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Christmas lights outside: when? (1 Viewer)

Started putting mine up last night. Will finish tonight. Too soon?
i don't do any Xmas decorations until day after thanksgiving.Would never put them up before but it's becoming alarmingly common.

Driving back from the airport though my neighborhood on 10/30 saw someone putting up Xmas tree.


What do you guys go with? Big bulbs, colored etc.? LED,incandescent? Also, anywhere with good deals on lights, or just any big box store?
all of the above.. I have the "old fashioned" big bulbs, LED's, White strings, colored strings, etc...Next year should be a bigger display as we are having a 2nd garage built in a few weeks so even more things to decorate next year. :excited:
You need to post pics.
To tide you over, here is a video I made of last years display.

I've moved the lights around a lot this year and used different ones for the roof so will definitely get some photo's & Video in about a week..
Goood lord man what's wrong with you people!?

The music. :lmao:

Started putting mine up last night. Will finish tonight. Too soon?
Put mine up today. Will be traveling for Thanksgiving, so wanted to get it out of the way now.
Actually sort of bummed I didn't have the lights to finish up yesterday. Was a beautiful day to be out there and smoke a stogie while I worked on it. Temperature dropped a crapload overnight, and it's a whole lot less pleasant.

Flip side of the coin is how long is too long after Baby Jesus day? I see folks leaving that crap up and lit I might add at night until mid to late January. Those folks are definitely getting some Wendy's in the front yard.

Nothing wrong with putting them up a little early. All manner of wrong turning them on prior to Thanksgiving. Might as well have antlers on your mailbox.

Idiots in the neighborhood already have them up for the last week or two and lighting them up at night. Just sickening, can't even enjoy Turkey-Day.

I just toss my empty fast food trash bags at the end of the week into their front lawn as I'm driving back from the bars at night. Figure if they want to advertise they are white trash, might as well help them out. Tis the season.
Im not surprised some mental piece of garbage that has nervous breakdowns on FBG forums would do this.

Idiots in the neighborhood already have them up for the last week or two and lighting them up at night. Just sickening, can't even enjoy Turkey-Day.

I just toss my empty fast food trash bags at the end of the week into their front lawn as I'm driving back from the bars at night. Figure if they want to advertise they are white trash, might as well help them out. Tis the season.

Looks like someone got word that a certain contest was gearing up again.


Homer J Simpson said:
Ministry of Pain said:
Idiots in the neighborhood already have them up for the last week or two and lighting them up at night. Just sickening, can't even enjoy Turkey-Day.

I just toss my empty fast food trash bags at the end of the week into their front lawn as I'm driving back from the bars at night. Figure if they want to advertise they are white trash, might as well help them out. Tis the season.

Looks like someone got word that a certain contest was gearing up again.

Uh oh, haven't checked in a while. If GM posts this btw you all erect shrines for him, I do it and I win the imaginary dildo contest. It's funny.

I still don't know why people vary so much on this...You don't put up turkeys and pilgrims before Halloween do you? Then why would you ever put up Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving? The earliest time it's acceptable to put up and light Christmas stuff is Thanksgiving night after you've eaten your turkey. Period. It doesn't matter that Thanksgiving varies year-to-year.

As for taking stuff down, anything after President's day is a bit tacky...and truthfully even that is a bit late IMO. The only exception is tastefully done white lights because they're more winter decorations than Christmas.

Remember...No Ho Ho Ho until you Gobble Gobble the Gobbler.

At least in my world, this is how it'd be done...but we've all got our own worlds. I'll complain about people who do it differently, and welcome them to complain about how I do it....and THAT's the American way.

Get some icicle lights.....leave them up all year, flip them up in the gutter in the spring......

ETA: unplug them at Easter, plug them back in on Halloween.

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Turn on outside lights the night of Thanksgiving - just personal tradition. Inside we usually put the tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving but did it yesterday.

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I put everything up 2 weeks before Christmas and take down everything on New Years Day. I like putting up Christmas lights on a cold December night and then going in for hot chocolate afterwards.

Does anyone without kids actually put up Christmas lights? I've put my foot down to the wife that I won't be putting up lights until we have kids old enough to "get it." She was actually fine with that so I'm assuming it's not normal for a non-parent to engage in hanging up multi-colored lights.

Does anyone without kids actually put up Christmas lights? I've put my foot down to the wife that I won't be putting up lights until we have kids old enough to "get it." She was actually fine with that so I'm assuming it's not normal for a non-parent to engage in hanging up multi-colored lights.
I have a feeling once my daughter moves out my display will only get bigger.. I'll have even more free time on my hands.. ;)

I broke down and let the wife put up the inside decorations this last weekend. Normally I don't let her put them up until after Thanksgiving, but I got tired of the nagging & whining and caved.

snogger said:
Zow said:
Does anyone without kids actually put up Christmas lights? I've put my foot down to the wife that I won't be putting up lights until we have kids old enough to "get it." She was actually fine with that so I'm assuming it's not normal for a non-parent to engage in hanging up multi-colored lights.
I have a feeling once my daughter moves out my display will only get bigger.. I'll have even more free time on my hands.. ;)
I don't get it. Why? Explain it to me like I'm Shuke McScrooge

snogger said:
Zow said:
Does anyone without kids actually put up Christmas lights? I've put my foot down to the wife that I won't be putting up lights until we have kids old enough to "get it." She was actually fine with that so I'm assuming it's not normal for a non-parent to engage in hanging up multi-colored lights.
I have a feeling once my daughter moves out my display will only get bigger.. I'll have even more free time on my hands.. ;)

snogger said:
Zow said:
Does anyone without kids actually put up Christmas lights? I've put my foot down to the wife that I won't be putting up lights until we have kids old enough to "get it." She was actually fine with that so I'm assuming it's not normal for a non-parent to engage in hanging up multi-colored lights.
I have a feeling once my daughter moves out my display will only get bigger.. I'll have even more free time on my hands.. ;)
I don't get it. Why? Explain it to me like I'm Shuke McScrooge
With any luck, someday I'll have this effect on the entire town :)

But truth is I enjoy it.. :shrug:

Also, the first year I started adding lights outside, in our neighborhood there were maybe one or two houses that had a few lights on them..

Last year, many more houses added lights and a couple houses are doing their best to out do me.. and that just can't stand! ;)

Zow said:
Does anyone without kids actually put up Christmas lights? I've put my foot down to the wife that I won't be putting up lights until we have kids old enough to "get it." She was actually fine with that so I'm assuming it's not normal for a non-parent to engage in hanging up multi-colored lights.
I have no kids, but put them up. My wife is definitely more into it than me. She does most of the light-hanging, so I'm okay with it.

I still don't know why people vary so much on this...You don't put up turkeys and pilgrims before Halloween do you? Then why would you ever put up Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving? The earliest time it's acceptable to put up and light Christmas stuff is Thanksgiving night after you've eaten your turkey. Period. It doesn't matter that Thanksgiving varies year-to-year.

As for taking stuff down, anything after President's day is a bit tacky...and truthfully even that is a bit late IMO. The only exception is tastefully done white lights because they're more winter decorations than Christmas.

Remember...No Ho Ho Ho until you Gobble Gobble the Gobbler.

At least in my world, this is how it'd be done...but we've all got our own worlds. I'll complain about people who do it differently, and welcome them to complain about how I do it....and THAT's the American way.
This. And we call our lights "Winter LightsTM" after the New Year... ;)

Zow said:
Does anyone without kids actually put up Christmas lights? I've put my foot down to the wife that I won't be putting up lights until we have kids old enough to "get it." She was actually fine with that so I'm assuming it's not normal for a non-parent to engage in hanging up multi-colored lights.
I love my Christmas lights. :thumbup:

I used to string icicles across the front of the house from the gutters. Because of the height- and the fact that we have a low hipped roof on our high ranch- I found it easier to lay on on the roof on my belly, facing the gutter- feet uphill towards the peak- and sort of slide along as I clipped them onto the gutter.

One year we got one of those flash frosts as I was getting set up. About 10 feet in, and over the garage- the highest portion- as I got down to lay on my belly- I began to slide. :o

Doing my best superman pose, I thrust my arms out in front of me and managed to jamb my palms into the inner rim of the gutter to stop my slide. As I stared down at our cars 20 feet below. :help:

I sloooowly managed to inch my way back from the edge, turn, crawl back to the peak and escape down the ladder on the uphill side of the house.

After cleaning out my shorts, I retrieved the rest of the lights and strung them on bushes out front. The partially attached strand of icicles remained there until spring when I managed to rip them off.


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We decided to get the tree tonight. Not a soul there. Had our pick of the lot. Guy said if we came Friday there would be a hundred people there picking over the same trees and it would take an hour to get in and out. "I don't know why more people just don't come early" he said, "everybody is beholden to some dumb tradition that doesn't even make sense."

I slipped him a 20 as he loaded the tree onto my car. :thumbup:

snogger said:
A different link with more information..

The roughly $2,300 electricity bill comes at a heavy cost during the holiday season
You probably need a separate panel just to support that kind of power draw. I drive by one of these over the top decorators on my way home. The guy has a huge hodge-podge with no style or order...just a TON of lights and a huge plywood Christmas Workshop facade he puts up. He uses a cherry-picker to get them all set up...anyway, I was driving by last night and was about to mutter, "Man, I'm impressed that this guy, who clearly loves X-mas, doesn't have lights up yet. Way to go." Then I noticed through his big living room window that he must have 5-7 lit x-mas trees in his living room. Unreal.


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