Dynasty never stops gentlemen. You know that feeling you get when the superbowl ends and you realize that football is 8 months away ... I got the remedy. THE AMERICA THE GREAT DYNO LEAGUE. The co commish and I are firing this bad boy up ASAP after the NFL superbowl. When MFL flips over to 2019 ... we draft. Below I'll outline the main points of the league.
-32 team carbon copy PPR ... plays like a 16 teamer since there are two copies of each player. 4 divisions in each conference with 4 teams in each division. Div winners make the playoffs along with 2 highest TPS in each conference. $100 buyin.
-Inaugural draft will include rookie slots ... ie 1.1 , 1.2, 1.3 ... Separate rookie draft to begin sometime after the actual 2019 NFL draft
-1QB/2RB/2WR/3FLEX/1TE/1DEF 20 man roster 3taxi 2IR
-'Merica is the theme ... Conferences are war generals and founding fathers ... you come up with your own team name/theme ... and don't be lame.
Here is the catch ... this isn't a "OK I'm in" type of league. We're looking for the most committed, active, bad a$$ owners out there. Convince us that you know what you're doing and want in! Shoot me an email at Napolean004@yahoo. If we think you've got the stones to handle such a fire league we'll send over the bylaws and make sure that what we are offering is what you are looking for. As of right now we have 6 committed teams. Hit me up if you got what it takes!
-32 team carbon copy PPR ... plays like a 16 teamer since there are two copies of each player. 4 divisions in each conference with 4 teams in each division. Div winners make the playoffs along with 2 highest TPS in each conference. $100 buyin.
-Inaugural draft will include rookie slots ... ie 1.1 , 1.2, 1.3 ... Separate rookie draft to begin sometime after the actual 2019 NFL draft
-1QB/2RB/2WR/3FLEX/1TE/1DEF 20 man roster 3taxi 2IR
-'Merica is the theme ... Conferences are war generals and founding fathers ... you come up with your own team name/theme ... and don't be lame.
Here is the catch ... this isn't a "OK I'm in" type of league. We're looking for the most committed, active, bad a$$ owners out there. Convince us that you know what you're doing and want in! Shoot me an email at Napolean004@yahoo. If we think you've got the stones to handle such a fire league we'll send over the bylaws and make sure that what we are offering is what you are looking for. As of right now we have 6 committed teams. Hit me up if you got what it takes!