Is it accidental, or purposeful, that most of our time spent "discussing" things as a society are spent on trivial, piddling ####? Stuff that won't matter in a few hours, much less days or weeks?
Is it natural for society to be so ADD that it gobbles up all the shiny objects, consuming all the energy and righteous anger, with little left over to spend on stuff that really matters?
Are there not forces out there that benefit from this paradigm? Where the big issues go unaddressed, but the little issues that get our attention for even a little while, are amplified?
Step back and take a look at the vast majority of what's in our national dialogue on a daily/weekly basis, and ask yourself if we're really addressing the issues that matter most, or are we being misdirected, accidentally, intentionally, or both, to be a society that misses the forest for the trees.
What say you? Are certain groups purposefully distracting us from the important issues, for their own gain...or is this an accidental result of the system we have...or some combination of both, or neither?
Is it natural for society to be so ADD that it gobbles up all the shiny objects, consuming all the energy and righteous anger, with little left over to spend on stuff that really matters?
Are there not forces out there that benefit from this paradigm? Where the big issues go unaddressed, but the little issues that get our attention for even a little while, are amplified?
Step back and take a look at the vast majority of what's in our national dialogue on a daily/weekly basis, and ask yourself if we're really addressing the issues that matter most, or are we being misdirected, accidentally, intentionally, or both, to be a society that misses the forest for the trees.
What say you? Are certain groups purposefully distracting us from the important issues, for their own gain...or is this an accidental result of the system we have...or some combination of both, or neither?