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Do stupid fans of your team (1 Viewer)

P Boy

Listening to local radio this morning, and the newscasters are talking about the DEN/PIT game. One of them has come up with a "cute" top 10 reasons why DEN will beat PIT. Reason #1 is no man should have longer hair than his wife or mother, so Polamalu shouldn't be playing - or soemthing of that nature. Pretty banal unfunny schtick, which is fine, it's harmless.Then another newscaster starts in with why it's legal to tackle someone by their hair, citing Ricky Williams a couple of years ago. The female newscaster then chimes in, "They ought to tell John Lynch about that Pittsbirgh guy so he can go out & tackle him by his hair.":eek:She has absolutely no clue as she is speaking that Lynch & Polamalu are both defensive players & that the odds of them ever meeting on the field of play are slim & none, and Slim just road out of town...Then listening on a local talk show, someone actually references this & comes up with this 5 minute scheme about how Shanahan should send Putzier down the field and then he should grab Polamalu by the hair & swing him around & tackle him by the hair, and that would take Polamalu out of the rest of the game mentally because he would be worried about his hair. :loco: I know that uninterested fans start getting interested in local teams when the playoffs come around, but do they really feel such a great need to open their mouths & show everyone what complete ignoramouses that they are? :rant: :stepsoffsoapbox:

Typical idiots that call in to talk shows. I don't know why radio stations feel compelled to put them on the air rather than the fans that know what they're talking about...maybe to make themselves look smarter? When your brightest ideas for offensive and defensive schemes is tugging on some guy's hair, you should probably keep that to yourself and tell the whole city about it. "Hey man, did you hear me on the radio?" "Yeah, you're a ####### moron."

Which teams are playing in the AFC "Championship" game again....?EDIT for: Yes, they do. And, a big..... :P

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I'm an Eagles fan. That statement alone should answer the question in your title. I'm just sooooo glad Antonio Davis and the Knicks were playing in Chicago.

There are tons of fans here in Jacksonville that want to cut Leftwich or trade him for a late round draft pick if some team is stupid enough to give it up. Because Garrard is obviously a better QB and Leftwich is a bust. Of course this is only the lastest group replacing the previous, Brunell is better than Leftwich, Garrard is better than Brunell, Rob Johnson is better than Brunell groups.

But I think a lot of us forget that the average fan spends maybe an hour a week outside of game time thinking about pro football.

I think Pony Boy is really talking about stupid female newscasters who know nothing about sports but pretend that they actually know something about the "hot" local team because talking about it brings in ratings.That is extremely annoying to me.

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Listening to local radio this morning, and the newscasters are talking about the DEN/PIT game. One of them has come up with a "cute" top 10 reasons why DEN will beat PIT. Reason #1 is no man should have longer hair than his wife or mother, so Polamalu shouldn't be playing - or soemthing of that nature. Pretty banal unfunny schtick, which is fine, it's harmless.

Then another newscaster starts in with why it's legal to tackle someone by their hair, citing Ricky Williams a couple of years ago. The female newscaster then chimes in, "They ought to tell John Lynch about that Pittsbirgh guy so he can go out & tackle him by his hair."


She has absolutely no clue as she is speaking that Lynch & Polamalu are both defensive players & that the odds of them ever meeting on the field of play are slim & none, and Slim just road out of town...

Then listening on a local talk show, someone actually references this & comes up with this 5 minute scheme about how Shanahan should send Putzier down the field and then he should grab Polamalu by the hair & swing him around & tackle him by the hair, and that would take Polamalu out of the rest of the game mentally because he would be worried about his hair.


I know that uninterested fans start getting interested in local teams when the playoffs come around, but do they really feel such a great need to open their mouths & show everyone what complete ignoramouses that they are?


Maybe this is the downside of that altitude and thin air you guys are touting. :popcorn:
Ponyboy, I was just wondering which sports show you were listening to. I was listening to 950 the fan and somebody called in saying that he thought Cowher is a good coach and has a good chance of winning (he pauses just long enough for people to start thinking he's pulling for the Steelers) then he says "the pro bowl. I about spilled my coffee. Score one for originality.Thats what you're gonna get when you get a public opinion on anything not just football. For every good ,funny, or original comment, you get about 20 lame ones.I usually listen to the fan for sports radio. Occasionally 560 ESPN radio. Does whatever station you were listening to have any good shows?

Ponyboy, I was just wondering which sports show you were listening to.  I was listening to 950 the fan and somebody called in saying that he thought Cowher is a good coach and has a good chance of winning (he pauses just long enough for people to start thinking he's pulling for the Steelers) then he says "the pro bowl.  I about spilled my coffee.  Score one for originality.

Thats what you're gonna get when you get a public opinion on anything not just football.  For every good ,funny, or original comment, you get about 20 lame ones.

I usually listen to the fan for sports radio. Occasionally 560 ESPN radio.  Does whatever station you were listening to have any good shows?
I heard the 950 The Fan call - pretty damn funny, he set it up well.Both the above I referenced were on 850 KOA. I'm really starting to lean to 560 ESPN. Pretty solid opinion overall.

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Ponyboy, I was just wondering which sports show you were listening to. I was listening to 950 the fan and somebody called in saying that he thought Cowher is a good coach and has a good chance of winning (he pauses just long enough for people to start thinking he's pulling for the Steelers) then he says "the pro bowl. I about spilled my coffee. Score one for originality.

Thats what you're gonna get when you get a public opinion on anything not just football. For every good ,funny, or original comment, you get about 20 lame ones.

I usually listen to the fan for sports radio. Occasionally 560 ESPN radio. Does whatever station you were listening to have any good shows?
It's just as bad here in Philly on 610WIP. A couple years back when McNabb broke his ankle after the Arizona game and then Koy subsequently got hurt in the SF game, when Feely came in and won the remaining season games (I think he may have lost to the Giants... can't remember) then McNabb came back and lost in the playoffs, fans were calling in for MONTHS saying AJ should be starting.... ridiculous.Even after he was traded to Miami callers were coming on saying the Eagles made a mistake. :rant: It was enough to make you want to drive off the road listening to caller after caller with this crap.

Ponyboy, I was just wondering which sports show you were listening to.  I was listening to 950 the fan and somebody called in saying that he thought Cowher is a good coach and has a good chance of winning (he pauses just long enough for people to start thinking he's pulling for the Steelers) then he says "the pro bowl.  I about spilled my coffee.  Score one for originality.

Thats what you're gonna get when you get a public opinion on anything not just football.  For every good ,funny, or original comment, you get about 20 lame ones.

I usually listen to the fan for sports radio. Occasionally 560 ESPN radio.  Does whatever station you were listening to have any good shows?
It's just as bad here in Philly on 610WIP. A couple years back when McNabb broke his ankle after the Arizona game and then Koy subsequently got hurt in the SF game, when Feely came in and won the remaining season games (I think he may have lost to the Giants... can't remember) then McNabb came back and lost in the playoffs, fans were calling in for MONTHS saying AJ should be starting.... ridiculous.Even after he was traded to Miami callers were coming on saying the Eagles made a mistake. :rant: It was enough to make you want to drive off the road listening to caller after caller with this crap.
Making fun of Philly fans is like making fun of the kids on the :11:Stay on topic, guy.

It can't be much worse than the New Orleans talk show callers. If I hadn't moved to Sirius radio I'd be listening to two or three calls a night about how the Saints should trade the #2 and Brooks for Peyton Manning, since Manning is from N.O.I'm not exaggerating.

Unfortunately, I live in Missouri while being a huge Broncos fans, so we don't have stupid fans of "my" team here. There are no fans of my team.But, I have to deal with stupid Chiefs fans every time I wear anything Broncos-related. Seriously, get a life. There are a few good ones, but everyone else likes to destroy the national anthem at Mizzou BASKETBALL games, with "home...of the...chiiieeefffsss..." Seriously.*end rant*

Ponyboy, I was just wondering which sports show you were listening to.  I was listening to 950 the fan and somebody called in saying that he thought Cowher is a good coach and has a good chance of winning (he pauses just long enough for people to start thinking he's pulling for the Steelers) then he says "the pro bowl.  I about spilled my coffee.  Score one for originality.

Thats what you're gonna get when you get a public opinion on anything not just football.  For every good ,funny, or original comment, you get about 20 lame ones.

I usually listen to the fan for sports radio. Occasionally 560 ESPN radio.  Does whatever station you were listening to have any good shows?
It's just as bad here in Philly on 610WIP. A couple years back when McNabb broke his ankle after the Arizona game and then Koy subsequently got hurt in the SF game, when Feely came in and won the remaining season games (I think he may have lost to the Giants... can't remember) then McNabb came back and lost in the playoffs, fans were calling in for MONTHS saying AJ should be starting.... ridiculous.Even after he was traded to Miami callers were coming on saying the Eagles made a mistake. :rant: It was enough to make you want to drive off the road listening to caller after caller with this crap.
Making fun of Philly fans is like making fun of the kids on the :11:Stay on topic, guy.
Ignorant fans of other teams that have nothing better to do than take shots at Eagles fans is what I find most absurd.
So they think that having an overly hairy franchise player is a detriment... and they think this is good for the Broncos?

Ponyboy, I was just wondering which sports show you were listening to.  I was listening to 950 the fan and somebody called in saying that he thought Cowher is a good coach and has a good chance of winning (he pauses just long enough for people to start thinking he's pulling for the Steelers) then he says "the pro bowl.  I about spilled my coffee.  Score one for originality.

Thats what you're gonna get when you get a public opinion on anything not just football.  For every good ,funny, or original comment, you get about 20 lame ones.

I usually listen to the fan for sports radio. Occasionally 560 ESPN radio.  Does whatever station you were listening to have any good shows?
I heard the 950 The Fan call - pretty damn funny, he set it up well.Both the above I referenced were on 850 KOA. I'm really starting to lean to 560 ESPN. Pretty solid opinion overall.
I like the Scott Hastings/Alfred Williams show on after Rome on 950. 560 doesn't have enough local flavor for my taste.
Homer radio is the best advertisement for satellite that exists. It's probably the same in all NFL cities, but even ESPN here in Denver is a homer channel. The only 2 I can listen to are Irv and Joe, and that's just because Joe has to take such a contrarian point of view that he makes me laugh. I think Bronco fans are famous for their myopia.

In answer to your question... BLEEP YES!!! :hot: Seriously, I avoid most local sports talk because of the homerism of the hosts and callers. (Even though I root for the Indians and Steelers while living within earshot of both Baltimore and DC and have no teams being discussed locally.) What really makes my butt tired are the casual fans who wear the tinfoil hats, looking for conspiracies or controversies where they don't exist. For example, I took a tour of Busch stadium while in St. Louis back in the late 80s. The tour guide takes me and another guy ALL OVER Busch. When we get to the press box, the guide tell us about here's where Jack Buck does the game and over on the other side of a glass wall is where the visiting team's announcers are. Dude breaks out with, "Man, they must have to have that wall there to keep the announcers from fighting." :shock: :loco: :eek: :hot: :thumbdown: :no: Coming in second are the fans who only follow the team when they're winning or who will talk to me about my teams when they're winning and saying stupid things that show they don't follow the team. "I know you're trying to be nice by asking me about the Indians, but could we not talk about Joe Charboneau? He hasn't played anything but beer league softball since 1982." :loco:


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