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Danny Amendola - Boston Marathon Relief Fund (1 Viewer)

I'm not saying that he should have done this or that, but what he did wasn't the way to go about it.
The bolded is exactly what you're saying in the second half of the sentence.
No, the second half of the sentence is saying what he shouldn't have done. All I'm saying is that it rubbed me the wrong way how he went about it. He likely did this, as you stated above "in the heat of the moment without much thought", which after further review is what my response to it was.

I applaud him for wanting to do something. I applaud him for actually stepping up and doing it, we all should do something. I just didn't like that he's making it "about him", and that this donation apparently won't be made for quite some time. That's all I'm saying.

matttyl said:
Percentage wise I gave more to my church,
I heard Amdendola just throws a coupon into the collection plate at church.

Some of you people should quit while you're behind. We all root for players with DWIs on their records or guys that beat up their girlfriends.

At worst Amendola is a self promoter (and I don't even agree with that) and/or he's not giving enough of his income to this cause - as if we know that he won't give more at seasons end.

No, I don't root for those who beat up their girlfriends or anything like that - who said I did?!

All I'm saying it it rubbed me the wrong way about how he's planning on doing something. It's like he's saying, "hey, sorry about what happened to you - but I'll give you $100 for every catch I make this year at the end of the season."

What Kraft did (posted earlier) was the perfect response to the situation at hand.

No, I don't root for those who beat up their girlfriends or anything like that - who said I did?! All I'm saying it it rubbed me the wrong way about how he's planning on doing something. It's like he's saying, "hey, sorry about what happened to you - but I'll give you $100 for every catch I make this year at the end of the season." What Kraft did (posted earlier) was the perfect response to the situation at hand.
Out of curiosity, when you donate blood, do you tell them to use it now or you won't give any at all?The whole "$100 per catch" that you are so hung up on isn't so much the dollar value, it's the running total that will be mentioned every week throughout the season. The platform is used to keep the awareness of the cause in the spotlight. It really is painful that you are so hung up on a dollar value and wanting things right now.What Kraft is doing is fantastic...what Amendola is doing is fantastic as well. Everything people give is perfect. Judging someone's generosity (especially coming from someone who gives to charity) is abhorrent.
This thread is pointless. It's amazing to me that people question someone's intentions while trying to do good and with their publicizing it.

The thing is this: Amendola posted it on Twitter for only one of the following two reasons:

1) It's a "Look at Me" and how special I am that I'm giving a little money


2) It's to create some publicity and awareness to get others involved (other players to join in, other celebrities to join in, other lay people to like what he's doing and contribute, give people something to root for during the season and bring in money later).

For whatever reason, there are some people that truly think this is a "Look at Me" moment for Amendola. Think about that for a moment. Do you REALLY think he's singing his own praises to gain the hearts of people by giving a few thousand? You really think that's his motive? If you do, then it's just a warped and cynical way of looking at people. It doesn't make sense to me but whatever.

In the end, though, it's similar to other NFL activities. Most (if not all) players donate their time for some charitable work. It's not technically required, but it is highly, highly encouraged as far as I know and there are specific PR people that set these things up. Meeting with kids, setting up organizations, donating some money, whatever it may be. So some of these athletes are taking time with kids or doing whatever it is they do. Do I think that all of them would be doing this if it weren't for the NFL essentially making them do it? Of course not. Does that mean I think that much less of them or think they shouldn't be doing it? Of course not. I'm still thankful that they do and that they make a difference for someone.

Charity is a funny thing. Different people give for different reasons. Some do it out of pure goodness, some do it out of guilt, and some do it as a "look at me" thing. And you know what...I couldn't care less what their motivation is because giving ANYTHING for whatever motivation that comes with it is FAR GREATER THAN not giving anything at all. And anyone who sits there and criticizes or questions anyone's motives when it comes to charity is disgusting to me. Amendola could post an hourly tweet saying "Hey, everyone, I just gave $5" and I wouldn't think any differently and would still be thankful for his contribution. And I bet the people who truly need it couldn't care less either about his tweet or what he gave or when or how. Anyone requiring and receiving any of that charity would be thankful.

And that's completely beside the point that viewing his tweet as a "look at me" ploy is so utterly ridiculous. The fact that you have no idea if he's given more on his own anonymously is what makes those of you questioning his tweet and his motives even more ridiculous. I'd be willing to bet a substantial amount of money that Danny will be giving money to support his new city in this tragedy on the side, without tweets and without fanfare. I've heard him give interviews here in St. Louis and he's one of the "good guys" in the NFL. And there's the Catch-22. You want this guy to just give and not announce, yet you are assuming he's done nothing else because you haven't heard of anything else he's given or plans to give. See how dumb that is?

But I guess his "charity" was executed poorly as it was put above.

matttyl said:
ClownDogs said:
All the people in here that are ripping him for only 1% of his income or whatever it is, please post pics of your tax returns and yearly donations. So he posts it on twitter? So what, he at least will be giving something, even if 1%, alot more than most people on these boards will donate. Thumbs up to Amendola for his donation, $1 or $10,000, any amount will help. THIS is a great way to use social media, imo, not posting pics of your outlandish lifestyles or stupidity.
If it's a $10k donation (which is giving him a generous upcoming season), it's .125% (an eight of one percent) of his 2013 income - payable 8-9 months from now. Percentage wise I gave more to my church, my sponsor child in Uganda, my local SPCA, the Salvation Army, the Purple Heart - and if you want to give me a few dollars for each blood donation I make, the Red Cross. While I don't give much, I do what I can when I can. I don't post about it online - maybe I should or maybe I shouldn't.
Not really a fair comparison. It will be a far greater proportion of your discretionary income than it is for Danny. For you it's something you'll actually miss. For him it's completely meaningless.
Holy crap...who the hell are you to say its meaningless to him?And where did he brag about it? Do you know what brag means?
When he gets a weekly game check for a quarter million a pop I don't think he's gonna miss $500 of that. What exactly is the difference between living on 250k/week and $249,500/week?
matttyl said:
ClownDogs said:
All the people in here that are ripping him for only 1% of his income or whatever it is, please post pics of your tax returns and yearly donations. So he posts it on twitter? So what, he at least will be giving something, even if 1%, alot more than most people on these boards will donate. Thumbs up to Amendola for his donation, $1 or $10,000, any amount will help. THIS is a great way to use social media, imo, not posting pics of your outlandish lifestyles or stupidity.
If it's a $10k donation (which is giving him a generous upcoming season), it's .125% (an eight of one percent) of his 2013 income - payable 8-9 months from now. Percentage wise I gave more to my church, my sponsor child in Uganda, my local SPCA, the Salvation Army, the Purple Heart - and if you want to give me a few dollars for each blood donation I make, the Red Cross. While I don't give much, I do what I can when I can. I don't post about it online - maybe I should or maybe I shouldn't.
Not really a fair comparison. It will be a far greater proportion of your discretionary income than it is for Danny. For you it's something you'll actually miss. For him it's completely meaningless.
Holy crap...who the hell are you to say its meaningless to him?And where did he brag about it? Do you know what brag means?
When he gets a weekly game check for a quarter million a pop I don't think he's gonna miss $500 of that. What exactly is the difference between living on 250k/week and $249,500/week?
he gets free publicity so some people think he's a great guy or something.

Out of curiosity, when you donate blood, do you tell them to use it now or you won't give any at all?
Donated blood has a shelf life of a month only. As I'm a "semi-universal" donor, it's typically used within 7 days. Does that satisfy your curiosity?
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McCourty just followed suit, pledging 100 per tackle and 200 per int "like Amendola".

Say what you want about it not being enough, if that's your stance. But if Amendola putting it out there on twitter gets other NFL players to donate then it was good publicity--not just for him.

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Out of curiosity, when you donate blood, do you tell them to use it now or you won't give any at all?
Donated blood has a shelf life of a month only. As I'm a "semi-universal" donor, it's typically used within 7 days. Does that satisfy your curiosity?
You didn't answer the question but I'm glad Amendola (and others who are following suit) aren't using money that has a short shelf life to make their donations. It would be awful if their donations at the end of the year were with expired money.
Out of curiosity, when you donate blood, do you tell them to use it now or you won't give any at all?
Donated blood has a shelf life of a month only. As I'm a "semi-universal" donor, it's typically used within 7 days. Does that satisfy your curiosity?
You keep repeating how what bothers you is how he is going about it and the timing is wrong. Are you saying the victims aren't going to need the money 6 or 8 months from now when his season is complete and we know how many catches he has? Pretty sure some of those victims are going to need financial assistance for the rest of their lives.

He's giving somthing, how many of you have given to any charity this year?
That's just it, he hasn't given anything yet and apparently wont for many more months. The act of giving at a time of need is what's needed, not a promise to give some unknown amount many months from now. If he has an injury plagued season like he did last year or the year before - this "gift" may only end up being $5k 9 months from now. The time to give is now, not 9 months from now.
The time to give is actually, 9 months, 2 years, 10 years out...EVERYONE is donating the money now, and practically nothing will be provided in a year plus timeframe. It is like having a baby and everyone giving you 3-6 mo. old clothes...the stuff you really appreciate are the items/funds provided for the long-term.

He's giving somthing, how many of you have given to any charity this year?
That's just it, he hasn't given anything yet and apparently wont for many more months. The act of giving at a time of need is what's needed, not a promise to give some unknown amount many months from now. If he has an injury plagued season like he did last year or the year before - this "gift" may only end up being $5k 9 months from now. The time to give is now, not 9 months from now.
The time to give is actually, 9 months, 2 years, 10 years out...EVERYONE is donating the money now, and practically nothing will be provided in a year plus timeframe. It is like having a baby and everyone giving you 3-6 mo. old clothes...the stuff you really appreciate are the items/funds provided for the long-term.
I get that, and I am starting to come around on it. Like I said, it just rubbed the the wrong way that within 24 hours of the horrible event (before any news broke about large donations being made now), he posts what he did - which I took as very much "look at me" and making it about him. I was obviously extremely angry about the attack as I'm sure we all were. I just didn't feel like his gesture was the right one at the time.

That said, his heart was and is obviously in the right place. He wants to help like I'm sure we all do. We should all do what we can, when we can.

He's giving somthing, how many of you have given to any charity this year?
That's just it, he hasn't given anything yet and apparently wont for many more months. The act of giving at a time of need is what's needed, not a promise to give some unknown amount many months from now. If he has an injury plagued season like he did last year or the year before - this "gift" may only end up being $5k 9 months from now. The time to give is now, not 9 months from now.
The time to give is actually, 9 months, 2 years, 10 years out...EVERYONE is donating the money now, and practically nothing will be provided in a year plus timeframe. It is like having a baby and everyone giving you 3-6 mo. old clothes...the stuff you really appreciate are the items/funds provided for the long-term.
I get that, and I am starting to come around on it. Like I said, it just rubbed the the wrong way that within 24 hours of the horrible event (before any news broke about large donations being made now), he posts what he did - which I took as very much "look at me" and making it about him. I was obviously extremely angry about the attack as I'm sure we all were. I just didn't feel like his gesture was the right one at the time.

That said, his heart was and is obviously in the right place. He wants to help like I'm sure we all do. We should all do what we can, when we can.
It was his gut-check reaction to do some good. It doesn't mean he wont donate more.

The NFL owners should donate a contract. Whatever #1 overall gets, they should donate, for as long as that contract runs!


Devin McCourty is donating $100 for each tackle he makes and $200 for each interception

Jermichael Finley is donating $500 for every dropped pass and $500 per TD.

Probably more to come.

You guys still think it was a dumb pledge by Amendola?


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