This thread reminds me how much damage many religious groups have done to the gospel of Jesus. If the truth of who he was and what he came to do where clearly preached and practiced in churches throughout the last few decades, this thread would have a totally different tone.
Instead you get a bunch of jokes and eye rolls towards what is considered the celebration of the greatest event in human history.
I attended our church and worked in the parking lot, like I do every Sunday. Our church had 3 services on Saturday evening as well, but we went out of town to visit some in-laws or I would have been there for that, too. I love the place, the people and it has shaped nearly everything about my life. From my marriage, to how I raise my kids, to who I spend my time with, to how I work to what I do with my spare time, so much of who I am was learned and influenced by the people and teaching of the church.
During the service, they showed a video of a man who had his life changed by God. He was 50 years old, on his 3rd marriage, an alcoholic and depressed when his wife started getting him to come to church. After a few weeks of coming to church, he finally decided he believed in Jesus and it changed his entire life. For the past 10 years now, he has had a great marriage, has been sober and no more depression. God saved not just his soul from hell, but his life on earth. That is what God does for people and that is what the church should be about. Our church is filled with 100's of these type of stories and it is why nearly 10,000 people show up every week in a small city in Southwest Missouri. Not because of a nice building or tradition or smooth sermons or entertaining music, but because it is bringing purpose and life to many people who desperately need it by simply teaching and practicing the Bible. That is what Easter is about.