I setup a Fantasy Football Playoff League if anyone is interested. Below are all the details. Email me at gfriley@aol.com with any questions.
Here is the link to the league to check it out - https://playoffchallenge.fantasy.nfl.com/group/366952 (to join hit the blue button that says "JOIN" towards the top of the page - it will ask for a password. Once you have paid I will give you the password )
Read "How to Play " at the top right hand of the league page. This will explain the rules and how to score points.
Buy-in is $200 - Funds will be held in Leaguesafe and will be a majority approval. Here is the link to pay-
The league will only proceed if we have at least 8 teams
8-10 teams payouts = 60%, 30%, 10%
11-20 teams payouts = 45%, 30%, 15%, 10%
Here is the link to the league to check it out - https://playoffchallenge.fantasy.nfl.com/group/366952 (to join hit the blue button that says "JOIN" towards the top of the page - it will ask for a password. Once you have paid I will give you the password )
Read "How to Play " at the top right hand of the league page. This will explain the rules and how to score points.
Buy-in is $200 - Funds will be held in Leaguesafe and will be a majority approval. Here is the link to pay-
The league will only proceed if we have at least 8 teams
8-10 teams payouts = 60%, 30%, 10%
11-20 teams payouts = 45%, 30%, 15%, 10%