Here's a Buzzfeed link someone made to summarize what went down:
Links to the show itself: Part 1 - Part 2 -
Cliff's notes - Amy's Baking Company (ABC) is a restaurant in Phoenix, AZ. They were in trouble as a business, and agreed to appear on Gordon Ramsay's "Kitchen Nightmare" to have him come in and help out. They show Amy and her co-owner husband Samy in action a day before Gordon shows up...oof. Brutal. Samy pockets the server's tips and pays them hourly (which Gordon points out to patrons, worth watching for that alone), Amy is mouthy and will not have any criticism in the kitchen, to the point Samy is afraid to tell her if food is sent back...which is thrown in the trash. Gordon comes in, same deal. Says all food is terrible, and the owners won't hear the criticism. The owners yell at patrons if they don't like the food, just a total catastrophe.
Well, the interwebs struck back and took over their Facebook page, Yelp page, really any electronic medium available. Amy and Samy, predictably, did not back down and are trying to push back the wave that is people on the internet. It is AWESOME.
Favorite quote from the show: "Well we have three little boys. But they're trapped inside cat bodies. Meow!" - Amy, co-owner, ABC
Links to the show itself: Part 1 - Part 2 -
Cliff's notes - Amy's Baking Company (ABC) is a restaurant in Phoenix, AZ. They were in trouble as a business, and agreed to appear on Gordon Ramsay's "Kitchen Nightmare" to have him come in and help out. They show Amy and her co-owner husband Samy in action a day before Gordon shows up...oof. Brutal. Samy pockets the server's tips and pays them hourly (which Gordon points out to patrons, worth watching for that alone), Amy is mouthy and will not have any criticism in the kitchen, to the point Samy is afraid to tell her if food is sent back...which is thrown in the trash. Gordon comes in, same deal. Says all food is terrible, and the owners won't hear the criticism. The owners yell at patrons if they don't like the food, just a total catastrophe.
Well, the interwebs struck back and took over their Facebook page, Yelp page, really any electronic medium available. Amy and Samy, predictably, did not back down and are trying to push back the wave that is people on the internet. It is AWESOME.
Favorite quote from the show: "Well we have three little boys. But they're trapped inside cat bodies. Meow!" - Amy, co-owner, ABC