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2025 NASCAR Thread - See OP for 2025 FFA Fantasy Leeg info (5 Viewers)


NEW 2025 fantasy league information

Alright, I think set it up. Link is below. Password is “banned” (without the quotes).


Boogity etc.

Back to a pick 'em league this year, www.drivergroupgame.com, League ID 1686, password:fbgffanascar

***Official 2021 FBG Fantasy NASCAR League: www.drivergroupgame.com, League ID 1686, password:fbgffanascar

  • 10-team league in Fantrax with weekly H2H matchups
  • Scoring based on pre-2017 Cup scoring system, with additional 2 point bonuses for Q1 and P1. No stages, No chase, No playoffs.
  • Draft four drivers in a pre-season draft.
  • Top Ten drivers in 2017 points will be cloned so they'll be two Truexes, Harvicks, etc. but on different teams. Kenseth will be replaced by Austin Dillon
  • Three round draft with a fourth driver coming from a shared free agent pool
  • All four drivers race every week
  • Low stakes ($12.95) buy-in, winner take all
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I've given this one some thought and here's my rules proposal

  • 8 or 10-team league in Fantrax
  • Draft four (five in 8 team league) drivers in a pre-season draft. 
  • Top Ten (top eight in 8 team league) drivers in 2017 points will be cloned so they'll be two Truexes, Harvicks, etc. but on different teams. 
  • Exact draft format TBD but it'll be a :tfp:
  • Start two or three drivers per week, or start 'em all (TBD) :shrug:
  • Weekly H2H matchups
  • Scoring based on pre-2017 Cup scoring system, possibly with additional win and pole bonuses.  No stages, No chase, No playoffs.
  • Low stakes buy-in, winner take all
It's not a perfect system.  NASCAR has a much smaller player pool than stick & ball sports and the back of grid is uncompetitive.  Fantrax scoring options are pretty limited as well. 

But I think a small league with a draft and season-long ownership will be more fun that the usual salary cap league.

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The bad news is Yahoo dropped their NASCAR game this year.

The good news is this gives us different options for the 2018 season.

NASCAR.com has their Fantasy Live game (see rules).  It's a salary cap league with five active drivers per week and a standard scoring system including stage points.  There doesn't appear to be the max races per driver like Yahoo had.  They also have some oddball rules like bonuses for picking the winning manufacturer and something called differential points. 

Fantasyracing.com has something called the Slingshot League that says it's similar to the Fox Sports game run in previous years.  I don't know how that one worked but it looks like your basic salary cap game.  One rule I don't like is there's no roster carryover so if you don't get a new lineup in every week, you'll score zero.  I guess they really want their clicks.

Fantrax offers customizable rules including non-salary cap drafts.  If you've used their site for other sports, you'll know Fantrax has their pluses and minuses but it's definitely the most flexible option.  I personally like this option because drafts are fun and so is owning somebody for the full season.  I haven't played around with the scoring rules yet but I will if there's more hardcore interest.
@ing people who were in the 2017 Yahoo league thread

@DaVinci @cheeseypoof @QuizGuy66 @Osaurus @Seatown Mofos @IC FBGCav @belljr

@Bobcat10 @BroncoFreak_2K3 @2Young2BBald @The Man With No Name

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oooh :)

Can we sell/rent charters to our entries like Nascar?

Anyway I'll be in even though I suck at this.  Just let me know where any signups need to be.  Don't mind if we do this and still do the yahoo if folks want :)


I'm also going to sit out this year.  I frequent Yahoo almost daily and I don't see myself keeping or remembering on another site.

By my count, we're currently at 7 owners

comfortably numb

I'd like to get 10 but we can start at 8 if the thread stagnates.  There's 2 1/2 weeks until #daytonaday so we're good for time.  I'll post draft rules once we're full and know if we're at 8 or 10.

I did confirm that Fantrax can support cloning of the top 8-10 drivers.  I think this will distribute talent more evenly and make for a fairer league.  This may limit our ability to make in-season roster changes but that's much less of a thing in racing than in stick & ball sports. 

Fantrax commissioner allows override of just about everything so if somebody wants to swap a driver out in season due to performance or injury reasons, we should be able to accommodate those on an exception basis.

I'm hoping Larry Nassar's sentencing today takes his name off the first page of the FFA.

Every time I scan for the NASCAR thread, I see the name of that piece of ####.

OK.   We're at 8 so this is going to happen.  :towelwave:

If we can get two more in the next day, we can include but eight teams might be better anyway considering the depth of talent available.

Targeting to get the draft started early next week.  Here's a link to Jayski's 2018 driver/team chart for draft prep purposes.

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comfortably numb


The Man With No Name

Need one more to make it ten

OK pits are closed.  We're gonna bunch up the field and start drafting.  Here are the proposed draft rules:

Four drivers per team
All four drivers score points each race
Head to head race weeks
Team with the most weekly wins after Homestead Miami wins the entire pot. Tie breaker is total season points.

Top ten finishers in 2017 are cloned (Truex, Ky.Busch, Harvick, Keselowski, Elliott, Hamlin, Larson, Blaney, Johnson, A.Dillon, Kenseth).
These ten drivers can be on two teams.  A team can't draft the same driver twice because that's stupid.

Randomize draft order for rounds 1-2 (snake)
Re-randomize draft order for round 3 :tfp:
Your #1-#3 drivers are essentially locked in for the season.  The only exception is if a drafted driver loses their NASCAR ride due to injury, suspension or performance.

All drivers undrafted after round 3 will be classified as Free Agents for the entire season.  You need to pick one Free Agent before Thursday night to fill out your four driver roster.  The same free agent can be on multiple teams.  You can swap out your fourth driver with any other free agent on a weekly basis.  I don't think Fantrax can support a separate free agent pool so you'll probably have to post your change in this thread.

Feel free to post draft suggestions/questions.  My thought behind the clones was to even out a thin talent pool and give people a better chance at their favorites.  My thinking behind the free agents was to keep up interest through the loooong NASCAR season.

I'm glad belljr has some options. 

I think we're capped at ten teams because even with the clones, there aren't enough competitive drivers to expand to twelve teams.

Sent Ephesus a pm

I'm good taking a full team or splitting. I don't want anyone to drop out but I'm in 

Let's start drafting next week.  Here's a link to Jayski's 2018 driver/team chart for draft prep purposes.

I've opened a ticket with Fantrax to make sure they can handle our league set-up.  It seems to work in a test league but I want to verify.

We have three owners for two slots @belljr, @E Street Brat and @BroncoFreak_2K3 need to figure out how to handle via partnership or somebody sitting out.

Everybody else: please PM me your email info so I can send out invites for the Fantrax site.

Draft order sequence inititated

unordered team list

comfortably numb
E Street Brat/belljur
The Man With No Name

First dice rolls for round 1-2

RPG Library Secure Dice generated the following rolls for .

10d100, rolled once.

Roll set 1
Die rolls: 80, 82, 97, 91, 84, 77, 21, 14, 22, 1

Second dice rolls for round 3

RPG Library Secure Dice generated the following rolls for .

10d100, rolled once.

Roll set 1
Die rolls: 11, 99, 29, 58, 65, 8, 2, 95, 53, 31
Roll subtotal: 451
Roll total: 451

Draft order

1    .    01    The Man With No Name
1    .    02    E Street Brat
1    .    03    bigsteelthrill
1    .    04    belljr
1    .    05    cheeseypoof
1    .    06    eephus
1    .    07    comfortably numb
1    .    08    quizguy66
1    .    09    Davinci
1    .    10    dal_boys_phan
2    .    01    dal_boys_phan
2    .    02    Davinci
2    .    03    quizguy66
2    .    04    comfortably numb
2    .    05    eephus
2    .    06    cheeseypoof
2    .    07   belljr
2    .    08    bigsteelthrill
2    .    09    E Street Brat
2    .    10    The Man With No Name
3    .    01    bigsteelthrill
3    .    02    cheeseypoof
3    .    03    eephus
3    .    04    dal_boys_phan
3    .    05    The Man With No Name
3    .    06    belljr
3    .    07    Davinci
3    .    08    quizguy66
3    .    09    E Street Brat
3    .    10    comfortably numb

draft order sequence completed

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So Bronco and E Street drooped?

One needs to come back  OR I'll just be the Hendrick of this thing.  a multi car team :)

Actually I'll take E Streets Team since he dropped and E Street take now take over for Bronco!@#!#@



We're limited to the scoring options Fantrax supports.  First off, they don't handle anything involving stages and playoff points.  There is something they call bonus points but that doesn't appear to have any relationship to 2017 stage bonus points.

Here's the two alternatives as I see it:

  1. The easiest system would be to use the 2016 Classic points.  40 points for 1st stepping down to 1 point for 40th.  +3 points for a win and +1 for a lap lead and most laps lead.  We could add a  bonus for pole position or more points for a win if we want to.  The obvious problem with this is the same as in real life; a DNF is a killer.  That's probably not as big of an issue in a H2H league as it would be if we were using total points over the season.
  2. The alternative would be put together some home grown scoring system.  Here's where Fantrax limitations come in.  They count wins, top 5s, 10s, 15s & 20s but don't have any more granularity, i.e. a 2nd place scores the same as a 5th.  We could do something like:  6 points for a win, 4 points for positions 2-5, 3 for 6-10, 2 for 11-15, 1 for 16-20 and 0 for 21-40 with or without laps lead and pole bonuses.  This would make a DNF less catastrophic but the system doesn't reward 2nd and 3rd place finishes.
I'm inclined to go with the old Sprint Cups points but I wanted to throw another option out there.

Since I am on the turn, I'll ask if both pools of the top 10 drivers are (A) active for the first ten picks or (B) does the second pool of top 10 drivers only kick in when we get to round 2?

Since I am on the turn, I'll ask if both pools of the top 10 drivers are (A) active for the first ten picks or (B) does the second pool of top 10 drivers only kick in when we get to round 2?
(A) The same driver could conceivably be picked at 1.01 and 1.02

For H2H, classic points is probably best. The second option significantly increases the chance of ties. I’d like to see bonus points for pole position and for whoever takes out Kyle Bush or Brad Keselowski.


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