I guess I like my rum and coke weaker than normal then, because most bars/restaurants around me (MS) will pour half rum then top it with coke. And I prefer spiced rum (Sailor Jerry, Kraken, Capt Morgan, etc), as it adds a sweeter/caramel-ish flavor. Most restaurants pour Bacardi (blech), and if you ask for spiced you get Myers (blech), or you pay $12-15 for the above which is too steep IMO.
I get that alcohol is a sedative, but I guess I'm thinking of too many movies where the guy pours himself a scotch, takes a sip, and instantly there's a "ahhhhh that's better" reaction as if the stress of the day is magically lifted. Fake news.
I'm not drinking to de-stress (that's what the gym is for), and I'm not drinking to get drunk, I just genuinely enjoy the taste of (homemade) rum and coke.