55 year old commish needs 2 coaches ......cost 110.00 .... payout is 350-325-275-250
finish 4th and get paid $250.00 ...the money is spread out....1 out of 3 wins GOOD money !!!!
it's a basic league ----re draft.....no IDP's .....4 pts per qb passing TD ....basic league scoring ----
we play double-headers each week--- no fluke 70/80 pt. type wins that adds up for the un-worthy teams .......you might win one with 70 pts. but not 2 games that week ! so a well built team shines in the end....
it's a no-trade league [ I almost never traded and the trades that are made are BUDDY type trades --- 75% of the time are so one sided that it jacks up the league ] thus we have no trading----now family /friends/ co- workers can play in the league without cheating others ........so draft a team and work the wavier wire and the free agent wire and out smart the others and finish in the top 4 in wins = money !
4 best records after week 16 wins $$$$$ ........ ..I got tired of the fluke playoffs/superbowl wins ----- with 3 rd string RB's and QB's ------ on week 16 and 17
soooooo each week is important in this league ....its WINS that count here----it ain't a fluke that you win money------ its a week in ---- week out grind --- EARN the $$$$$ -- have the top 4 best record !
.....also I pay promptly after week 16 !!!! you may call or email my long time league members -----for references to my honesty and fairness..... the money is kept in a safe and only I have a key.....so the money don't and won't get LOST !!!
rules don't change and the draft date will not change .....once I declare rules and dates -----it's in stone......I hate playing in a wishy-washy leagues -----don't you ???????? so don't !!!!! play with us !
we have no cheating ----members watch for anything that might be not right and report it and I go look.....in all these years everyone has played fair .......
I have the same core-group since 2007........I commish 2 leagues NTL#1 and NTL#2 ... sorry but NTL#1 http://www17.myfanta...2013/home/12031 is full now but please look.......
read rules /scoring and by-laws ..... live draft on MFL --- is Friday aug 23 2013 at 9 pm EST
holler for more info ......
league site:
email me direct please ---- vapoteat@bellsouth.net ....thx all for your time and good luck !!
edit >>>>>>>please read !!!!!!!!
NTL#2 is full waiting on 2 checks ..........but I now need 1 for NTL#1 http://www5.myfantasyleague.com/2013/home/12031
draft is SATURDAY AUG. 24 AT 9;00 PM EST ...........SO holler at me ..........same cost ------same everything......go look !!!
finish 4th and get paid $250.00 ...the money is spread out....1 out of 3 wins GOOD money !!!!
it's a basic league ----re draft.....no IDP's .....4 pts per qb passing TD ....basic league scoring ----
we play double-headers each week--- no fluke 70/80 pt. type wins that adds up for the un-worthy teams .......you might win one with 70 pts. but not 2 games that week ! so a well built team shines in the end....
it's a no-trade league [ I almost never traded and the trades that are made are BUDDY type trades --- 75% of the time are so one sided that it jacks up the league ] thus we have no trading----now family /friends/ co- workers can play in the league without cheating others ........so draft a team and work the wavier wire and the free agent wire and out smart the others and finish in the top 4 in wins = money !
4 best records after week 16 wins $$$$$ ........ ..I got tired of the fluke playoffs/superbowl wins ----- with 3 rd string RB's and QB's ------ on week 16 and 17
soooooo each week is important in this league ....its WINS that count here----it ain't a fluke that you win money------ its a week in ---- week out grind --- EARN the $$$$$ -- have the top 4 best record !
.....also I pay promptly after week 16 !!!! you may call or email my long time league members -----for references to my honesty and fairness..... the money is kept in a safe and only I have a key.....so the money don't and won't get LOST !!!
rules don't change and the draft date will not change .....once I declare rules and dates -----it's in stone......I hate playing in a wishy-washy leagues -----don't you ???????? so don't !!!!! play with us !
we have no cheating ----members watch for anything that might be not right and report it and I go look.....in all these years everyone has played fair .......
I have the same core-group since 2007........I commish 2 leagues NTL#1 and NTL#2 ... sorry but NTL#1 http://www17.myfanta...2013/home/12031 is full now but please look.......
read rules /scoring and by-laws ..... live draft on MFL --- is Friday aug 23 2013 at 9 pm EST
holler for more info ......
league site:
email me direct please ---- vapoteat@bellsouth.net ....thx all for your time and good luck !!
edit >>>>>>>please read !!!!!!!!
NTL#2 is full waiting on 2 checks ..........but I now need 1 for NTL#1 http://www5.myfantasyleague.com/2013/home/12031
draft is SATURDAY AUG. 24 AT 9;00 PM EST ...........SO holler at me ..........same cost ------same everything......go look !!!
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