Conservative boards I go to hate me because I'm all for moving away from fossil fuels. Not radically that it kills the economy but we are moving that direction and I'm ok with it.
The biggest problem is 63% of our electric comes from burning fossil fuels. about 20% nuclear. only 7% from wind and 7% solar
Now, unless the USA is going to build dozens of nuclear reactors (and I'm ok with that) .... or erect literally 10's of millions of wind turbines in the nest few years .... how are we going to move away from fossil fuels that fast? and who's paying for it ?
President Biden is set to take “aggressive action” Wednesday to tackle climate change and is expected to take a number of executive actions focused on jobs, “equitable” clean energy and “restoring” scientific integrity across the federal government.
On the campaign trail, Biden called for the U.S. to phase out its dependence on fossil fuels.
Biden’s order on Wednesday is set to "empower" American workers and businesses to “lead a clean energy revolution” that would achieve a carbon pollution-free sector by 2035, while putting the U.S. on an “irreversible path to a net-zero economy by 2050.”
The order affirms that the U.S. “will exercise its leadership to promote a significant increase in global ambition,” while making clear that “both significant short-term global emission reductions and net-zero global emissions by mid-century—or before—are required to avoid setting the world on a dangerous, potentially catastrophic, climate trajectory.”
The biggest problem is 63% of our electric comes from burning fossil fuels. about 20% nuclear. only 7% from wind and 7% solar
Now, unless the USA is going to build dozens of nuclear reactors (and I'm ok with that) .... or erect literally 10's of millions of wind turbines in the nest few years .... how are we going to move away from fossil fuels that fast? and who's paying for it ?
President Biden is set to take “aggressive action” Wednesday to tackle climate change and is expected to take a number of executive actions focused on jobs, “equitable” clean energy and “restoring” scientific integrity across the federal government.
On the campaign trail, Biden called for the U.S. to phase out its dependence on fossil fuels.
Biden’s order on Wednesday is set to "empower" American workers and businesses to “lead a clean energy revolution” that would achieve a carbon pollution-free sector by 2035, while putting the U.S. on an “irreversible path to a net-zero economy by 2050.”
The order affirms that the U.S. “will exercise its leadership to promote a significant increase in global ambition,” while making clear that “both significant short-term global emission reductions and net-zero global emissions by mid-century—or before—are required to avoid setting the world on a dangerous, potentially catastrophic, climate trajectory.”
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