par for where they were and about par for where I expect them to finish. 2.5 sacks per game is 40 sacks. Pretty near average.You mean other than spouting off about something you later admit you know nothing about? That's called being FoS. You're not taking any sample size. You're just making it up as you go along and got called out for it. So, the proper translation is : I'm full of ####. Try to spin it all you want. You talked out of your ###, made up some BS to "support" your crap and got called on it.No, a proper translation would be:I won't let one game define my overall view of something.Translation: I'm full of ####.Point taken. I do admit, I only watched the game out of the corner of my eye.They sacked him when the score was 0-0, 2-0, and 12-3. Which one of those scores put them into desperate catchup mode?Yes, they got Kaep twice, but when the team is in desperate catchup mode and the running game has been removed, it ain't hard to get there a couple of times.
Not one game (42-13), not one half (GB - 8 sacks), not one play (BEASTQUAKE!!!) I will leave taking miniscule samples and defining everything in that light to... well... you know the rest.
They have the same secondary they had last year, and the pass rush was middle-of-the-pack. Avril and Bennett are decent pass-rushers, but not great. Avril in particular benefitted from interior lineman who could collapse a pocket. Also, the numbers they get are not going to be totally independent from what Clemons accumulates on his return. There will be a large amount of overlap, where one is getting their sack at the expense of another. If Clemens gets his double-digit total, then Bennett and Avril won't be getting what they got last year.
The only unknown in the equation that I can see is Irvin. If he comes back and takes a huge leap in his second year, then there's a good chance I'm wrong on my projection for the team total. But having not seen him andhow he's adapting to life at OLB where he'll occasionally be asked to cover in space, I'm not gonna bank on a huge uptick in his production until next season.
Look, I'm not saying they aren't an exceptional defense. Anyone saying their D is better than Seattle's would have a mammoth dissertation on their hands to make that case. I'm just saying that their are parts that aren't as good as other parts. The secondary is elite... the best I can come up with in recent memory. The LBs are underrated. They crush the run. They just don't rush the passer to a great level.
Like I said... if they finish top 10 in sacks, I'll stand up and own it. But I feel fairly confident that won't happen.
Or are you simply pointing out that Seattle -couldn't- get any sacks during a point in the game when they knew the Niners would be passing. And that somehow that deficiency means they've got "pass rushers extrordinaire" written all over them.
I am starting to understand why ImThe is shunned by you guys. Yes, he is an uber-homer, but he does it with a broad brush. The QB, the secondary, the RB, the team as a whole... he sticks to the big-picture elements. He's not shunned because of how he handles his business... he's shunned because he doesn't attribute "best in, you know, like... evah" to everything about the team. Maybe if he came out and bragged about how CLINK nacho vendors give the highest cheese-to-chip ratio not just in the NFL but in all of sports, then maybe you guys would accept him back.
It's's ok to be a Seattle fan.