Sargasso SeaBurmuda Triangle
Killer whales.Sargasso Sea
Giant squid
Tidal waves
(I spent a lot of time on the ocean as a kid)
Not one time have I ever seen the letter Q written the way I was forced to endlessly practice.Cursive. You lied to me elementary school teachers!
I did think this would be a big future problem back when I first read about them.Killer bees
I don't know which publication it was, but some magazine was predicting they would reach my part of the country by the end of the 70's.I did think this would be a big future problem back when I first read about them.
I would say writing by hand in general nowadays. I can’t remember the last time I had to hand write anything more than a birthday card. If I did, I probably couldn’t read it.Cursive. You lied to me elementary school teachers!
turns out we still need to worry about brothers breaking balls.I also saw that reddit postBurmuda Triangle
Big Foot tv shows and stories were popular in the late 70s. The commercials were enough to give me nightmares. One commercial in particular had Big Foot smashing it's arm through a picture window to snatch a girl off of a couch.sasquatch