For me, easiest to hardest is 5-1-2-3-4.
Reading 10 pages of a book is the hardest? How is that even possibly close to the hardest?
5. Take a progress picture.
4. Read 10 pages of a nonfiction, educational book. Audiobooks don’t count.
3. Drink a gallon of water.
2. Complete two 45-minute workouts a day. One must be outside.
1. Follow a structured diet.
No alcohol or "cheat meals."
Sorry, second hardest.
Selfie is easiest, though I hate pictures.
Not hard to follow a diet. Don’t care about alcohol.
Working out also isn’t difficult, but would prefer a single 1.5 hour block.
Don’t like reading. I’m a functional illiterate, with a short attention span.
Drinking that much water is most difficult.
I‘ve done the first four independently, in different times of my life, some way longer than 75 days. I’m not sure I‘ve ever drank a gallon of water in a day.
Maybe after exercising a lot.
Have you gone 2.5 months with no alcohol and no cheat meals? Like really followed a diet and didn't stray?
Two different 45 minute workouts without missing a day, for 2.5 months is really, really hard.
I don't know, I think way more people could suffer through sitting on their *** and reading for 15 minutes a day compared to those other 2
We’re not talking about most people, or I wasn’t, at least.
I could go without alcohol for the rest of my life, no problem. As it is, I drink a few times a year, if a mixed drink sounds interesting. Truth be told, I don’t understand what all the fuss is about. Just makes me sleepy and “medicine-headed”, like taking a Benadryl. Not something I can’t live without.
I love sweets, but if they’re not around, I won’t go out of my way to snack. And no need for a ”cheat” meal, if you enjoy eating healthily. After years of training my palate, I don’t crave junk food much (pizza notwithstanding). Some of that is in the eye of the beholder though, as we probably have different ideas about what constitutes healthy. I eat mostly carbohydrates, for example, as part of a pescatarian, Mediterranean diet.
I do something active (walking counts) for an hour a day, nearly every day, and often go longer. Been that way since college. Splitting activity up into two 45 min blocks might make it more difficult.
And since finishing school decades ago, I can count the number of books I’ve read on one hand. While the actual effort seems minimal, I‘m not into reading at all.
I’ve tried to increase my water intake, but it just isn’t my habit, as I tend to drink only when thirsty. Even with a giant gallon jug marking hourly intake sitting right in front of me, I quickly fall behind. You may find this unbelievable. I look at people complaining about abstaining from alcohol a couple months with the same incredulity.
So yeah,
for me, water intake and reading are the deal breakers.