Watching classical chess is like watching grass grow. Many of the top players (Magnus, Nakamura, Dubov among others) have admitted letting their classical games slip because they focus more on rapid/blitz/bullet. Caruana and Depo both stayed away from online chess thru most of the pandemic to prepare for the candidates. If you want to watch something kind of cool, you should watch some of the post-match press conferences from the candidates. Both players would interact answering questions about why the made certain moves and they would explain why a suggested move was bad, recalling the exact position and showing like and move combination that either lost material or weakened their position. The players would also interact with each other "yeah, but if you did this then you had..." while showing it on the screen.
One of the best (best imo) chess feeds on youtube is
Agadmator's Chess Channel if anyone is interested. Shows a lot of current as well as historically significant games. He did a pretty good series on Paul Morphy a few months ago showing a lot of games against high level players from the era as well as some 8-table blindfold simuls.
I think I'm between 1700-1800 in blitz but I play mainly bullet. I need to study my openings more as once it gets past a handful of moves I don't see how certain moves are blundering, for me or for my opponent. Play mostly London system as white but like to mess around with Grob when I'm taking my lumps and tilting.