James Daulton
Trump's signature political talking point. He'll be the toughest, the best on illegal immigration, yet all numbers show that since Trump took office immigration from the South has skyrocketed.
Other than trying to build a wall, which will do nothing for those seeking asylum, the vast majority of those trying to get in, what gives Trump supporters any confidence that he is the one who can handle the issue? What's he done to show that he has any capability to handle the issue?
If the wall gets built, nothing changes that's causing people to flee to the US, all it will do is slow down the least impactful component of immigration.
He is ill equipped to handle the nuances for dealing with why immigrants are coming here and why once they get here they find ready employers. Both sides of the equation need to be dealt with with intelligence and deft. Neither are attributes that describe Trump.
Other than trying to build a wall, which will do nothing for those seeking asylum, the vast majority of those trying to get in, what gives Trump supporters any confidence that he is the one who can handle the issue? What's he done to show that he has any capability to handle the issue?
If the wall gets built, nothing changes that's causing people to flee to the US, all it will do is slow down the least impactful component of immigration.
He is ill equipped to handle the nuances for dealing with why immigrants are coming here and why once they get here they find ready employers. Both sides of the equation need to be dealt with with intelligence and deft. Neither are attributes that describe Trump.