I wouldn’t have if it weren’t folded in half.I probably wouldn't notice
This. If a teller gave too much back, I'd tell them and hand the $20 back, but with an ATM, I am not making a special trip to fix that mistake.I'm sure there is some moral high ground someone could reach for here... but I'm not spending more than 30 seconds deliberating over a $20 ATM mistake in my favor, and I'm not driving back 45 minutes to fix a store's mistake not ringing up a fishing pole (faux GC or not).
I wouldn't take it back because there's the chance the guy did it on purpose.In a related story, I received a $50 gift card that I got as part of a promotion from Bass Pro Shops due to a prior large purchase. In any event, I was planning to buy a number of items in this subsequent trip with the total being around $150. The cashier rings everything up, then tells me the gift card is not valid due to the fine print that it had to be used between xxx and yyy date. He said they have had massive problems with it as it appears the information was not clear when they were given out unless someone read the very small print on the back. One of the items I was purchasing was a fishing rod that was $48. In any event, once he totaled everything up he just asked if I wanted it on my credit card, and while frustrated I said yes and proceeded home, of course frustrated. When I got home 45 minutes away I was looking at the receipt only to determine that the fishing rod was not rung up.
So in this situation I figured karma and had no problem keeping the item, especially since the cost was nearly identical to the faux gift card. Was I right here? FFA to decide.
Making such an adjustment can be easier than you state, particularly if his account is at the same bank.I'd keep it. The bank wouldn't know how process the transaction and it would cost the bank and me more than 20 dollars for the time spent in returning it.
The Parker Brothers took the time to think this all out.Monopoly has this covered. Bank error in your favor.
Otis sucks at Monopoly.The Parker Brothers took the time to think this all out.
It happened to me once too. I took it to the teller and told them what happened and they just looked at me slack-jawed. I just turned around and left but also left the $20. In retrospect, the teller probably just kept it.Happened to me once. Went into the bank. It was actually quite a hassle to give them back the money. I think the first teller thought i was messing with her. The manager didnt believe me and made me count it repeatedly. Finally he gave me a form to fill out which actually didnt even look like a form for this sort of thing. I was so annoyed i wrote #### off for the name, put the 20 bucks on his desk on top of it and stormed off. Ever happens again i am just leaving it where you slide your card in.
Eta: i have weird luck at ATMs. Also been shorted once and also once noticed 20 bucks the previous customer dropped. The shorted transaction was the easiest to deal with the bank on.
That game has the answers to everything. Except where to find actual free parking.Monopoly has this covered. Bank error in your favor.
"The fingers you have used to dial are too fat. To obtain a special dialing wand, please mash the keypad with your palm now."You sure your big hands didnt click $320?
This. I would return an extra $1,000 but it isn't worth my time to return $20.I'd keep it. The bank wouldn't know how process the transaction and it would cost the bank and me more than 20 dollars for the time spent in returning it.
If you went to the teller and said you got an extra 20 from the ATM they'd look at you like you were crazy.
And, for the record, I am very honest when it comes to not accepting extra money when a human cashier makes a mistake.
Or Chastity, or Lexis, or Destiny or …..Donate it to your favorite Ccharity