You like to use the word illness, I use the word condition that needs to be managed. As a doctor, many conditions cannot be cured, simply managed. In any and all those cases, government does not intervene. It is up to the patient, their parents, and the doctor. We can look at this logically as a spectrum of choices and when does the government have a say or should they:
On one side we have real issues: Cancer, Pediatric Diabetes, ie life threatening conditions. On the other side we have a contact lens fitting. Putting a kid into a contact lens in no way is the same as a cancer treatment, but it is putting something into their body (in this case a class II medical device) that can have side effects (where a pair of glasses do not). On the entirety of this spectrum (ADD treatment likely falls somewhere in the middle) the government does not take the decisions for these conditions out of the hands of the patient, their parents, or their doctor. The only time they do is abortion and now this. Why? Abortion I can see the reasoning: the "unborn (as ou put it)" has no say, but here? Everyone is having a say.
Makes. No. Sense. Unless you see it as what it is: a political grandstanding moment instead of actual care for the person involved.
cancer is a condition now ? comparing transitioning to contact lenses ?
I can't follow you on either of those, sorry, they make zero sense to me
Here is how I raised my kids .... I listened to them, and then I made decisions I thought was best for them and their input didn't matter just a whole lot. Sexting? No, and I don't care how badly they felt they needed to. Porn? No, I don't care how much they wanted it. Sleepovers with boys at 12 or 13 years old? No, my daughter wasn't allowed, I don't care how she was feeling. I could list on and on all the things my son and daughters wanted/felt ......... they were wrong, they were just kids and didn't know any better