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Almost Human - new TV show on FOX (1 Viewer)

For some reason my dvr erased my series recording of it. I wss wondering why no new ones came last week. When nothing came this week I looked and it was gone. So caught last weeks on demand. Still love it.

I thought there would be a long running storyline about what happened in the first episode and his girlfriend. Maybe not? Anyway I love the chemistry between the two buddy cops. And Jete's ex squeeze if hawt! YEAH JETES!

Good show again this week. I am a little surprised we aren't getting more movement on the ambush but I am liking the exploration of Dorian's side of things. It's an interesting commentary hidden in the buddy cop formula.

NCCommish said:
Good show again this week. I am a little surprised we aren't getting more movement on the ambush but I am liking the exploration of Dorian's side of things. It's an interesting commentary hidden in the buddy cop formula.
Its actually refreshing that they're chatacter building before shoving the main plot down our throats. A lot shows just throw it at you nowadays and try to develop characters on the fly. They're giving us the basics for the shows universe and how it works day to day which is nice. I think when it picks up in January, we're going to get some movement on that plot.

NCCommish said:
Good show again this week. I am a little surprised we aren't getting more movement on the ambush but I am liking the exploration of Dorian's side of things. It's an interesting commentary hidden in the buddy cop formula.
Its actually refreshing that they're chatacter building before shoving the main plot down our throats. A lot shows just throw it at you nowadays and try to develop characters on the fly. They're giving us the basics for the shows universe and how it works day to day which is nice. I think when it picks up in January, we're going to get some movement on that plot.
Yeah I am liking them showing the growth of this relationship before the crap hits the fan. It should definitely give them a very solid base on which to build the story.

You can almost always see the plot coming a mile away, but I really enjoy this show. Great chemistry between the leads.

I'm waiting for the episode where the hot chick from the prescinct is forced to go undercover in the field as some sort of sexy person to draw out a bad guy. You know its going to happen eventually.

Last night might have been the best episode yet.
Yeah this thing is coming along nicely. As mentioned the chemistry between the leads is really solid. This, Sleepy Hollow and Blacklist make for a very solid Monday.

I'm waiting for the episode where the hot chick from the prescinct is forced to go undercover in the field as some sort of sexy person to draw out a bad guy. You know its going to happen eventually.
Looking forward to it.
Is she THAT bad of an actress that she hasn't been featured more than she has?
I don't think she is very good at the acting thing. More of an eye candy, damsel in distress type role.

I'm waiting for the episode where the hot chick from the prescinct is forced to go undercover in the field as some sort of sexy person to draw out a bad guy. You know its going to happen eventually.
Looking forward to it.
Is she THAT bad of an actress that she hasn't been featured more than she has?
I don't think she is very good at the acting thing. More of an eye candy, damsel in distress type role.
She's Minka Kelly, right? I think she was on the failed Charlie's Angels reboot and maybe the Friday Night Lights TV show?

I've never seen her do more than be hot. Never stood out dramatically anyways. I would like to do dirty things to her naughty parts though.

I'm waiting for the episode where the hot chick from the prescinct is forced to go undercover in the field as some sort of sexy person to draw out a bad guy. You know its going to happen eventually.
Looking forward to it.
Is she THAT bad of an actress that she hasn't been featured more than she has?
I don't think she is very good at the acting thing. More of an eye candy, damsel in distress type role.
She's Minka Kelly, right? I think she was on the failed Charlie's Angels reboot and maybe the Friday Night Lights TV show?

I've never seen her do more than be hot. Never stood out dramatically anyways. I would like to do dirty things to her naughty parts though.

The ridiculousness of this show's pseudo-anachronisms is pretty distracting. We need more Minka Kelly to distract us from the distractions.

They have robots who carry weapons as cops, but they still have human bank tellers who manually load credit onto plastic? One of a zillion things that make no sense.

The ridiculousness of this show's pseudo-anachronisms is pretty distracting. We need more Minka Kelly to distract us from the distractions.

They have robots who carry weapons as cops, but they still have human bank tellers who manually load credit onto plastic? One of a zillion things that make no sense.
If we let robots take over everything they could do in the show then we wouldn't really need humans at all. This is a cop buddy show with a smidgen of procedural thrown in, it isn't really supposed to be future accurate.

The ridiculousness of this show's pseudo-anachronisms is pretty distracting. We need more Minka Kelly to distract us from the distractions.

They have robots who carry weapons as cops, but they still have human bank tellers who manually load credit onto plastic? One of a zillion things that make no sense.
the robot cops are lifeless pieces of metal with no personality that cost alot of $$. Id imagine a lifeless robot working as a bank teller may be bad customer service and much more expensive than just paying minimum wage. Then again, there were sexbots
The ridiculousness of this show's pseudo-anachronisms is pretty distracting. We need more Minka Kelly to distract us from the distractions.

They have robots who carry weapons as cops, but they still have human bank tellers who manually load credit onto plastic? One of a zillion things that make no sense.
the robot cops are lifeless pieces of metal with no personality that cost alot of $$. Id imagine a lifeless robot working as a bank teller may be bad customer service and much more expensive than just paying minimum wage. Then again, there were sexbots
I was certainly not suggesting that banks will use human-like robots as tellers in the future. That would be even stupider than using humans.

Instead, I was suggesting that there will be no brick-and-mortar banks where people will physically go to transfer capital onto a piece of plastic (with the help of a teller of any kind). That will be obsolete by 2024, centuries before there's any such thing as an android cop.

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Also interesting to see the creepy guy Arkham patient Thomas Schiff from the dark knight getting some similar work here. Plays the deranged loser well.

Good episode again tonight. I like the future tech twists. Still fresh to me. Might eventually get old but the chemistry between the two leads is enough to carry through. Slight advancement of the main plot but not much. Just enough to remind you it exists. Hopefully they pick that up soon.

Good episode again tonight. I like the future tech twists. Still fresh to me. Might eventually get old but the chemistry between the two leads is enough to carry through. Slight advancement of the main plot but not much. Just enough to remind you it exists. Hopefully they pick that up soon.
I have been very surprised by the lack of movement on that front. With that said I am enjoying the show very much. Fox has me from 8-10 on Mondays.

Not a good sign that on a night where Fox was pimping all its shows, Almost Human got zero commercials.

So this week we got our first mention of "outside the wall". Didn't even realize there was a wall and apparently whatever out there is not great. So now we have two hinted at story arcs. Over the wall and the Syndicate.

The wall is interesting.

A couple mild complaints in this episode. One was how the homicidal robot had no problems killing indiscriminately but then decided to fight hand to hand with john. I hope its because the syndicate wants to mess with him or something and not just lazy writing for the sake of making the main character a super hero.

The other was how does a 60 year old white haired man leave a room of not only cops but MXs that are designed to be able to track and detain people? That's not even taking in all the other tracking equipment and cameras they have for convenience just suddenly not seeing where he walked to.

The last thing was how they just dismissed the fact that the XRN runs right to this dudes secret lab, finds him and he only has a scratch on his head? Seemed way to out of character for them to just be like "ok despite all this illegal activity and the fact that you made the death bot, you seem ok. Here's access to all of our equipment."

Aside from those things, I thought the plot moved a little bit this time. Still liking the show.

The wall is interesting.

A couple mild complaints in this episode. One was how the homicidal robot had no problems killing indiscriminately but then decided to fight hand to hand with john. I hope its because the syndicate wants to mess with him or something and not just lazy writing for the sake of making the main character a super hero.

The other was how does a 60 year old white haired man leave a room of not only cops but MXs that are designed to be able to track and detain people? That's not even taking in all the other tracking equipment and cameras they have for convenience just suddenly not seeing where he walked to.

The last thing was how they just dismissed the fact that the XRN runs right to this dudes secret lab, finds him and he only has a scratch on his head? Seemed way to out of character for them to just be like "ok despite all this illegal activity and the fact that you made the death bot, you seem ok. Here's access to all of our equipment."

Aside from those things, I thought the plot moved a little bit this time. Still liking the show.
Yeah this bothered me as well I was just waiting for him to screw them over.

Good episode this week. Nice sci-fi twist. Also a lot of development on the main plot too. Its building up now. I watch this on the night it comes on now which I haven't done for a show in awhile.

Yeah got a little plot movement. I feel like we are building up to some combo Wall/Syndicate season ending cliff hanger.

Yeah got a little plot movement. I feel like we are building up to some combo Wall/Syndicate season ending cliff hanger.
Yea I can see that happening. A little disappointed they glossed over the wall this episode but the syndicate stuff made it worth it.

Yeah got a little plot movement. I feel like we are building up to some combo Wall/Syndicate season ending cliff hanger.
Yea I can see that happening. A little disappointed they glossed over the wall this episode but the syndicate stuff made it worth it.
Seems to be the way they are doing it. We went a couple of episodes with little mention of the Syndicate story and then we get some pieces.


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