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Anyone ever been on nationally-televised TV? (pics of me on Real Housewives now uploaded!!) (1 Viewer)

Back in 2007 I trekked out to LA to visit my sister and to pay homage to the soon-to-be-retiring Bob Barker in the studio audience.

Unfortunately none of us got called up to contestant’s row ( :kicksrock: ) but we got plenty of screen time and went all out with custom t-shirts.  Mine still has the oversized price tag sticker on it.

That remains one of the most fun days I’ve ever had in my life.

In the background of America's Most Wanted for 1.5 seconds. They came to our school and interviewed our Spanish teacher during Spanish class.

A girl a couple years older than me ended up in Texas and working at a strip club. A patron came in and asked for her and she ended up dead. Small town girl got into something too deep and led to her demise type story. Don't know if they ever caught the guy. 

Compliments to your plastic surgeon, your breasts are sublime!

ETA: the green really works well with your complexion.

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A couple of years ago I was at an Irish pub for St. Patty's Day and the Real Housewives of Orange County filmed there.  I got a good amount of screen time.

Anyone else been on nationally-televised TV?  Or I guess we can expand this to TV in general....




And yes I went up to their table when they took breaks from filming.  They had a bottle of Jameson in the middle of the table and I asked if we were all going to do shots.  There was one new "housewife" who was a complete smokeshow.  

I got on the local news while tailgating at the Giants v Ravens Super bowl. 

Also, my daughter was profiled on a major news network's Heath segment. She has/had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and was the honoree at the annual Arthritis Foundation NYC chapter walk that year. So they sent a crew to her Dr's office and interviewed all for us for the news segment.  

I was on hard copy long time ago. the program was in town covering the McVay trial and there was a plane crash at an air show I was watching.  young drunk me made for a great/embarrassing interview.

I was interviewed on local news sports segment when I was a kid for a baseball clinic I was attending.

I've been on a couple of nationally broadcast sports before 

I was on the local news a couple of times when I was in high school.  Once to accept a team of the week award and once when they were doing a story on our local beach.

Oh and once in college while participating in a "riot", that one may have even made national.  :lol:

I wasn't, but a sign I made was. Does that count?  Had tickets to Game 5 of the 1979 World Series, Row A upper deck, so I decided I had to hang a sign. Turned a sheet into a "You Gotta Be Fam-a-lee" sign. Then my wife got sick the day before, so like the young and foolish newlywed I was, I gave my tickets and sign to my brother (just another reason she's now my ex-wife). Sign was a hit, and there's a great shot of my brother sitting behind it that made television, as well as the Pirates 1979 highlight film. In fact, it even found its way into the Steelers 1979 highlight film in a segment where they mention the earlier success of the Pirates. It even made commercials the Pirates ran in 2014 for their celebration of the 35th anniversary of the 1979 team. Expecting a 40th year celebration this year, so maybe it will return.

I think I still have a VHS tape of me saved somewhere from when I was on Monday Night Football. Lovely moment of me booing an "injured" Viking trying to slow down a Manning led Colt's hurry up offense. Fun times.

May 6th 1984.  Sitting on the 16th green at the Colonial NIT in Fort Worth.  Fuzzy made a long put, and I'm explaining and gesturing with my hands to my HS buddy how he played the break.  They showed this clip at the half time of game 4 of the Lakers / Mavs semi-final game.

Game 7 of Stanley cup finals 2003. Devils vs Ducks.   Parking lot shot of us on ESPN on the opening of the telecast.  

Last week was the 10 year anniversary of the second to last episode of ER   My son was on this episode as an extra.  Wound up on seven scenes.  

Theme of the show was Camp del Corazon. A camp on Catalina island for kids 7 to 17 that have had open heart surgeries.  

We were at Warner brothers for four days shooting. Met Stamos and all of the crew.  

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All of mine are sports related:

  • Worked the goal post nets at two Eagles games, and was on TV in the background a bunch of times, especially kick attempts
  • A few seconds of footage from that second game was also included on the Super Bowl DVD 
  • Attended the Eagles Hall of Fame banquet for Jeremiah Trotter and Merrill Reese and could be seen in the clips from the event that were on the local news stations  
  • Sat front row for Monday Night Raw and could be seen through most of the broadcast
All of mine are sports related:

  • Worked the goal post nets at two Eagles games, and was on TV in the background a bunch of times, especially kick attempts
  • A few seconds of footage from that second game was also included on the Super Bowl DVD 
  • Attended the Eagles Hall of Fame banquet for Jeremiah Trotter and Merrill Reese and could be seen in the clips from the event that were on the local news stations  
  • Sat front row for Monday Night Raw and could be seen through most of the broadcast
Oh yeah, I was also in background of a video of my wife that went viral and got featured on the TV show "Right This Minute."

Was on an episode (in the background) of extreme makeover, home edition.  Helping with the rebuild of a coworker's daughters house.  That Ty guy was an ####, but the older carpenter guy was awesome. 

For going on 3 years my son has been in the Eagles Kids Club commercial, catching a pass from Wentz, that they run all the time in the Philly area.

Beef Ravioli said:
Are you walking behind them on multiple occasions or is that where you are sitting?
They actually closed the patio off for a good half hour and filmed them, just them.  Then they opened it back up to make things look more "natural".  I was standing behind them and was in a few shots.

I was the guy that flipped the sign at a Vikings game when Chris Carter got his 1,000th reception.  clip shown on local news and Sportscenter.  Not in HD because it was a million years ago. 

I had a voice mail from a former roommate of mine asking if that was me and telling me I looked like Barney the Dinosaur.  I've had a lot of punk roommates.

They actually closed the patio off for a good half hour and filmed them, just them.  Then they opened it back up to make things look more "natural".  I was standing behind them and was in a few shots.
Did you try and act natural, or did you keep wandering by the camera looking at the lens and hamming it up?

Back around 2000ish, I was hosting a youth 3 on 3 basketball tournament. Coke was one of the sponsors and donating like 500 cans of pop. My Coke sales rep went MIA for a week or so and I was getting nervous. He finally got back and told me that his kid was in the little league World Series and he just found out his kid would be on ESPN top 10 plays that night. He was the SS and made a diving backhand play. I thought it was a cool thing for the kid. ESPN sent him a video to keep also.

kids and I had a clip on america's funny videos, focused on my daughter- then 2ish. 

ex and I were on some talk show- she asked a question, so I was visible for that. 

I was briefly interviewed on the street about having a ponytail back in the 80s for some stupid chatty "new" show, I think national.

plus the time I threw the shoe at gw bush in iraq.


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