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Android app/widget development online course thread (1 Viewer)


If so, please shoot me a PM -- I have a basic question about a widget idea and whether it can be implemented in Android. I'm also curious to know how difficult it would be to get the development environment fired up so that I might try punching this thing out on my own.

Thx in advance,


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If so, please shoot me a PM -- I have a basic question about a widget idea and whether it can be implemented in Android. I'm also curious to know how difficult it would be to get the development environment fired up so that I might try punching this thing out on my own.

Thx in advance,

on my phone, but feel free to send me a message, I've done some android development, and know alittle about iphone dev as well

I get to spend 90 minutes each Monday in the lobby of a ballet studio with surprisingly fast Wifi access... this may be a better way to kill time than "**** around on the internet"

Signed up and my 12 year old son and I are doing the class together. I received a BS in Computer Science from Georgia Tech so thankfully I'm not out of my element (yet). I haven't coded on a regular basis in 5+ years - I've moved in to management at this point but this should be fun and my son is unbelievably excited.

We did all the setup lecture videos tonight and got all they way up to 1.4 where we'll create our first app. We took our time and I taught him some stuff as we went along - we spent about 15 minutes on Base x numbers/counting to make sure he understands hexadecimals. We also spent time on the checksum and telnet parts. It was information overload for him but he was eating it up. Doing all of that made our session take about 2 hours to do the videos, all the installs and get our environment ready. Only snag we ran in to was having to update the BIOS to allow the Intel Virtualization. He begged me to stay up and create our first app but I decided to leave him wanting more and that will be an exciting start when we pick it back up tomorrow or Wednesday.

This is my first time using Coursera and so far I'm impressed.

I decided to sign up as well, as if I don't have enough geeky endeavors going on. Some level of coding skills are becoming more important in my area, so I grabbed an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi a month or so ago to play with. Being able to hook in a droid will probably be helpful for some things, like making it so I can stream live video from my drones.

My boy turns 12 soon.  I'm thinking of getting him a Pi or Arduino... any suggestions on what to get?  We'll take the Coursera course once it arrives.

He'll be more interested in developing something that interacts physically, like a robot, than he will be in app development.

If someone has a favorite starter kit to recommend at http://amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=kit+raspberry+pi+2&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=90400937425&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13684861412755442995&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_18ykuvhs0m_b&sa-no-redirect=1 or http://smile.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=kit+arduino&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Akit+arduino ...I'd love to hear it.

At a glance, it looks like the Arduino is used more for robotic stuff.

Look into an Arduino + Nodebots using Johnny-Five. Uses JavaScript to program with the simple Johnny-Five library that abstracts away a lot of the more difficult concepts. Want to blink an an LED on pin 13?

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();

board.on("ready", function() {
// Create an Led on pin 13
var led = new five.Led(13);
// Blink every half second


Link has information on getting started, recommended starter kits and parts, etc. Most people start with a basic nodebot - Arduino + 2 servos, wheels, and a simple provided program to allow you to control the servos with the arrow keys. Then get more advanced from there. http://nodebots.io/

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Yup, we went with an Arduino, and will probably get a servo motor kit from Adafruit since he loves to make things move.

Thanks for the link - I'll check out the Johnny Five.


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