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Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president? (1 Viewer)

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?

  • Approve

    Votes: 76 49.0%
  • Disapprove

    Votes: 79 51.0%

  • Total voters
Well it's two years later...but that isn't the point. Much like making the important part of what was said that he merely suggested studying bleach be injected as a cure or injecting light into the body rather than saying to do this. At the time this was brought up people were looking to anything and it was nuts for this to be mentioned by the President talking to the country.

People are going to harp on is how crazy it sounds, this is why it is still talked about 2 years later. It was a remarkable illustration of how nuts those press conferences were. This pretty much ended Don's centerpiece role in them.

On a side note, of the articles I have seen posed in here they all were reporting this accurately I believe as well. 
Articles yes. But posters here are STILL coming at us with. Donald said inject.  I cant believe people are defending him on this and on and on.  We even have posters who say they heard something different and to ignore what he actually did say.  Thats the amazing part

Unreal people are defending Trump about his bleach comments almost two years later.

It's very important to parse every word Trump said in order to determine if he fully recommended using bleach, or just wondered aloud about it at a press conference leading a bunch of idiots to actually try it because they heard the president talk about it. 

I know this because I heard it from the same people who consistently tell me that Hillary Clinton said all Trump supporters are deplorable, that Al Gore claimed to have invented the internet, and that Nancy Pelosi was talking about members of Congress when she said we have to read the ACA to know what's in it. These kind souls are very concerned with compete honesty and objectivity in describing the past statements of politicians.

Generally approve.

Biden's cabinet is filled with sane, competent people. His Supreme Court appointment is objectively extremely well qualified.

On domestic legislation, the infrastructure bill is a major accomplishment.

I did think the Democrats' emphasis on (failed) voting-rights legislation was misguided. The focus should have been on election security. Biden should have provided better guidance there.

His administration has been disappointing on COVID. The vaccine rollout was terrific, but the lack of cheap, easily available testing is frustrating. There's plenty of room for improvement on federal COVID policies more generally.

His administration has also been disappointing on trade, continuing a lot of Trump's bad policies.

On inflation, the main influence the president has is his appointment of the federal reserve chairman. In this case, Biden kept Jay Powell on the job. People are criticizing him for that now, but I don't remember anybody (except AOC and Elizabeth Warren) criticizing him at the time that decision was made. That kind of after-the-fact criticism doesn't count.

Some have criticized Biden's immigration policies. I don't have an opinion there. (I have an opinion about immigration: it is beneficial and we could use more of it. I just don't have an opinion about specific policies.)

On Afghanistan, I don't have a strong opinion about whether pulling out was the right decision, but I think it probably was. In terms of the execution, I think the Biden administration was more lucky than good, but the result was terrific. The inevitable collapse of the Afghan government and seizure of control by the Taliban was achieved quickly and without much violence. That's way better than a more drawn-out affair would have been.

On Ukraine, Biden's been great. NATO is a lot stronger than it was a few years ago. U.S. intelligence was on point, and our diplomacy with western Europe has been effective.

On public speaking, Biden is bad. I give him a C+. In the grand scheme of things, that seems like kind of a nitpick.

His tweeting seems fine.

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Articles yes. But posters here are STILL coming at us with. Donald said inject.  I cant believe people are defending him on this and on and on.  We even have posters who say they heard something different and to ignore what he actually did say.  Thats the amazing part
This is where I don’t see an importance in the distinction. It was a crazy thing to say and for many who don’t follow closely a peak behind the curtains of the crazy. That it became political fodder is not surprising.

This is where I don’t see an importance in the distinction. It was a crazy thing to say and for many who don’t follow closely a peak behind the curtains of the crazy. That it became political fodder is not surprising.
It only became political fodder to the media that was biased against him.  Then it became MASSIVE.  And it was sucked up through a straw.  Even now,  with clear evidence he did not say those things, it is being repeated here that he did.  And when someone tries to say it was untrue, he gets labelled as a Trump defender.

As I have said, Trump was a complete disaster for the most part.  But I would like to make sure we are dealing with truth and not lies. Especially when those lies are media fueled.  It bothers me.  That's all

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ok so we're back to the question I asked .... all of these things Biden voters expected? and if they did .... what did they expect if Trump was re-elected? 

I mean record inflation, gas, Russia in Ukraine, the debacle in Afghanistan, the record illegals .... all of that was what Biden voters EXPECTED ???  really ?
back to business as usual, before Trump derailed the graft gravy train

I can imagine a whole ####ton of things, and chances are they'd be reality if he was in charge right now. China and Russia knew a buffoon when they had one on the hook, and they advanced quite readily with him at the helm. Don't forget, these operations take a ton of planning, and despite how poor Russia's effort was because of internal corruption, it was planned years in advance, fellas. 
how is it the USA started and engaged in ZERO conflicts under the buffoon's term?

China and Russia must have slept thru those 4 years .

how is it the USA started and engaged in ZERO conflicts under the buffoon's term?

China and Russia must have slept thru those 4 years .

luck? or Trump understood how to negotiate with Russia/NK better?  maybe it's more just Biden being much weaker than Trump ? we don't really know

what we know is, people said vote Trump and we'd have inflation/war/conflict/hundreds of thousands more covid deaths' etc ....... so they voted Biden and we have inflation/war/conflict/hundreds of thousands more covid deaths

certainly - you jest

not at all

we don't KNOW if Putin/Russia would have invaded Ukraine if Trump was President

I suspect he'd still have tried .... and probably would have but maybe Trump could have stopped it? We'll never know

What we DO know, is Biden talked tough o Putin/Russia during election year ... and Putin made a laughing stock of Biden and did whatever he wanted to do within the first 14-16 months of Biden's presidency

What are the options? What do you think he should do? I'm not an economist, so I won't pretend to know. How much of this can be isolated from overall global inflation?
So much chatter to sift through yesterday about the ramblings of a crazy old man, yet MT's post and this...crickets.

We deserve the representation we get.

So much chatter to sift through yesterday about the ramblings of a crazy old man, yet MT's post and this...crickets.

We deserve the representation we get.
So stupid. I made one comment about his temperament, demeanor, and off-the-cuff skills (virtually none) as it related to bleach, and it turned into a "YOU BELIEVE MEDIA LIES!" It's not even worthy of discussion, really, and is just a sideshow to detract from the would-be dictator still pulling strings in the Republican Party, dying for another chance to be President. 

not at all

we don't KNOW if Putin/Russia would have invaded Ukraine if Trump was President

I suspect he'd still have tried .... and probably would have but maybe Trump could have stopped it? We'll never know

What we DO know, is Biden talked tough o Putin/Russia during election year ... and Putin made a laughing stock of Biden and did whatever he wanted to do within the first 14-16 months of Biden's presidency

I think Biden has been a major disappointment but I don't think Putin made a laughing stock out of anyone but himself.   What Putin has done is crippled Russia's economy, strengthened NATO, and allowed Ukraine to prove to the world that Russia's military is outdated and inept to a large degree.  If that is Putin's way of owning Biden he seriously miscalculated.

I also don't get how Trump would have stopped Russia's invasion.   Do you think that Trump would have gotten the US military directly involved to stop the invasion?  In my mind that is the only way Trump could have changed where we are at now and the risks in that scenario were just too great to take.

Are you suggesting that Trump had the skills to negotiate with Putin?  It is obvious that Putin's goal is total control of Ukraine.  I am not sure what leverage Trump would have had that could have dissuaded Putin from that goal.  Going by Trump's interactions with Putin I can't see his administration levying harsher economic sanctions than Biden.   

I don't see a scenario, short of direct military involvement, where the Trump administration stops the invasion.  I think it would be much more likely that Trump would have issued a lukewarm condemnation of the invasion mixed with a bit of anti-Ukrainian rhetoric like "there are bad hombres on both sides".  

Like you said, we'll never know...

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So stupid. I made one comment about his temperament, demeanor, and off-the-cuff skills (virtually none) as it related to bleach, and it turned into a "YOU BELIEVE MEDIA LIES!" It's not even worthy of discussion, really, and is just a sideshow to detract from the would-be dictator still pulling strings in the Republican Party, dying for another chance to be President. 
It's one of many refreshing reminders why I'm a right leaning blue voter until something changes (it won't). Democratic ideals are generally not pragmatic ways to govern, but we're paralyzed as long...that is the alternative.

Are you suggesting that Trump had the skills to negotiate with Putin?  It is obvious that Putin's goal is total control of Ukraine.  I am not sure what leverage Trump would have had that could have dissuaded Putin from that goal.  Going by Trump's interactions with Putin I can't see his administration levying harsher economic sanctions than Biden.   

that's the only scenario I could envision yes and it'd have been a longshot and I'm not sure what Trump could have bargained/dealt but that's what he did

we'll never know, what we do know is this happened during Biden's leadership

that's the only scenario I could envision yes and it'd have been a longshot and I'm not sure what Trump could have bargained/dealt but that's what he did

we'll never know, what we do know is this happened during Biden's leadership
Trump told us Putin putting all his soldiers on the border was a genius move and that it was a brilliant negotiating strategy. 

Trump told us Putin putting all his soldiers on the border was a genius move and that it was a brilliant negotiating strategy. 

you're s stickler for getting quotes right and in context ... what did Trump exactly say ? 

(and if was Biden saying it, it'd have just been another gaffe wouldn't it ?)

you're s stickler for getting quotes right and in context ... what did Trump exactly say ? 

(and if was Biden saying it, it'd have just been another gaffe wouldn't it ?)
It was rambling and odd commentary from Don. I'll let you google it (Trump Genius Putin should do it) and listen for yourself the original comments, his later attempts to clean it up, then you can justify what he said.

It was rambling and odd commentary from Don. I'll let you google it (Trump Genius Putin should do it) and listen for yourself the original comments, his later attempts to clean it up, then you can justify what he said.

i know what he said, and what you said wasn't what he said. What you said is what CNN said he said

i know what he said, and what you said wasn't what he said. What you said is what CNN said he said
I don't think you do. He called it a genius move and that it was part of a great negotiation on a few occasions after his initial interview where he rambled about this. You can read it on his online diary he keeps one were he was ranting about Morning Joe.

I don't think you do. He called it a genius move and that it was part of a great negotiation on a few occasions after his initial interview where he rambled about this. You can read it on his online diary he keeps one were he was ranting about Morning Joe.

now you're just playing me !!

good one The General .. you almost had me going there !! 

now you're just playing me !!

good one The General .. you almost had me going there !! 
Online Diary of DJT

The Fake News is also saying I called Putin a “genius,” when actually, and to be precise, I called his build-up on the Ukraine Border before the war started genius because I assumed he would be easily able to negotiate a great deal for Russia. The U.S. and NATO would agree to give Russia what they wanted.

He has said similar stuff at his pep rallies many times as well. He has no clue. Thank baby Jesus he wasn't the Prez when this went down.

Online Diary of DJT

The Fake News is also saying I called Putin a “genius,” when actually, and to be precise, I called his build-up on the Ukraine Border before the war started genius because I assumed he would be easily able to negotiate a great deal for Russia. The U.S. and NATO would agree to give Russia what they wanted.

He has said similar stuff at his pep rallies many times as well. He has no clue. Thank baby Jesus he wasn't the Prez when this went down.

 "I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine -- of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful."

That's what Trump literally said wasn't it ?

a yes or no will work

 "I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine -- of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful."

That's what Trump literally said wasn't it ?

a yes or no will work
Yes. He thought this was some genius strategy by Putin. 

I just gave you his own post from his diary. He wrote exactly what I said - he thought Putin’s moves were genius, and assumed he would be easily able to negotiate a great deal for Russia but he “overplayed his hand” :lol:  

When laying blame on Biden administration for Russia invading the Ukraine and implying the previous guy through his amazing negotiating skills would have avoided this then we have to backtrack a little. 

You can't help it.

I get it.

You should really look back at your own posts.  See how many times you go there, no matter what the topic is.

You can't help it.

I get it.

You should really look back at your own posts.  See how many times you go there, no matter what the topic is.
I will keep this in mind. In this thread I have been talking about Trump when he was inserted into the convo with something. If people want to respond I usually will. 

In this case I find Biden’s handling of Ukraine has been excellent. One of his highlights. 

In this case I find Biden’s handling of Ukraine has been excellent. One of his highlights. 
I honestly think Biden has handled this much better than Obama would have. Obama started out really good in foreign policy (mainly because he had Hillary, who was quite possibly our best ever Secretary of State.) But then he replaced Hillary with the incompetent John Kerry. I don’t believe the team of Obama and Kerry would have stood up well against Putin- actually we know they didn’t. 

I honestly think Biden has handled this much better than Obama would have. Obama started out really good in foreign policy (mainly because he had Hillary, who was quite possibly our best ever Secretary of State.) But then he replaced Hillary with the incompetent John Kerry. I don’t believe the team of Obama and Kerry would have stood up well against Putin- actually we know they didn’t. 
Interesting. Every situation is unique but no arguments from me that thus far this has been one of Biden’s, our IC / State Department’s best moments - absolutely for his short time in and in recent history for State.

If Ukraine and Russia can somehow unwind this without it dragging on for an extended period it will be quite the trick. 

NATO continuing to provide assistance and pressure without a disastrous outcome while adding Finland, Sweden, and perhaps Ukraine would be truly remarkable. 

When laying blame on Biden administration for Russia invading the Ukraine and implying the previous guy through his amazing negotiating skills would have avoided this then we have to backtrack a little. 

its Biden's administration and he has to own what happens during it - just like Trump and Obama and GW did and we don't know if Trump could have done something or not

we know Biden didn't

Right - Putin/Russia invaded and has done everything they wanted to do. Biden was brilliant 
Biden tried to tell Putin not to do this. Instead he did and is getting humiliated, wrecked his economy, strengthened and likely grew NATO, we haven’t gotten drawn into it. State Dept was telling us all Putin’s moves in advance.

That’s as good an outcome I could see coming from this tragic situation. 

Biden tried to tell Putin not to do this. Instead he did and is getting humiliated, wrecked his economy, strengthened and likely grew NATO, we haven’t gotten drawn into it. State Dept was telling us all Putin’s moves in advance.

That’s as good an outcome I could see coming from this tragic situation. 

Biden sure handled him didn't he? Very well ?

Putin is exactly where he expected to be. He will eventually IMO take Ukraine, gathering a very large, very productive country back in Russia control

"good outcome" is not what I see and not to mention we're sitting back here watching China buddy up to Putin and still buying all their cheap crap with no sanctions at all there huh? 

Biden sure handled him didn't he? Very well ?

Putin is exactly where he expected to be. He will eventually IMO take Ukraine, gathering a very large, very productive country back in Russia control

"good outcome" is not what I see and not to mention we're sitting back here watching China buddy up to Putin and still buying all their cheap crap with no sanctions at all there huh? 
Yes I have said repeatedly Biden has handled this well.

Perhaps Russia does take portions of Ukraine, perhaps all. We have no control beyond what we are doing outside of directly fighting Russia. Is this what you would like to see happen?

You would propose to begin another trade war with China it seems - to what end? How would this impact the economy, inflations, global supply. This seems like a very poor idea.

Yes I have said repeatedly Biden has handled this well.

Perhaps Russia does take portions of Ukraine, perhaps all. We have no control beyond what we are doing outside of directly fighting Russia. Is this what you would like to see happen?

You would propose to begin another trade war with China it seems - to what end? How would this impact the economy, inflations, global supply. This seems like a very poor idea.

oh I'm not a world leader ... but how would Biden have handled this not well in your opinion? We were always going to do the sanctions and send Ukraine help etc - that was a given

Biden did what any President would have done - and Putin/Russia expected all the sanctions etc and they don't care, they're going to get what they want

that's not handling anyone - that's BEING handled 

oh I'm not a world leader ... but how would Biden have handled this not well in your opinion? We were always going to do the sanctions and send Ukraine help etc - that was a given

Biden did what any President would have done - and Putin/Russia expected all the sanctions etc and they don't care, they're going to get what they want

that's not handling anyone - that's BEING handled 
Us being drawn into a war, US troops in Ukraine, a NATO country's soldiers being attacked creating a scenario where there must be a retaliation, a no-fly zone established, not unifying NATO would be a few outcomes that I would rate as disastrous.

How do you know how sanctions were organized or would have been under another Prez? How do you know what any president would do? You have no clue. Finland and Sweden are now likely join gin NATO. Russia is getting humiliated. This is working out very poorly for them.

Do you want us to go to war with Russia?

Do you want another trade ware with China?

Us being drawn into a war, US troops in Ukraine, a NATO country's soldiers being attacked creating a scenario where there must be a retaliation, a no-fly zone established, not unifying NATO would be a few outcomes that I would rate as disastrous.

you'd blame Biden for any of the above? why ?

Russia is getting humiliated. This is working out very poorly for them.

you really believe that?  wow .... Putin has done whatever he wanted, when he wanted with nobody standing in his way ..... that's humiliation and working out poorly ? 

you'd blame Biden for any of the above? why ?

you really believe that?  wow .... Putin has done whatever he wanted, when he wanted with nobody standing in his way ..... that's humiliation and working out poorly ? 
Yes.I would blame Biden if we placed troops in Ukraine. Yes I would be critical of Biden for failing to align NATO.

Russia has gotten their asses handed to them, strengthened and likely expanded NATO in the process. What are you talking about?

I noticed you have dodged questions so think we can move on as we have had the rest of this convo a couple times already.

Yes.I would blame Biden if we placed troops in Ukraine. Yes I would be critical of Biden for failing to align NATO.

Russia has gotten their asses handed to them, strengthened and likely expanded NATO in the process. What are you talking about?

I noticed you have dodged questions so think we can move on as we have had the rest of this convo a couple times already.

Oh I don't think we should put troops against Russia at all. I think Putin and Russia realized with Biden they had an excellent opportunity and they took it. Biden and NATO and the world isn't handing Putin/Russia anything IMO - Putin and Russia is doing what they want, how they want, on their time frame and everything that's happened so far I think falls right in with what Putin and Russia expected and planned

Generally approve.

Biden's cabinet is filled with sane, competent people. His Supreme Court appointment is objectively extremely well qualified.

On domestic legislation, the infrastructure bill is a major accomplishment.

I did think the Democrats' emphasis on (failed) voting-rights legislation was misguided. The focus should have been on election security. Biden should have provided better guidance there.

His administration has been disappointing on COVID. The vaccine rollout was terrific, but the lack of cheap, easily available testing is frustrating. There's plenty of room for improvement on federal COVID policies more generally.

His administration has also been disappointing on trade, continuing a lot of Trump's bad policies.

On inflation, the main influence the president has is his appointment of the federal reserve chairman. In this case, Biden kept Jay Powell on the job. People are criticizing him for that now, but I don't remember anybody (except AOC and Elizabeth Warren) criticizing him at the time that decision was made. That kind of after-the-fact criticism doesn't count.

Some have criticized Biden's immigration policies. I don't have an opinion there. (I have an opinion about immigration: it is beneficial and we could use more of it. I just don't have an opinion about specific policies.)

On Afghanistan, I don't have a strong opinion about whether pulling out was the right decision, but I think it probably was. In terms of the execution, I think the Biden administration was more lucky than good, but the result was terrific. The inevitable collapse of the Afghan government and seizure of control by the Taliban was achieved quickly and without much violence. That's way better than a more drawn-out affair would have been.

On Ukraine, Biden's been great. NATO is a lot stronger than it was a few years ago. U.S. intelligence was on point, and our diplomacy with western Europe has been effective.

On public speaking, Biden is bad. I give him a C+. In the grand scheme of things, that seems like kind of a nitpick.

His tweeting seems fine.
Great post Maurile - I don’t totally agree with everything you say here but at least you are discussing the OP.


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