The Eagles are obviously favored, but I'm not scared.Heres the deal, you overrated bums.....Whoever wants in the bet, post in here before Friday 4pm est. Around that time, we will unveil our sigs that the losers must keep in their profile. They must keep them in their profile until the other team loses again. So for example, if the Ravens win vs the Eagles, then all of the Eagles fans will have to keep the sig in their profile until the Ravens lose another game. And vise versa.As many people who want in may participate. Ravens fans...join me if you wish. For all of the Eagles fans, you guys must somehow come to an agreement on the sig. For the Ravens fans, I'll handle it since I'm the one doing the challenge. Most of these are self explanatory, but a few rules about the sig: Keep it at a moderate length(lets say under 400 words- that should be easily more than enough), no offensive language, and no personal attacks- You may make it anything you want about football or fantasy football. And you can even make it somewhat personal as long as you're not too meanspirited...for example, I have no problem with someone making me say, "I obviously have no clue about football." However, lets not bring up personal issues or anything like that....basically, just nothing that would get the mods mad or that would cause us to actually cause dissension...Really, we shouldn't have a problem with this at all. I just wanted to cover it just in case.Oh and just to add...yes I do consider making fun of R Lewis' murder charge to be personal and not football-related. Sorry if you all consider that unfair, but I don't think thats appropriate to joke around about.GL to you all...Look forward to seeing you choke in another NFC Championship game this year.Edit: full list of those who are in is on page 3 of this thread
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