- Scoring & Settings: https://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/197141/settings
- Online Draft: Sun, Aug 27th @11am PST
- Type: Auction
- PPR: 1/2 point
- Salary Cap: $200
- Keepers: 3 (min/max)
- Entry Fee: $50 (LeagueSafe)
- Payouts: $550 (4 prizes)
- Details: New GMs will have the option of taking over a vacated team or drafting from scratch.
- Join:
Pay your $50.00 fantasy league dues for You Got Owned! now!
IceOnFire has setup You Got Owned! to use LeagueSafe -- the trusted source for collecting and protecting fantasy league dues since 2008.leaguesafe.com - Contact: af@iceonfire.net