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Browns ready to fire GM Savage (1 Viewer)

butch davis' should be "fired" again before savage gets canned

How very "Cleveland" of my Browns LOL.Another example of how cursed this city is. The football club is in eternal turmoil. We need stability.Oh well.

This is terrible news. We fire everyone, we may never be good again :( But I will still root for them every week. I guess that makes me a stupid fan :(

I wonder if this means that Randy Lerner is revealing himself to be a "hands-on" owner. A friend of mine offered as a scenario that possibly Randy is seeing the fan reaction at the 41-0 loss, and has decided to spend money NOW to try to get better. Savage isn't comfortable with either this decision or receiving orders like this in general and is stepping down? Conjecture but who knows?

This is terrible news. We fire everyone, we may never be good again :( But I will still root for them every week. I guess that makes me a stupid fan :(
I hear ya. I am surprised by this and disappointed. I was very pleased when the Browns hired Savage because he knows talent and would be instrumental in rebuilding this franchise. To find them at philoshophical odds somehow seems strange. IOW-if the Browns don't like this guy then the Browns ownership is the problem. Looks like they are the new "Bungals". Very sad.
What an f'n joke!ONE SEASON and gone.Then you wonder why the Brownies continue to struggle.Has anybody determined why their helmets are ORANGE and not BROWN yet?It isn't the Cleveland ORANGES!

BGP,Thanks for sharing that. All I know that Nolan has been pratically begging York to let him bring in a sounding board with football experience and since he's work with Savage before in Baltimore, I cannot imagine a better upgrade to their front office this side of Ron Wolf.


Thanks for sharing that. All I know that Nolan has been pratically begging York to let him bring in a sounding board with football experience and since he's work with Savage before in Baltimore, I cannot imagine a better upgrade to their front office this side of Ron Wolf.
It sounds like a good fit in San Francisco then. Hope it works out it it happens. :thumbup: As for my Browns, well, we are already at rock bottom, so how can this really hurt? LOL
PFT:POSTED 11:12 a.m. EST, December 30, 2005 SAVAGE, COLLINS ON THE OUTS IN CLEVELAND? There's growing talk in league circles that Browns G.M. Phil Savage and President/CEO John Collins are not getting along and that, by extension, the bad blood is flowing between Savage and owner Randy Lerner. Collins, a previous employee of the league office, was hired by Lerner in May 2004. The scuttlebutt in league circles is that Collin was the fall guy for the Janet Jackson Super Bowl boob flap, and that the NFL steered him in the direction of Lerner. Lerner, who was still new at the time to the whole ownership thing following his father's passing in October 2002, took a liking to Collins and put him at the top of the organization. After Butch Davis was run out of town in 2004, Lerner and Collins hired Savage away from the Ravens to serve as the new General Manager in January 2005. Less than a year later, it's apparently not working out. We're hearing that Collins has concerns about Savage's performance -- which makes no sense to us since Collins, a career marketing and advertising foof, has nothing in his background that would allow him to adequately assess whether the G.M. of a football team is doing his job well. And there's also talk that Collins quietly is in the process of hiring NFL in-house lawyer Mike Keenan to take over the salary cap management duties, which would displace current cap coordinator Trip MacCracken. The potential move is being viewed as a direct encroachment on Savage's turf, and it's prompting some to wonder whether Savage might soon be leaving the team, voluntarily or otherwise. Stay tuned.

John Collins wanted to bring in his lawyer buddy to replace current cap coordinator Trip MacCracken, who is Savage's guy. id imagine this has to do with selling tickets. the Browns will have between 25-30M under the cap this offseason to spend on free agency. ill bet the Collins side wants to make a splash and sign flashy guys and up the ticket prices, and Savage wants to keep conservative and build through the draft.

John Collins wanted to bring in his lawyer buddy to replace current cap coordinator Trip MacCracken, who is Savage's guy. id imagine this has to do with selling tickets. the Browns will have between 25-30M under the cap this offseason to spend on free agency. ill bet the Collins side wants to make a splash and sign flashy guys and up the ticket prices, and Savage wants to keep conservative and build through the draft.
so savage knows how to win football games (w=that will drive attendance) while collins has no clue?way to go oranges

I feel badly for Browns fans, the notion that non-football guys are going to be calling the shots in a power play can't be a welcome bit of news. Savage will get snapped up in a heartbeat, no question about it.

Sounds like the Browns are getting rid of Savage, who learned the ropes from perhaps the best G.M. in football, Ozzie Newsome in favor of going to a Daniel Snyder style of organization management. Hmmmmm, I wonder :rolleyes: how this will turn out.BTW, Browns fans, virtually EVERY franchise in the NFL would have had a hard on to aquire Savage or replace their own fron office with the RAVENS' over the years. What, they've drafted about 4 or 5 Hall Of Famers, won the Super Bowl, and if not for the salary cap probably would have become a dynasty. God, I really, really feel for you guys. Almost as bad as being a Cowboys fan and then Jerry Jones getting rid of Jimmy Johnson to prove HE was the reason for the success of the Cowboys. :no:

This reminds me of the Paul DePodesta situation in baseball. Highly-regarded potential general manager turns down many positions to wait for the "right job." The "right job" turns out to have a megalomaniac owner, who grows impatient with the new GM's strategy, and has constant disagreements over the direction the team is going. New GM finds the "dream job" is a nightmare and is replaced within a season (two in DePo's case), scarred and tattered.While we're still waiting for DePo to resurface, I can't imagine Savage would stay unemployed for long.

This is terrible news. We fire everyone, we may never be good again :( But I will still root for them every week. I guess that makes me a stupid fan :(
Loyalty is a very honorable quality. :thumbup:
Wow, what a messed up franchise. First they let Davis fire everyone, then fired him, now they fire half of the good team they brought in. Disaster zone there.

Local sports talk radio 850 AM WKNR in Cleveland is saying that it has been known that this front office has not been getting along too well. The station called the Browns about this report and only were told "no comment".

Wow, what a messed up franchise. First they let Davis fire everyone, then fired him, now they fire half of the good team they brought in. Disaster zone there.
And I love having them in the Steelers division!!!!!! :lmao:

Jim Brown, who is close to Randy Lerner, is being interviewed on WTAM. he's saying that Phil has not been fired yet, but has basically been given an ultimatum to allow the team to oversee contract negotiations. he mentioned that the team was unhappy with how he handled the rookie contracts this year, specifically Braylon Edward's contract. this seems reasonable to me, as Savage is a rookie GM, football guy and talent evaluator first. he was very clear that the browns do not want to fire him, but he needs to accept the help.crossing my fingers, but my gut feeling right now is :X

will the Browns' original choice, Scott Pioli, be available this year?

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I feel badly for Browns fans, the notion that non-football guys are going to be calling the shots in a power play can't be a welcome bit of news. Savage will get snapped up in a heartbeat, no question about it.
I agreeWonder what Romeo has to say about this. After all he did learn under the guy that wanted to buy his own groceries

Jim Brown, who is close to Randy Lerner, is being interviewed on WTAM. he's saying that Phil has not been fired yet, but has basically been given an ultimatum to allow the team to oversee contract negotiations. he mentioned that the team was unhappy with how he handled the rookie contracts this year, specifically Braylon Edward's contract. this seems reasonable to me, as Savage is a rookie GM, football guy and talent evaluator first. he was very clear that the browns do not want to fire him, but he needs to accept the help.

crossing my fingers, but my gut feeling right now is :X
I'm trying to remember what was said about this on WKNR.They said something about not letting Edwards, for example, do a radio show on a competing station. WTAM is the flagship station and WKNR is their competitor as an all-sports alternative in the Cleveland market.

john collins on wtam now "phil savage has not been fired, will not be fired."john, phil and romeo just had a meeting and have "renewed their vows"Keenan will be brought in still to help with salaries, but Trip MacCracken will still be the main cap guy.also, leigh bodden has been signed to a 4 year extension. :pickle:

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Now being reported on WKNR:

Savage is OUT

Some guy from the Falcons' front office is IN as President
Collins takes on an expanded role
Romeo Crennel will now receive an ultimatum with regards to assistant coaches. They want him to get rid of some of the current staff.
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john collins on wtam now

"phil savage has not been fired, will not be fired."

john, phil and romeo just had a meeting and have "renewed their vows"

also, leigh bodden has been signed to a 4 year extension.

so romeo played mediator?
I haven't heard anything on WTAM, but if that is the announcement there, that Savage is staying, I would defer to them on this one.

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Now being reported on WKNR:

Savage is OUT

Some guy from the Falcons' front office is IN as President
Collins takes on an expanded role
ROmeo Crennel will now receive an ultimatum with regards to assistant coaches. They want him to get rid of some of the current staff.
you two, same time, completely different posts. Very odd.Romeo should walk then, he and Savage would be welcomed in alot of places

Now being reported on WKNR:

Savage is OUT

Some guy from the Falcons' front office is IN as President
Collins takes on an expanded role
ROmeo Crennel will now receive an ultimatum with regards to assistant coaches. They want him to get rid of some of the current staff.
you two, same time, completely different posts. Very odd.Romeo should walk then, he and Savage would be welcomed in alot of places
Yeah I would defer to TAM here since they are the flagship station and certainly would get the correct word on wether or not a definite decision has been made, imo.
Ok, WKNR is no longer reporting that Savage is out. They reported that on the last news update, but now that the host of the current show is back on the air he is retracting that call.

john collins on wtam now

"phil savage has not been fired, will not be fired."

john, phil and romeo just had a meeting and have "renewed their vows"

also, leigh bodden has been signed to a 4 year extension.

so romeo played mediator?
not sure. i have heard that phil and romeo have not seen eye to eye on some things, but who knows.
SAVAGE IS NOT FIRED!!!Nor will he be. John Collins just said hes staying put but that they are bringin in a guy named Mike Keenan from the league office to help out the front office in the financial aspect of the job. Savage can then concentrate on talent evlaluation which he was brought here to do in the first place. F anyone who talks ##### on my BROWNS!

As mentioned above, the best and only news (besides this Keenan guy) out of Berea today is that Bodden was resigned to a 4yr deal. Solid keep there. The secondary of this team has the ability to get good real fast once the youngsters get more time.

the afternoon guy on WKNR is a steelers fan. :X
Yeah I know. My problem with it is that you would think the Browns' fanbase, being as massive as it is, should be able to produce SOMEONE who could do that job. It comes off as a cheap ratings ploy.
ESPN has yet to contract their report, sounds like he's gonde.
http://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news_room/n...rts/5017.0.htmlBrowns respond to Savage rumors

December 30, 2005

In response to rumors that were widely circulated today, the Cleveland Browns wish to reiterate that Phil Savage is and will continue to be our senior vice president and general manager.

“Although it is our policy not to respond to rumors, in fairness to our fans, we felt it necessary to dispel them,” Browns president and chief executive officer John Collins said. “It was unfortunate and very unfair to the organization and especially to our fans, but we are happy to put this behind us and focus on our game this Sunday and the busy offseason ahead.

“Together, we are going to continue to do whatever is necessary to reestablish the Browns as one of the premiere franchises in all of sports.”

ESPN has yet to contract their report, sounds like he's gonde.
http://www.clevelandbrowns.com/news_room/n...rts/5017.0.htmlBrowns respond to Savage rumors

December 30, 2005

In response to rumors that were widely circulated today, the Cleveland Browns wish to reiterate that Phil Savage is and will continue to be our senior vice president and general manager.

“Although it is our policy not to respond to rumors, in fairness to our fans, we felt it necessary to dispel them,” Browns president and chief executive officer John Collins said. “It was unfortunate and very unfair to the organization and especially to our fans, but we are happy to put this behind us and focus on our game this Sunday and the busy offseason ahead.

“Together, we are going to continue to do whatever is necessary to reestablish the Browns as one of the premiere franchises in all of sports.”
Means absolutely nothing. The Browns sound like they have told Savage he will either give up part of his responsibilities or he'll be fired or he can resign.Doesnt sound like hes made that decision yet.

Savage now looks to be staying. Of course it is possible that down the road he may leave anyway as a result of fallout from all of this or things related to this. I remember the soap opera between Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson. There were rumors of a fallout for a few years before they finally did go separate ways.

Latest from profootballtalk.com, Dec.31 at 11:18 am


In response to an excellent article from Patrick McManamon The Akron Beacon Journal regarding the events from Friday that nearly claimed the position of Browns G.M. Phil Savage (and still might), we've parsed through the quotes from team President/CEO John Collins, and we've concluded, based on all of the information we have collected from our network of sources, that Collins has exposed himself as a complete fraud, and that owner Randy Lerner needs to fire him. Now. Let's take a look at Collins' words, and their likely import.

"I would think [savage] would want to be here,'' Collins said Friday night. "I would really be as surprised as I was today if he came in when we get together on Monday and said, 'I've rethought this.'"

Translation: Something is indeed happening that has caused Savage to at least raise the possibility of walking away. And as we've heard from multiple sources (and as McManamon reports) that "something" came to a head with the under-the-radar hiring by Collins of Mike Keenan to manage the salary cap, a function falling exclusively within Savage's purview.

Regarding Collins' confirmation that Keenan will be joining the team, the more important question Collins didn't address is why the whole thing was done on such a top-secret basis? We've heard that Keenan already has resigned his position with the league and accepted a job with the Browns, but there was no announcement of any kind regarding the move. The inference we (and others) are drawing is that Savage wasn't consulted and didn't know that Keenan was coming aboard.

Collins justifies the move by saying that "Phil needs help." But didn't they know this when they hired him? And doesn't the same observation apply to Collins, who never worked in any capacity with a football team before becoming President of the Browns?

Let's be clear on this. Collins has worked in marketing. He never worked for the Management Council, never in player personnel, never anywhere close to anything dealing with anyone in football operations, and now he's in charge of helping the owner decide, judge, and critique how the football operation should be staffed and run.

He doesn't know what he doesn't know, and that's the biggest flaw for anyone who's trying to run a football team.
Savage now looks to be staying. Of course it is possible that down the road he may leave anyway as a result of fallout from all of this or things related to this. I remember the soap opera between Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson. There were rumors of a fallout for a few years before they finally did go separate ways.
I'm sure glad you(and the other guy) weren't reporting on a RB ;)
Savage now looks to be staying. Of course it is possible that down the road he may leave anyway as a result of fallout from all of this or things related to this. I remember the soap opera between Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson. There were rumors of a fallout for a few years before they finally did go separate ways.
It appears Savage has won the power struggle. WTAM reporting John Collins will resign as President.No link yet.

Finally, a decent decision by Browns ownership. :thumbup:

Collins apparently has resigned.Link

Browns President John Collins ResignsUPDATED: 9:45 am EST January 3, 2006CLEVELAND -- Just days after reports that the Cleveland Browns were going to fire Senior Vice President General Manager Phil Savage, NewsChannel5's Chris Miller has learned that team president John Collins has resigned.ESPN reported last week that the organization was splitting with Savage. However, now it appears Savage is staying and Collins is out.Collins, 43, did his best to crush the story, insisting the move wasn't planned and that Savage, Baltimore's former personnel director and one of the league's top talent evaluators, would remain the club's GM.Miller reported Collins did not attend the Browns final game on Sunday after receiving hate mail.Browns officials said there would be a statement released later today.Collins replaced Carmen Policy May 1, 2004. He has been with the NFL since 1989. Before becoming team president, Collins was the NFL's senior vice president of marketing and sales.The Browns finished their season Sunday with their first victory in the AFC North.

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