League 1
FFNinja - in
Rudy - in
Fullback Fro - in
by_the_sea_wannabe - in
Renesauz - in
Bro1ncos - in
BroadwayG - in
Stinkin Ref - in
Duckboy - in
Helltoupee - in
Carolina Hustler Go Pack
Dpeease - in
Aaron Rudnicki - in
Tex - in
Bassnbrew - in
Busman - in
League 2
Go Pack - promoted to league 1, Sweet Love
Nittany Lion - in
Pimpin Ain't Easy - in
Nugget - in
BSS - in
krsone21 - in
RC94 - in
FUBAR - in
Kardplayer - in
Norseman - in
Bloom - in
Valence - in
Comet - in
FFwmd - in
Reaper - in
Shadowfax - in
Leauge 3
Sweet Love - promoted to league 2, Snellman
Jeff Pasquino - in
Ahrncity - out, Sinrman
Atomic Punk - in
Steel Dillo - Pictus Cat
Go Blue - in
Menobrown - in
Mr. irrelevant - in
Fiddles - in
Gandalas - Crippler
Rzrback77/Stephan Holloway - in
Gamma1210 - in
Jeaton - in
Ray Love - in
Phenix - Fresh Prince
Bronx Bomber - Soulfly
League 4
Snellman - in promoted to 3
Sinrman - in promoted to 3
Hitnrun - out
Red Zone
Pictus Cat - in promoted to 3
Crippler - in promoted to 3
7 x new entries -
Fresh Prince promoted to 3
Soulfly promoted to 3
maggot brain
Drunken Slob
Please let me know if you are in this year. League one draft will start the Monday after the draft. The other leagues will follow after the senior league clears the first round. Draft will be held on FBG with tracking on MFL. 8 hour clock, including weekends. Will be off Memorial Day weekend. Note that if we are close to finishing prior to Memorial Day, I will adjust the clock to finish that before the holiday.
FFNinja - in
Rudy - in
Fullback Fro - in
by_the_sea_wannabe - in
Renesauz - in
Bro1ncos - in
BroadwayG - in
Stinkin Ref - in
Duckboy - in
Helltoupee - in
Dpeease - in
Aaron Rudnicki - in
Tex - in
Bassnbrew - in
Busman - in
League 2
Go Pack - promoted to league 1, Sweet Love
Nittany Lion - in
Pimpin Ain't Easy - in
Nugget - in
BSS - in
krsone21 - in
RC94 - in
FUBAR - in
Kardplayer - in
Norseman - in
Bloom - in
Valence - in
Comet - in
FFwmd - in
Reaper - in
Shadowfax - in
Leauge 3
Jeff Pasquino - in
Atomic Punk - in
Go Blue - in
Menobrown - in
Mr. irrelevant - in
Fiddles - in
Rzrback77/Stephan Holloway - in
Gamma1210 - in
Jeaton - in
Ray Love - in
League 4
Snellman - in promoted to 3
Sinrman - in promoted to 3
Hitnrun - out
Red Zone
Pictus Cat - in promoted to 3
Crippler - in promoted to 3
7 x new entries -
Fresh Prince promoted to 3
Soulfly promoted to 3
maggot brain
Drunken Slob
Please let me know if you are in this year. League one draft will start the Monday after the draft. The other leagues will follow after the senior league clears the first round. Draft will be held on FBG with tracking on MFL. 8 hour clock, including weekends. Will be off Memorial Day weekend. Note that if we are close to finishing prior to Memorial Day, I will adjust the clock to finish that before the holiday.
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