I've heard nothing but nonsense over the last few weeks concerning WRs being clubhouse cancers. I'm completely convinced that these talks come from 1 of 2 groups of fans:
1. Eagles fans
2. Packers fans
I understand the TO talk. Really I do. I'm a Boston transplant to Philly for the last year, so trust me, I'm well informed. I think most of the TO hate comes from disappointed Eagles fans who are absolutely torn up inside because they know three things: A.) The Cowboys are definitely better than the Eagles in '06, they may deny it, but deep down they do know it is true. B.) Their ownership won't part with a 4th round pick (last year they got Todd Herremans in the 4th!) and pay market rates for a WR who is right now better than anyone on their team, and C.) Javon Walker isn't coming to Philly even though he is also clearly an automatic #1 if they get him.
I can understand the anger, but to cry that these guys (Moulds and Walker) are no good is rotten logic.
Javon Walker got in a pissing contest last summer after a blow out year when his agent, Rosenhaus, claimed he needed to renegotiate. The guy got thrown under the bus by the football God who is responsible for delivering him the ball (an unheard of precedent), swallowed his pride, showed up and said he'd be a good soldier, and blew out his knee to ruin his '05 and possibly more. Of course he's got a hair across his bum. It's hard to take a perspective that would be contrary if you were in those shoes. Anytime you go against your orignal stance, gamble, and lose, it hurts.
Eric Moulds has been a premiere WR on a terrible team for 10 years. He's seen more Head coaches, systems, and QB's then probably anyone who has been a borderline pro-bowler for the last 10 years. He got suspended by a coach who was eventually run out of town, after underachieving for 2 years, by the greatest coach in Buffalo history. Moulds is a workout warrior, who has never shown up negative on the radar screen until some bum of a coach got pissed because he asked for more looks.
Bottomline? Can we ease up on the quick "Clubhouse cancer" talk of guys who have never been one? Obviously TO has been ridiculous this past year. But Walker and Moulds? C'mon. That's sheer nonsense. Get a grip people. How about throwing Mullarkey under the bus over the Moulds issue? How about talking about how Mr. Over-the-Hill, league leading INT thrower was flat out wrong?
There is no evidence that these 2 are "cancers". And just because the Eagles front office claimed they heard that they were and that is why they weren't buyers is not reason to continue such garbage.
Enough is enough. Stop being idiots.
1. Eagles fans
2. Packers fans
I understand the TO talk. Really I do. I'm a Boston transplant to Philly for the last year, so trust me, I'm well informed. I think most of the TO hate comes from disappointed Eagles fans who are absolutely torn up inside because they know three things: A.) The Cowboys are definitely better than the Eagles in '06, they may deny it, but deep down they do know it is true. B.) Their ownership won't part with a 4th round pick (last year they got Todd Herremans in the 4th!) and pay market rates for a WR who is right now better than anyone on their team, and C.) Javon Walker isn't coming to Philly even though he is also clearly an automatic #1 if they get him.
I can understand the anger, but to cry that these guys (Moulds and Walker) are no good is rotten logic.
Javon Walker got in a pissing contest last summer after a blow out year when his agent, Rosenhaus, claimed he needed to renegotiate. The guy got thrown under the bus by the football God who is responsible for delivering him the ball (an unheard of precedent), swallowed his pride, showed up and said he'd be a good soldier, and blew out his knee to ruin his '05 and possibly more. Of course he's got a hair across his bum. It's hard to take a perspective that would be contrary if you were in those shoes. Anytime you go against your orignal stance, gamble, and lose, it hurts.
Eric Moulds has been a premiere WR on a terrible team for 10 years. He's seen more Head coaches, systems, and QB's then probably anyone who has been a borderline pro-bowler for the last 10 years. He got suspended by a coach who was eventually run out of town, after underachieving for 2 years, by the greatest coach in Buffalo history. Moulds is a workout warrior, who has never shown up negative on the radar screen until some bum of a coach got pissed because he asked for more looks.
Bottomline? Can we ease up on the quick "Clubhouse cancer" talk of guys who have never been one? Obviously TO has been ridiculous this past year. But Walker and Moulds? C'mon. That's sheer nonsense. Get a grip people. How about throwing Mullarkey under the bus over the Moulds issue? How about talking about how Mr. Over-the-Hill, league leading INT thrower was flat out wrong?
There is no evidence that these 2 are "cancers". And just because the Eagles front office claimed they heard that they were and that is why they weren't buyers is not reason to continue such garbage.
Enough is enough. Stop being idiots.
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