is calling Trump illegitimate the same thing as not accepting the results of the election?
People forget how
violent protests were when Trump was elected. It was like January 6 times 50 with violent protests going on in cities across the US. You are really splitting hairs by trying to differentiate between illegitimate and stolen.
When you have elections it is natural that a lot of people are not going to like the results. This is not a threat to America and what we stand for. Protests and being able to freely express our opinions are the very foundation of what this country was founded on. People questioning election results (whether they call it illegitimate or stolen) are not a threat to this Republic.
What is a threat is the demonzation of one side as an excuse to shutdown free speech by arresting people for nonviolent actions, targeting political enemies under the guise of minor violations of the law, raiding the homes of unfriendly media, deplatforming individuals for 'hate' speech, weaponizing the FBI/DOJ by declaring Republicans as our biggest threat. Biden actions are much closer to fascism than the Trump supporters he puts the fascist label on and are by far the biggest threat our freedoms we face. If you don't stand up for speech, you don't stand up for a free society.