Generally approve.
Biden's cabinet is filled with sane, competent people. His Supreme Court appointment is objectively extremely well qualified.
On domestic legislation, the infrastructure bill is a major accomplishment.
I did think the Democrats' emphasis on (failed) voting-rights legislation was misguided. The focus should have been on election security. Biden should have provided better guidance there.
His administration has been disappointing on COVID. The vaccine rollout was terrific, but the lack of cheap, easily available testing is frustrating. There's plenty of room for improvement on federal COVID policies more generally.
His administration has also been disappointing on trade, continuing a lot of Trump's bad policies.
On inflation, the main influence the president has is his appointment of the federal reserve chairman. In this case, Biden kept Jay Powell on the job. People are criticizing him for that now, but I don't remember anybody (except AOC and Elizabeth Warren) criticizing him at the time that decision was made. That kind of after-the-fact criticism doesn't count.
Some have criticized Biden's immigration policies. I don't have an opinion there. (I have an opinion about immigration: it is beneficial and we could use more of it. I just don't have an opinion about specific policies.)
On Afghanistan, I don't have a strong opinion about whether pulling out was the right decision, but I think it probably was. In terms of the execution, I think the Biden administration was more lucky than good, but the result was terrific. The inevitable collapse of the Afghan government and seizure of control by the Taliban was achieved quickly and without much violence. That's way better than a more drawn-out affair would have been.
On Ukraine, Biden's been great. NATO is a lot stronger than it was a few years ago. U.S. intelligence was on point, and our diplomacy with western Europe has been effective.
On public speaking, Biden is bad. I give him a C+. In the grand scheme of things, that seems like kind of a nitpick.
His tweeting seems fine.