I do not understand all the love for Wayne over TO...
Over the last 3 years in Zealots leagues Wayne is averaging 9.66 points per week while TO is averaging 14.0 points per week...
While it is true that TO missed a lot of games last year due to his suspension that is the abberation not the norm...
Do you think he will miss 9 games every season from here on out...
Also Waynes weekly average was worse in 2005 than 2004 and about the same as in 2003. He was only the 24th scoring WR last year on a weekly average...
How they did the previous 3 years isn't helpful in predicting the future. TO has a year, maybe two, left of being a top 10 WR while Wayne is just hitting his prime and has the most reliable QB in the league throwing to him. Just looking at this season I can understand taking TO, but if you look to 2007 and beyond then Wayne is the easy choice.
3 years in FF, even a dynasty league is forever and I think TO will be a top 5 WR for the next 3 years at least...So I think you undervalue TO a lot...
One thing I have learned playing in the Zealtos leagues is that you play to win this year while trying to draft for the future...
I disagree that you cannot look back over recent history and not make a case for the next...
How is one to make projections if history is not taken into consideration...