I've probably talked about my one buddy on here before. Very spoiled as a kid was never told no etc. Whenever you talk to him about what he's up to he doesn't just you what he's doing but tried to act like what he's doing is far more important and better then what you were talking about. He's also incredible selfish at times.
Recently as last week I went out with him first time in 2 months we went and Saw 1917 (A tradition seeing Emmy nominee movies we started yrs ago) and I told him do to some expenses that creeped up that were not expected (Had a tooth issue and had to change dentist) among some stuff I want to save up for the summer I cannot be going out to eat, concerts I haven't already put out for or games as I needed to save money. My hours at work are always cut around this time a year and trying to pick up extra hours or shifts unless some emergency happens are hard to come by. This was before we got out of the car at the theatre. He even says ok. So Thursday he texts me if I want to see Jeff Dunham. I like Dunham but I was not interested in paying big $$$$ to see him. So I told him I'm working Sunday since theres no football and I won't be out in time to get to the concert. He says ok. I figured well maybe he forgot about what we talked about just 3 days ago so I let it go. I'm off today so he asks me if I want to go to the basketball game tomorrow night (Sixers vs Warriors). Not really a Sixers fan but I do love Kerr and Curry but again I'm trying to save money. SO I just lied to him with I'm working over night on Tues so I can do something during the day. He'll ask me after this week if we are off the same days for next week most likely if I want to attend some show or game. This is after I told him sorry I'm saving money right now.
Meanwhile if I tell him again about saving money and enforcing the fact I told him this already he'll act surprised or say its not that much money. Meanwhile if you forget one thing he tells you and you ask he acts like its the end of the world. Its really frustrating especially when besides myself the only two friends he really has is a former coworker, his sister and dad. However I'm the only one he consistently hangs out with. SO I get the brunt of his "can we do stuff". Its really frustrating especially when the guy doesn't even want to make more friends. Try to include him in some stuff like concerts I go to with others and such hoping he meets some new friends and what not. Wouldn't take him out drinking as he doesn't drink and usually in bed by 11PM at night. I had a co worker who was able to get really good illegal videos he'd download on CDs of the latest movies. I'd go to a friend from HS house who has a sweet Theatre type set up in his basement he has a wife and 2 kids and we usually invite our other friends single and couples with kids for movie nights. Some snacks and six packs/wine etc were usually brought and shared. Its a fun time for all. My friends with kids love it as we might watch a kids movie and don't have to put up with families with annoying kids they can't control at the theatre, can stop it for bathroom breaks etc. Kids are brought sometimes in their PJs that way if they fall asleep they can bring em home put them to bed. Invited my buddy a few times but the minute I say its an illegal video he wants no part of it. The dude Is the literal definition of a Saint in playing things by the book.
Honestly at a loss of what to do with him at this point
Recently as last week I went out with him first time in 2 months we went and Saw 1917 (A tradition seeing Emmy nominee movies we started yrs ago) and I told him do to some expenses that creeped up that were not expected (Had a tooth issue and had to change dentist) among some stuff I want to save up for the summer I cannot be going out to eat, concerts I haven't already put out for or games as I needed to save money. My hours at work are always cut around this time a year and trying to pick up extra hours or shifts unless some emergency happens are hard to come by. This was before we got out of the car at the theatre. He even says ok. So Thursday he texts me if I want to see Jeff Dunham. I like Dunham but I was not interested in paying big $$$$ to see him. So I told him I'm working Sunday since theres no football and I won't be out in time to get to the concert. He says ok. I figured well maybe he forgot about what we talked about just 3 days ago so I let it go. I'm off today so he asks me if I want to go to the basketball game tomorrow night (Sixers vs Warriors). Not really a Sixers fan but I do love Kerr and Curry but again I'm trying to save money. SO I just lied to him with I'm working over night on Tues so I can do something during the day. He'll ask me after this week if we are off the same days for next week most likely if I want to attend some show or game. This is after I told him sorry I'm saving money right now.
Meanwhile if I tell him again about saving money and enforcing the fact I told him this already he'll act surprised or say its not that much money. Meanwhile if you forget one thing he tells you and you ask he acts like its the end of the world. Its really frustrating especially when besides myself the only two friends he really has is a former coworker, his sister and dad. However I'm the only one he consistently hangs out with. SO I get the brunt of his "can we do stuff". Its really frustrating especially when the guy doesn't even want to make more friends. Try to include him in some stuff like concerts I go to with others and such hoping he meets some new friends and what not. Wouldn't take him out drinking as he doesn't drink and usually in bed by 11PM at night. I had a co worker who was able to get really good illegal videos he'd download on CDs of the latest movies. I'd go to a friend from HS house who has a sweet Theatre type set up in his basement he has a wife and 2 kids and we usually invite our other friends single and couples with kids for movie nights. Some snacks and six packs/wine etc were usually brought and shared. Its a fun time for all. My friends with kids love it as we might watch a kids movie and don't have to put up with families with annoying kids they can't control at the theatre, can stop it for bathroom breaks etc. Kids are brought sometimes in their PJs that way if they fall asleep they can bring em home put them to bed. Invited my buddy a few times but the minute I say its an illegal video he wants no part of it. The dude Is the literal definition of a Saint in playing things by the book.
Honestly at a loss of what to do with him at this point